
'View': ‘Scary’ ‘Bum-In-Chief’ Advocating For ‘Illegal’ NFL Firings

September 25th, 2017 3:13 PM
Monday on ABC’s The View, the hosts continued their network’s obsessive coverage and hysterical handling of the NFL protests this weekend, that were in response to President Trump’s condemnation of the league allowing them to happen in the first place. The ladies at The View took a hard left position on the protests, as to be expected, praising Colin Kaepernick as “very American,” and bashing…

NBC Hypes NFL ‘Firestorm of Resistance’ Against Trump

September 25th, 2017 1:45 PM
While NBC’s Today hailed NFL Quarterback Colin Kaepernick as a hero last year over his refusal to stand during the National Anthem, on Monday, the morning show was aghast at President Trump’s criticism of such protests. The broadcast hyped a “firestorm of resistance” against Trump across the NFL on Sunday.

Kaepernick, who Mocked Cops as Pigs, Called ‘Bridge Builder’ on CBS

September 25th, 2017 1:14 PM
In the wake of the latest NFL protests, CBS journalist James Brown on Monday praised Colin Kaepernick as a “bridge builder” and someone who deserves some “credit.” Brown appeared on CBS This Morning to cheer, “He's committed, he's put his money where his mouth is. Nearly a million through community efforts to be a bridge builder.” 

USA Today: NFL Players Akin to Ali, Robinson Fighting 'Racist' Trump

September 25th, 2017 12:29 PM
USA Today columnist Nancy Armour received front-page treatment on Monday, swooning over how “extraordinary” the anti-Trump, anti-National Anthem protests were during Sunday’s NFL games that made for “one of its finest moments” ever. Along with the gush and trashing Trump as a “racist,” she equated woke athletes with the actual heroics Muhammad Ali, Magic Johnson, Billie Jean King, and Jackie…

Flashback: When Tebow Knelt

September 25th, 2017 12:06 PM
Ah, the media double standard. When a NFL player kneels in protest, it’s considered “unifying,” according to MSNBC. When Tim Tebow kneels in prayer, NBC calls it “polarizing.”  

Actor to MSNBC: National Anthem a Scam ‘To Get Boys to Go Kill People'

September 25th, 2017 10:51 AM
First they came for the statues, now they are coming for the national anthem. The left wants to rip the virtue of patriotism from the public eye. For some progressives, it isn’t enough that NFL players use the anthem for their protest. The anthem itself is a problem. On Sunday, on MSNBC Live with Thomas Roberts, actor Jesse Williams (Grey’s Anatomy) expressed his opinion on Trump, the national…

GMA: Of Course Trump’s NFL Comments Were About Race!

September 25th, 2017 10:48 AM
As they’ve done all weekend, ABC and NBC have been practically apoplectic over President Trump’s comments against the NFL anthem protests Friday and Saturday. Many Americans took to social media to blast the league or their own teams for kneeling, which many see as disrespecting the flag and our country. But ABC didn’t seem to care what regular Americans felt about the protests; instead they…

CNN's Marc Lamont Hill Admits 'I Don't Stand for the National Anthem'

September 24th, 2017 9:29 PM
On Friday's CNN Tonight, during a discussion of President Donald Trump speaking out against Colin Kaepernick and other athletes who have kneeled instead of standing for the national anthem, far-left CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill admitted that he also does not stand for the anthem. Hill: "I come on here every week and talk about white supremacy -- I say Donald Trump is a white…

Singer John Legend Claims NFL Players' Protests Are Patriotic

September 24th, 2017 7:07 PM
NFL protests have given left-stream media a newfound "appreciation" of patriotism and the Constitution. Media covering this movement suffer from selective amnesia about U.S. history, however. Slate's John Legend is a protest apologist and historical revisionist as well who strains credibility.

AP Ignores Steeler Who Left Locker Room to Sing Anthem (UPDATED)

September 24th, 2017 5:17 PM
The Associated Press is virtually celebrating how, in reaction to "President Donald Trump’s criticism of players who protest during the national anthem," there was "a mass increase in such activism Sunday, with more than 100 NFL players sitting or kneeling, others raising their fists and whole teams standing with locked arms to display unity." The AP also reported that "One team, the Pittsburgh…

Barkley Slams ‘Ignorant Folks in Alabama’ for Applauding Trump

September 24th, 2017 4:41 PM
In the wake of President Trump’s comments about professional athletes kneeling during the National Anthem, sports commentator Charles Barkley appeared on CBS’s NFL Today where he attacked Trump supporters in his home state of Alabama shortly before kickoff on Sunday. Trump’s original comments on NFL players kneeling came during a campaign rally for Alabama Senator Luther Strange.

Media Coverage of Sports Protests Appalling, Trite

September 24th, 2017 3:15 PM
North Korea's madman dictator is threatening to nuke people off the face of the earth, but angry, vulgar, leftist athletes in America and their media apologists have been firing verbal warheads at the president of the United States all weekend.

MTP Panelist Stephen Henderson: National Anthem Is 'White Supremacist'

September 24th, 2017 2:57 PM
Sunday's Meet the Press on NBC showed the latest in a troubling trend toward the terms "white supremacist" or "white supremacy" being overused and misused to the point that one may be unsure what to call actual white supremacists who really do advocate racist attitudes and favor discrimination to artificially benefit whites. During a panel discussion of President Donald Trump condemning black…

ABC/NBC Smear Trump, Claim Racially Coded Rhetoric on Kneeling

September 24th, 2017 10:49 AM
Since Friday, the liberal media had been foaming at the mouth after President Trump made a series of comments arguing that athletes who disrespected the American flag by kneeling should be either fired or suspended. Come Sunday, two of the Big Three Networks (ABC and NBC) were eager to smear the President with claims of racism and assertions that he was on the wrong side of the issue.