Sports Writer Complains Protests Stress Unity over Police Brutality

September 27th, 2017 6:32 PM
Last weekend's unparalleled level of protest around the NFL was not acceptable to David Steele, of The Sporting News. More than 100 players dishonored America by kneeling during the national anthem and many more players, along with some owners, stood and linked arms. Steele said these activities were too long on unity and too short on police brutality.

NYT Reporters Demand NFL Fight Injustice of ‘White Conservatives’

September 27th, 2017 5:18 PM
The newly inflamed controversy over National Football League players protesting the National Anthem and American flag in the name of social justice landed New York Times’ sportswriter Juliet Macur on Tuesday’s front-page: “N.F.L. Players Knelt for Justice, But They Need a Lasting Stand.” Taking sides, Macur pushed for the protest to evolve, as evidenced by the story’s text box: “Shifting focus…

MSNBC, HuffPost: ‘Neanderthal’ Trump Wants Black Players to Suffer

September 27th, 2017 11:42 AM
In the liberal media world, it’s fashionable nowadays to say that Donald Trump is a racist. So in the aftermath of the NFL anthem protest, the racism accusations only doubled in length and stupidity.  

Gumbel Thanks Trump’s ‘Racist’ Comments for ‘Energizing’ Athletes

September 27th, 2017 12:18 AM
With President Trump’s feud with the NFL still swirling around the liberal media, sportscaster Bryant Gumbel signed off of his HBO show, REAL Sports, on Tuesday by thanking Trump for waking up American athletes. But being Bryant Gumbel, he had to go as low as he possibly could. With claims that the President was being racist, he lamented that America hasn’t come that far.

Stephens: Conservatives Should Back Protest, U.S. Flag Isn’t ‘A Totem'

September 26th, 2017 8:39 PM
On Tuesday’s Hardball, New York Times columnist and Never Trump diehard Bret Stephens pigeon-holed conservatives opposed to the NFL protests, declaring that the American flag isn’t a monumental “totem like it's the obelisk that descends on planet Earth in 2001: A Space Odyssey” while demanding conservatives get in line behind National Anthem protesters.

ABC: Colin Kaepernick Is the Modern Day Jackie Robinson

September 26th, 2017 5:27 PM
According to ABC’s Nightline, Colin Kaepernick is the modern day Jackie Robinson. The man who started the kneeling trend in the NFL is the same as the man who broke baseball’s color barrier. As video of Robinson played, Nightline anchor Dan Harris on Monday night hyped, “This current NFL kneeler movement may have kicked off with Colin Kaepernick, but when it comes to athletes using their…

Carlson, Concha Rip Protests as ‘Giving the Rhetorical Finger’ to U.S.

September 26th, 2017 4:30 PM
Leading off his eponymous Fox News Channel show on Monday, Tucker Carlson delayed bringing on a liberal guest to debate the day’s news in order to spend a few moments lambasting how those NFL players protesting the National Anthem were “giving the rhetorical finger to the country that made them rich.” Carlson was later assisted by The Hill’s Joe Concha as the two lit into the “media bubble” for…

CNN's Cuomo: Roy Moore Was 'Out-Ugly-American-ing' Trump

September 26th, 2017 11:53 AM
On Tuesday's New Day, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo suggested that, when President Donald Trump spoke out against athletes kneeling during the National Anthem, the President was trying to "out-ugly-American" Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore. The CNN host also fretted over Trump commenting via Twitter that there was a "great" amount of "anger" in the U.S. over the unpatriotic behavior.  

MSNBC Guest: Trump Wants Blacks 'Kneeling in the Cotton Fields Again'

September 26th, 2017 5:30 AM
What a shock it truly wasn't that one of the most warped recent examples of Trump Derangement Syndrome would be heard on a cable show hosted by Al Sharpton. Former Chicago Bulls player Craig Hodges, author of "Long Shot: The Struggles and Triumphs of an NBA Freedom Fighter," appeared on Sharpton's PoliticsNation yesterday to talk about President Trump's criticism of NFL athletes for kneeling…

Big Three Elevate Trump/NFL Spat over Dire Puerto Rico Crisis

September 25th, 2017 9:59 PM
Hurricane Maria hit the U.S. island territory of Puerto Rico last Wednesday and since then, there has been an ever-worsening humanitarian crisis. Most of the island was still without power, supplies slow to arrive, and the threat of a failing dam as of Monday. Despite the terrible news coming from the island, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have dedicated far more time since Sunday to…

Costas Blasts View of Anthem, Patriotism, Flag Symbolizing Troops

September 25th, 2017 6:42 PM
MLB Network announcer and NBC Sports personality Bob Costas is no stranger to imposing his liberal politics on viewers, so he appeared on CNN Monday morning in light of the NFL protests to bemoan the National Anthem and patriotism being exclusively linked to the military and Trump supporters having brain damage.

WH Press Side with NFL, Blame Trump for Inability to Cover Other News

September 25th, 2017 4:25 PM
Monday’s White House Press Briefing was, once again, insufferable thanks to the questions from the throngs of liberal reports on scene, with this event dominated by defending NFL protesters and blaming Trump for preventing the news media from covering anything else.

Actor: Get That ‘Bloated Mother****er’ Out of the ‘White House'!

September 25th, 2017 4:13 PM
Profanity must get you extra brownie points in liberal Hollywood, especially when it’s aimed at President Trump. Michael Rapaport, an actor from Boston Public, posted a video of himself “taking a knee” and throwing a temper tantrum peppered with profanity to Twitter on September 23. Overall, he referred to President Trump as a “mother****er” six times to conclude in a yell, “get that son of a…

MRC’s Brent Bozell Lambastes NFL Protests, Supports Nationwide Boycott

September 25th, 2017 3:39 PM
RESTON, Va. — On Monday afternoon, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released a statement lambasting the NFL protests during the National Anthem.