Anderson Cooper Suggests Paul Ryan May Have Used Racial Dog Whistle

November 14th, 2012 3:59 PM
After Paul Ryan held that a voter turnout increase in "urban areas" hurt the Romney ticket, CNN's Anderson Cooper questioned if he was using racial overtones and hammered him with a "Keeping Them Honest" report claiming Ryan missed other reasons why Team Romney lost. "Well, some critics jumped on those remarks, since 'historically urban' has often been used as a code word for African-…

CNN Promotes Liberal Catholics’ Attack on Bishops

November 14th, 2012 3:38 PM
A November 13 piece by Dan Merica on CNN’s Belief Blog, titled Liberal Catholics Use Election Results to Battle Bishops,” promoted the same tired attacks from the left about the Catholic hierarchy daring to defend religious liberty and Catholic teachings on life and marriage issues. Merica cited President Obama’s re-election as a spur to liberal groups to step up their attacks on the Roman…

ABC's Jon Karl Lectures Paul Ryan on Obama's 'Mandate' and Raising Tax

November 14th, 2012 12:29 PM
  ABC journalist Jonathan Karl on Wednesday lectured Paul Ryan about Barack Obama's reelection "mandate" and grilled the Republican about raising taxes. On Good Morning America, he declared, "If there was one issue that the President campaigned on, it was raising taxes on the wealthy." He added, "Doesn't he have a mandate there?" [See video below. MP3 audio here.] When Ryan declined to…

Bob Woodward Shocker: There Is a Way to Raise Revenue AND Lower Tax Ra

November 11th, 2012 11:43 AM
Stop the presses! Stop the presses! The Washington Post's Bob Woodward on The Chris Matthews Show Sunday not only called Democrat visions of balancing the budget by raising taxes on the rich a "fantasy," but he also said "there is a way to...raise more revenue and perhaps lower the rates" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Hypocritical Bashir Rejoices GOP Message to Religious Voters Failed to

November 9th, 2012 6:10 PM
"We can all be thankful" that "after 30 years of taking Christianity hostage and claiming that the church was really the Republican Party at prayer, this election actually revealed that the church is owned by neither Democrats nor Republicans," MSNBC's Martin Bashir pontificated at the open of is "Clear the Air" commentary which closed his eponymous November 9 program.  Fortunately for Mr.…

CNN Belief Blog: ‘Catholic Bishops’ Election Behavior Threatens Th

November 8th, 2012 3:43 PM
How dare Catholic bishops use their teaching authority to speak out in favor of religious liberty! That was the thrust of University of Dayton theology professor Vincent Miller’s November 8 post on CNN’s Belief Blog (which has a tendency to attack conservative ideas) titled “Catholic Bishops’ Election Behavior Threatens Their Authority.” Miller complained that: “The Catholic Church was well…

NYTimes Suggests GOP Ignored 'More Moderate, and Diverse, Direction of

November 8th, 2012 1:44 PM
New York Times campaign reporter Trip Gabriel in the paper's Election 2012 section Thursday suggested Paul Ryan's brand of fiscal restraint was a dead end for the GOP in the "demographically diverse" United States: "Ryan in Republican Forefront, But Loss May Bring Blame – Questions on Whether Ticket Needed More Moderation." For Representative Paul D. Ryan, defeat is not the political career-…

NYT's Keller Distressed By Paul Ryan’s 'Mostly White, Upper-Middle-C

November 5th, 2012 4:18 PM
Former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller visited Rep. Paul Ryan's alma mater, Miami University in Ohio, to examine Republicans in their natural element for his Monday column "The Republican ID," and seemed very concerned about the mindset of a college that actually favored the Republican candidate. This patch of southern Ohio between Cincinnati and Dayton is not the up-for-grabs…

Glee’s Jane Lynch Dresses as Mitt Romney for Halloween, Wife Goes as

November 2nd, 2012 12:54 AM
Glee star Jane Lynch dressed as Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney for Halloween. In a pre-recorded Chelsea Lately aired Thursday, Lynch also said her wife was going as Paul Ryan (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary, file photo):

Obama Gets Nothing But Softballs From Morning Joe's Scarborough and Br

October 29th, 2012 8:46 AM
On Saturday, NewsBusters asked if it would be fascinating if Barack Obama's interview with MSNBC's Morning Joe ended up being an easier one than he recently got with the ladies of ABC's The View. We got our answer Monday, and in the end, co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski asked absolutely nothing of the President that could be perceived as a hardball (video follows with transcribed…

Mark Leibovich's Cover Profile of Paul Ryan for NYT Mag Steeped in His

October 23rd, 2012 1:38 PM
"Paul Ryan Can't Lose," a 5,000-word cover story by Mark Leibovich, the New York Times magazine's chief national correspondent, conformed to the writer's history of cynical, unsympathetic profiles of Republican candidates. According to Leibovich, Newt Gingrich is "among the more divisive political figures of recent decade," always threatening to become "Nasty Newt," yet former vice president…

NBC Grills Ryan on Romney's Qualifications; Invites Biden to Slam Romn

October 23rd, 2012 12:56 PM
At the end of an interview with vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie parroted Democratic attacks on Mitt Romney's foreign policy credentials: "John Kerry said, 'this is the most inexperienced foreign policy ticket to run in decades,' talking about you and Governor Romney. What specific national security experience qualifies Governor Romney to be…

Leno: Obama Halloween Masks Out-Selling Romney's – ‘What's Scarier

October 23rd, 2012 12:33 PM
Jay Leno took a shot at the President's handling of the economy Monday. During his Tonight Show monologue, after saying Obama Halloween masks are out-selling Romney masks by 30 percent, Leno quipped, "Well, that makes sense. I mean, what's scarier than four more years of this economy?"

Kofi Annan Says Paul Ryan Is 'Dead Wrong' About Syria

October 21st, 2012 9:37 AM
During the recent vice presidential debate, Paul Ryan blamed former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan for not being able to resolve the escalating conflict in Syria. On a CNN interview to be aired Sunday, Annan struck back saying, "He was dead wrong. He was dead wrong."