Does Chris Matthews NOT Read Still Thinks Ryan Washed Cle

October 18th, 2012 6:25 PM
A few days ago the liberal media was all abuzz over how Paul Ryan supposedly muscled his way into back of a soup kitchen in Ohio and started washing already-cleaned pots and pans as a photo op. It turned out later, however, that soup kitchen staffers had left some dirty pots and pans for Ryan to wash. Yes, it was part of a campaign photo-op, but the pots and pans were actually dirty and Ryan…

NBC's Lauer: On Libya, Obama 'Pointedly Chastised' Romney for 'Politic

October 17th, 2012 5:10 PM
On Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer played the part of Obama campaign stooge when he promoted the President deflecting Libya criticism by slamming Mitt Romney: "...[He] firmly and pointedly chastised Governor Romney for politicizing a tragedy like this, a national tragedy. The father of Ambassador Stevens said, quote, 'It would be really abhorrent to make this into a campaign issue…

CBS Puts Ryan on Defensive, Goes Soft on Libya for Biden

October 17th, 2012 2:43 PM
While CBS This Morning hosts served Vice President Joe Biden softball questions on mostly horserace issues and debate optics, they challenged Paul Ryan to defend his voting record. "Does Governor Romney believe the President was right to sign the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law? You voted against that act, didn't you?" pressed co-host Anthony Mason. In contrast, when Biden was asked…

NBC Asks Biden About Obama 'Disqualifying' Romney; Asks Ryan if Obama

October 17th, 2012 12:35 PM
Displaying a stunning double standard on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie gave Vice President Joe Biden plenty of room to applaud President Obama's debate performance, while fellow co-host Matt Lauer hammered Congressman Paul Ryan on issue after issue. In her first question to Biden, Guthrie wondered if the President had "repaired the damage from his lackluster performance in…

Cal Thomas Column: Here's Hoping Biden/Ryan Debate Helps People Come t

October 16th, 2012 6:04 PM
Had Vice President Joe Biden behaved toward Sarah Palin in their 2008 debate the way he behaved toward Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan in their debate last Thursday, he might have been denounced as a patronizing misogynist. In his debate with Ryan, the vice president was merely a jerk.

Martin Bashir: If Ryan's Budget Ever Passed 'Many Americans Would End

October 16th, 2012 4:49 PM
Martin Bashir is clearly trying to become MSNBC's new Keith Olbermann. During a discussion with Tamron Hall on News Nation Tuesday, Bashir actually said that if Paul Ryan's budget ever passed, "many Americans would end up in soup kitchens" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

NBC Unearths Major Scandal: Paul Ryan May Have Washed Dishes That Were

October 16th, 2012 12:21 PM
In a pathetic attempt to smear Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan ahead of Tuesday's second presidential debate, NBC's Today seized on a story in Monday's Washington Post accusing Ryan and his family of washing already clean pots and pans at a soup kitchen in Ohio for a photo-op. Co-host Matt Lauer wondered: "Would a campaign do that? We're gonna talk about it." [Listen to the…

Raddatz is So Dreamy, She Oughta Be President ... Maddow Reveals New C

October 15th, 2012 8:11 PM
Smoking-gun evidence that ABC's Martha Raddatz was a biased moderator in the vice presidential debate -- Rachel Maddow is gushing about her. On her MSNBC show Friday night, Maddow went so far as to suggest that Raddatz was worthy of the presidency (video after page break) --

Ed Schultz Takes Credit as 'Coach' for Biden's Debate Clown Act

October 15th, 2012 2:40 PM
The vice presidential debate isn't the only place you've seen that bizarre mix of jocular bellicosity displayed by Joe Biden. It's on MSNBC every weeknight in the form of  "The Ed Show." Not surprisingly, its host Ed Schultz is taking credit for Biden conducting himself in a manner all the more unsettling when one considers that Biden is a heartbeat from the nuclear launch codes. (audio…

Introducing 'Ryan Girl' Singing 'Let's Get Fiscal

October 14th, 2012 10:27 PM
In 2008, the YouTube video "Crush on Obama" introducing "Obama Girl" swept the nation with astonishing speed and media attention. On Saturday, a new video hit YouTube called "Let's Get Fiscal" featuring Maredith Walker as "Ryan Girl" singing and aerobicizing to a reworked version of Olivia Newton John's 1980s hit "Let's Get Physical" (video follows with lyrics and commentary):

SNL’s Martha Raddatz Tells Biden and Ryan ‘Don’t Try To F—k M

October 14th, 2012 11:27 AM
NBC’s Saturday Night Live began its program last night with a vulgarity that although bleeped was as obvious as the nose on Jimmy Durante’s face. In the opening segment spoofing Thursday’s vice presidential debate, Kate McKinnon playing ABC’s Martha Raddatz channeled Samuel L. Jackson in the movie "Pulp Fiction" telling the contestants, “Don’t try to f—k me like I’m Jim Lehrer” (video…

Leno Rips Biden for Nearly 3 Minutes: ‘Smart of Raddatz To Cut Joe O

October 13th, 2012 3:03 PM
Jay Leno spent nearly three minutes of his opening monologue Friday trashing Vice President Joe Biden for his performance during Thursday's debate. Although the Tonight Show host did poke some fun at Paul Ryan and Sarah Palin, the bulk of his jokes targeted Biden including him saying it was "really smart" of moderator Martha Raddatz "to cut Joe off after that third scotch and soda" (video…

Former ABC News Boss Boasts on Huff-Post: Martha Raddatz 'Won The Deba

October 13th, 2012 2:07 PM
No one was more over the top in praising ABC's Martha Raddatz as debate moderator than her colleagues at ABC. Former ABC News president David Westin -- the man so deeply biased to the left that he declared a journalist can't judge if the Pentagon is a legitimate target for a terrorist attack -- honored Raddatz on The Huffington Post with an article titled "Why and How Martha Won the Debate --…

CNN's O'Brien Gushes Over Raddatz, Defends Boorish VP Biden

October 12th, 2012 5:08 PM
On this morning’s edition of CNN’s Starting Point, host Soledad O’ Brien praised vice presidential debate moderator Martha Raddatz for her “commanding” performance last night.  A performance that demonstrated that she too is in the running for the Vice Presidency of the United States. It took O’Brien less than five minutes to compliment Raddatz’s “ perfect pitch,” despite Vice President Biden’s…