Liberal Pundits: By Passing Tax Bill, GOP Is 'Looting' America

December 20th, 2017 5:15 PM
On Tuesday, Talking Points Memo's Josh Marshall called the bill "a heist," while Vox's Matthew Yglesias charged that "moral and political responsibility for the looting ultimately rests on the shoulders of the GOP members of Congress who decided that the appropriate reaction to Trump’s inauguration was to start smashing and grabbing as much as possible for themselves and their donors rather than…

Paul Ryan Tears Down Media Bias Against Tax Bill

December 20th, 2017 3:02 PM
After being asked on Wednesday’s NBC Today if he was “living in a fantasy world” regarding new tax reform legislation, on ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morning, House Speaker Paul Ryan called out the liberal media for spreading disinformation about the legislation and fact-checked their Democratic Party talking points.

NBC's Guthrie Hammers Ryan: ‘Are You Living in a Fantasy World?’

December 20th, 2017 10:13 AM
In a particularly hostile interview with House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday’s NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie interrogated the Republican leader over newly-passed tax reform legislation and suggested that he was “living in a fantasy world” for predicting the bill would spur economic growth.

South Park: GOP in Abusive Relationship With President

November 9th, 2017 12:28 AM
On the anniversary of President Trump’s election, Comedy Central's South Park not-so-subtly suggests Trump voters were wrong. Wednesday night’s episode, titled “Doubling Down,” has two parallel storylines – a girl who refuses to break up with a boyfriend who treats her horribly, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Vice-President Mike Pence, and House Speaker Paul Ryan dealing with a sex-…

Lemon: Prayer Didn’t Stop Shootings, But Irrelevant Gun Control Could!

November 7th, 2017 5:58 PM
CNN Tonight host Don Lemon went on a nearly-four-minute-long commentary on Monday emphasizing that he’s not “not anti-thoughts and prayers,” but demanded Congress defeat the NRA and pass gun control measures that wouldn’t have stopped Sunday’s Sutherland Springs church shooting.

Cox Done 'Talking' in NYT: Leaves List of Liberal Dialogues, GOP Hate

October 23rd, 2017 8:22 PM
Sunday marked Ana Marie Cox’s last Talk interview on the back page of the New York Times Sunday Magazine. It was the usual loving treatment of a liberal. But Cox’s self-proclaimed “gentle magic” was woven solely to benefit liberal figures; Republicans were constantly bashed in her interviews with liberal figures, while House Speaker Paul Ryan was an undignified "stooge" and "media welfare queen."

CBS's Dem Talking Points: ‘Tax Cut for Wealthy,’ ‘Not Middle Class'

October 20th, 2017 12:58 PM
The journalists at CBS on Friday sounded more like DNC campaign operatives instead of reporters. Talking to Paul Ryan about budget issues, This Morning co-host Charlie Rose pressed, “How are you going to make the case that this is not a tax cut for the wealthy?” 

NBC, MSNBC Cue Critics: Trump 'Just Racist,' Tweeting 'Hate'

October 13th, 2017 9:04 PM
It's certainly no surprise when guests on NBC News programs and the MSNBC cable television channel take advantage of the opportunity to slam President Donald Trump. That was the case on Thursday, October 12, when Alejandro García Padilla, the former governor of Puerto Rico, told MSNBC host Craig Melvin that the Republican occupant of the White House is “showing off that he is just racist.” In…

TIME Correspondent: Trump Has Only Been Presidential ‘for About a Day’

August 29th, 2017 6:15 AM
Ever since Donald Trump won the presidential race last November 4, legions of people in the “mainstream media” have been on a never-ending quest to bring down the GOP leader, and they’re even willing to assign “faint praise” as a means of leading into harsh criticism. The most recent person to use that strategy is Philip Elliott, a Washington correspondent for TIME magazine.

THIS Is CNN: Guest Says GOP Are 'Slave Owners' 'In Bed' with Neo-Nazis

August 16th, 2017 2:19 PM
For anyone who thinks CNN is dedicated to bringing the American people together, you’re sadly mistaken. Case in point two examples from CNN International on early Tuesday and Wednesday mornings where guest Segun Oduolowu declared the GOP to be neo-Nazis while leaders like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are “old slave owners” who ignored lynchings.

Fake News: Matthews Claims GOPers Are Not Criticizing Trump’s Presser

August 15th, 2017 9:28 PM
On Tuesday’s Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews irresponsibly dabbled in fake/false news by claiming that Republicans and those in GOP leadership haven’t spoken out against President Trump’s handling of the Charlottesville violence, including his Tuesday afternoon press conference. Matthews was squabbling with frequent Hardball guest and GOP strategist John Brabender when he went down that path…

The President Is Not the Enemy

August 1st, 2017 6:29 PM
The Establishment, a construct of Democrats and Republicans that rules in Washington no matter which party controls government, appears to be over its fainting spell following Donald Trump's election. It is now throwing everything at him from a daily -- make that hourly, even minute by minute -- onslaught of investigations to big media's equivalent of Molotov cocktails.

Chelsea Handler Hits Congressional Dress Code: ‘Welcome to Abu Dhabi’

July 12th, 2017 9:37 AM
Left-wing media recently erupted after revelations of Congress’ allegedly “sexist” dress code that forbids women to wear sleeveless dresses. Journalists and celebrities tweeted their outrage. And, now, comedian Chelsea Handler is comparing the dress code to “Abu Dhabi.”

MSNBC's Walsh: 'Heartless, Soulless' Paul Ryan 'Hurting People'

June 26th, 2017 11:15 AM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, just days after dehumanizing House Speaker Paul Ryan as a "monster," MSNBC political analyst and The Nation correspondent Joan Walsh was spewing more venom at the Wisconsin Republican as she described him as a "heartless, soulless Washington creature." She then went on to claim that he was someone who had "devoted their life to hurting people."