
MSNBC Panel Decries 'Monster' Paul Ryan, 'Criminal' Health Plan

June 25th, 2017 7:27 PM
On Friday's The Last Word on MSNBC, it was the place for demonizing Republicans as regular MSNBC guests Joan Walsh and Nancy Giles called Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan a "monster" and declared that the way Senate Republicans had handled health care reform has been "criminal."  

Cuomo Dismisses Comey Bombshell About Lynch as 'Political Tribalism'

June 9th, 2017 4:40 PM
On Friday's CNN New Day, co-host Chris Cuomo attacked Republicans for being justifiably disturbed by James Comey's revelation on Thursday that former Attorney General Loretta Lynch attempted to interfere in the FBI investigation into Hillary's Clinton's e-mails during the 2016 campaign: "..they say it is really about President Obama's attorney general Loretta Lynch and why she tried to, in their…

Cuomo Links MT Assault to GOP 'Ratcheting Up Hostility to Media'

May 25th, 2017 11:23 AM
On Thursday's New Day on CNN, Chris Cuomo repeatedly tried to tie the national Republican party to Montana congressional candidate Greg Gianforte assaulting a reporter. After the CNN host unsuccessfully tried to get the reporter in question -- Ben Jacobs of The Guardian -- to make such a link, he then raised the issue in a later segment as he recalled a "ratcheting up of hostility towards the…

MTV’s Cox Attacks ‘Stooge' Trump, ‘Safety Net Butcher’ Paul Ryan

May 19th, 2017 5:54 PM
Liberal journalist Ana Marie Cox, senior political correspondent for MTV News, who also has a regular interview feature in the back of the New York Times magazine, dusted off some attacks on that undignified “stooge” and “media welfare queen” House Speaker Paul Ryan, in a piece posted Wednesday: “Don’t Pity Paul Ryan --Ryan has never been a thoughtful conservative.”

MSNBC's Reid Starts Regular Segment to Boost Dems in '18 Midterms

May 14th, 2017 7:15 PM
Far-left MSNBC host Joy Reid appears to be so excited about the possibility of Democrats taking control of Congress in the 2018 midterms, she's already started a segment to promote Democratic candidates almost a year and a half before the general election even takes place. On Sunday's AM Joy, Reid ended the show with the "first installment of a new segment" as she showed no subtlety in naming it…

Disgusting Joss Whedon Insinuates Paul Ryan Is a Pedophile [UPDATED]

April 27th, 2017 8:37 PM
The pathetic behavior of action movie director Joss Whedon has been well documented here on NewsBusters, but his tweet on Thursday might be his worst one yet. In a Thursday evening tweet to his 178,000 followers, he used a picture of House Speaker Paul Ryan meeting young women at the U.S. Capitol to suggest Ryan’s a raging pedophile. It was only just over fours later that Whedon came to senses…

Writer: Are Red States ‘Souring’ on Conservative Economic Ideas?

April 14th, 2017 5:06 PM
Whatever was the matter with Kansas when Thomas Frank wrote his book is now less daunting for the left, believes New York magazine’s Eric Levitz, who contended in a Wednesday piece that the closeness of this week’s House special election in the Wichita-centric 4th District appears to spell trouble for conservatives.

New Republic Writer Blasts Trump’s ‘Incredible Cruelty’ on Health Care

March 31st, 2017 5:08 PM
Throughout the presidential campaign, especially during primary-and-caucus season, many on the right called Donald Trump a squish, even a liberal. They should be much happier now, contends Jeet Heer, in part because Trump’s position on health care indicates that he’s “succumbing to the central policy of conservative Republicans: cruelty to the needy...To simply wait for the ACA to ‘explode’ would…

Wait, What? CBS Encourages Ryan to Work With Pelosi on ObamaCare?

March 30th, 2017 3:19 PM
Imagine CBS goading Barack Obama to work with House Republicans in 2016 to repeal ObamaCare? Doesn’t seem likely, right? Well, CBS This Morning co-host Norah O’Donnell on Thursday pressed Paul Ryan as to whether he is working with Nancy Pelosi on health care. Talking to the Speaker of the House in an “exclusive” interview, O’Donnell demanded, “Have you reached out to the Democrats yet to work on…

AP Pair Betray Ignorance As They Crow Over GOP's 'Humiliating Failure'

March 28th, 2017 12:28 PM
This past weekend, Erica Werner and Alan Fram at the Associated Press had a good old time beating up on President Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled House over their "humiliating failure" to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. In the process, though, the reporters, who have been covering Washington politics since the ACA's inception, betrayed breathtaking ignorance…

Slanted NYT Uses Health Care Loss to Pile ‘Far Right' Epithets on GOP

March 28th, 2017 8:18 AM
New York Times political reporter Jeremy Peters used the failure of President Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress to repeal Obamacare in order to pile on the hostile ideological labels in his Monday post-mortem, particularly on top of those “Republican hard-liners” who don’t believe in good governance: “G.O.P., Once Unified Against Obama, Struggles for Consensus Under Trump.” In all…

Oh, Come On! Todd Rules AHCA Failed Because GOP Didn’t Work with Dems

March 24th, 2017 5:26 PM
Minutes after the GOP leadership-led bill American Health Care Act (AHCA) was pulled from the House, NBC’s Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd concocted the loony idea that the AHCA failed not because it couldn’t unite all factions of the GOP but that they chose not to work with Democrats. Over on ABC, former Clinton partisan George Stephanopoulos and correspondent Jonathan Karl were a bit overly…

Smiley Likens Obamacare Repeal to 'Drive-By' Shooting of 'Bystanders'

March 24th, 2017 7:16 AM
On Thursday's Tavis Smiley show, PBS host Smiley made one of the most over the top analogies one will hear in the health care debate as he likened the repeal of ObamaCare to a "drive-by" shooting that would "kill" people who are "innocent bystanders" as he hosted liberal activist Sister Simone Campbell as his guest. Smiley wondered how Speaker Paul Ryan views people who might suffer if ObamaCare…

New Republic Writer Blasts GOP’s ‘Callous’ Concept of Liberty

March 16th, 2017 5:04 PM
In “Me and Bobby McGee,” Kris Kristofferson wrote that “freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.” On Wednesday, Brian Beutler suggested that “freedom” is just another word Republicans use to deprive Americans of health coverage. The GOP, contended Beutler, has “a weird way to define liberty” that involves 14 million people losing coverage “almost immediately.” He added, “Their…