MSNBC's Wagner: Ryan's 100% Pro-life Record a Problem; Ignores Obama's

August 14th, 2012 5:40 PM
Rep. Paul Ryan's 100 percent rating by the pro-life National Right to Life Committee and his support of the "Protect Life Act" are evidence of the Wisconsin Republican's extremism on abortion and as such, should hurt the appeal of the Romney/Ryan ticket with women voters, MSNBC's Alex Wagner argued on the August 14 edition of her noon Eastern Now with Alex Wagner program. Of course the 100…

Ed Schultz Radio Producer James Holm Actually Slams Paul Ryan ... For

August 14th, 2012 5:35 PM
The name James Holm -- not to be confused with accused Aurora gunman James Holmes -- might ring a bell for NewsBusters readers. Holm first came to our attention back in December 2010 with his alarming suggestion that President Obama "put a gun" to the heads of CEOs sitting on $1.9 trillion in capital reserves. (audio clip after page break)

Condescending Brian Williams: Paul Ryan Received 'Not So Warm Welcome

August 14th, 2012 4:58 PM
Leading off Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams struck a patronizing tone as he noted "things get rough for the new guy on the trail" Paul Ryan, with "incoming fire on his own record and a not so warm welcome to the big leagues during his appearance today at the Iowa state fair." In the report that followed, correspondent Peter Alexander seized on protestors showing up at a Ryan…

Howard Kurtz: 'Is Paul Ryan a Ticking Time Bomb

August 14th, 2012 4:50 PM
Howard Kurtz considers himself to be a "media analyst." So what's the deal with his highly-opinionated hit-piece published at the Daily Beast Tuesday with the highly-inflammatory title "Is Paul Ryan a Ticking Time Bomb as Mitt Romney’s Running Mate?"

CNN Repeats Dishonest Obama Attack on Ryan

August 14th, 2012 4:08 PM
Instead of fact-checking President Obama's dishonest attack on Paul Ryan for blocking a farm bill, CNN simply reported it three times on Tuesday morning. Correspondent Brianna Keilar actually repeated the false attack in her own words. "[T]hey [the House] failed to pass a bill for drought relief, which as you know is huge right now because of all of the farmers, all of the cattle ranchers…

Paul Krugman Blasts 'Big Fraud' Paul Ryan for 'Dishonest' Budgets

August 14th, 2012 1:29 PM
In September 2011, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman told CNN's Gloria Borger that Rep. Paul Ryan's Medicare voucher plan "would kill people, no question." As you can imagine, he's not terribly happy about Romney picking Ryan as his running mate. Krugman can't even bear fellow liberals offering grudging praise to Ryan. discussing on a Monday morning blog post "a lamentable but revealing…

Piers Morgan Tries to Bait Gingrich; Isn't Ryan Budget 'Radical Form o

August 14th, 2012 12:03 PM
When CNN isn't reading liberal talking points about the Romney-Ryan ticket, it's resorting to using conservative friendly fire against the Ryan budget, like Piers Morgan did on Monday. Morgan baited Newt Gingrich by asking "it is a radical form of social engineering, isn't it?" after he played a clip of Gingrich ripping the Ryan budget as "radical change" – a statement Gingrich later…

NBC's Lauer Frets 'True Conservative' Paul Ryan Will Be 'Immovable Obj

August 14th, 2012 11:33 AM
In an interview with former House speaker Newt Gingrich on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer worried about vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan's commitment to conservative principles: "I've heard Paul Ryan described as a true conservative....Do you honestly think he is someone who will work and reach across the aisle to Democrats or will he be an immovable object on key social issues…

John Sununu Tells Soledad O'Brien 'Put an Obama Bumper Sticker On Your

August 14th, 2012 10:33 AM
Less than twelve hours after getting caught reading from a liberal blog during a heated debate with a Romney adviser, CNN's Soledad O'Brien was back on the air Tuesday echoing Democrat talking points. In fact, things got so hot with former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu (R) on CNN's Starting Point that he ended up saying, "Put an Obama bumper sticker on your forehead when you do this" (…

Former NYT Chief Editor Bill Keller Sprays Conservative Targets Ryan

August 14th, 2012 10:18 AM
Former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller went after Republicans and the party's "disciplined conservative infrastructure" in his 1,200-word Monday column on Romney's vice presidential pick Paul Ryan – "The Romney Package." Pecking at a multitude of conservative targets, Keller also said Reagan conservative Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork was "attacked (with justification) as a…

Seems Like He Wanted It to Be True: Slate's Yglesias Runs With Unsuppo

August 14th, 2012 10:02 AM
Matthew Yglesias has been posting at, supposedly a paragon of online establishment press journalism, as a business and economics correspondent since November of last year. His background is unmistakably leftist: ThinkProgress, the Atlantic, TPM Media, and the American Prospect. On Saturday, a Yglesias found a blog post which was apparently too good to check at The Richmonder, a…

Matthews: Ryan Wants To 'Screw' The Poor

August 14th, 2012 8:50 AM
On Morning Joe today, Chris Matthews exposed the ugly face of class warfare politics at its most primal.   Matthews claimed that Paul Ryan wants to "give" money to rich people but "doesn't like" people who depend on government, and indeed, as a conservative, wants to "screw" them. As NewsBuster Brad Wilmouth earlier noted, this isn't the first time Matthews has resorted to this vulgar…

Liberal Group Throws Granny From Cliff Again, Now We'll See If Media A

August 14th, 2012 3:38 AM
Less than 48 hours after Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) became GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney's running mate, the liberal group known as The Agenda Project released an updated version of its infamous advertisement showing a man in a suit pushing an elderly woman in a wheelchair off a cliff. While this move came as no surprise, it's interesting to note that the original version was…

Nets Relay Obama's Attack on Ryan, Only CBS Notes Rebuttal

August 14th, 2012 1:39 AM
All three broadcast network evening newscasts recounted President Obama's charge that Rep. Paul Ryan is holding up a farm aid bill as the President campaign in Iowa, but only CBS's Nancy Cordes took the time to forward to viewers the Romney campaign's rebuttal that "Ryan voted in favor of a drought relief package that's currently languishing in the Senate." On ABC's World News, correspondent…