Jon Stewart Asks Brian Williams 'What's Preventing the Media From Disc

August 16th, 2012 9:39 AM
Comedy Central's Jon Stewart asked NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams the $64 trillion question on Wednesday's Daily Show. "What is preventing the media from discussing more substantive issues before the introduction of Paul Ryan, and then since the introduction, and then, let's say, you know, after the election?" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Barney Frank: Paul Ryan Opposed To Helping Feed Poor Children, Putting

August 15th, 2012 7:42 PM
At least Barney didn't accuse Paul Ryan of going all Twilight on starving children, or of actually pouring kerosene on burning buildings. No, appearing on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show today, the retiring Dem congressman contented himself by claiming that Ryan opposes people coming together to feed poor children or put out fires. View the video after the jump.

David Limbaugh Column: Paul Ryan Is Mitt Romney's Line in the Sand

August 15th, 2012 6:31 PM
Mitt Romney has outdone himself in choosing Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate. The conservative base is ecstatic, and that will translate into voter intensity and high turnout. Our country faces an unprecedented debt crisis, primarily driven by our entitlement programs. We have more than $100 trillion of unfunded liabilities — a staggering, incomprehensible number — and we are on a collision…

Stark Favoritism on the Campaign Trail With the NYT; 'Obama's 'Well-Kn

August 15th, 2012 5:10 PM
There were some stark contrasts on the campaign trail in Wednesday's New York Times. After Vice President Joe Biden warned a racially mixed south Virginia audience of the Republican ticket: "They're going to put y'all back in chains." A five-paragraph brief on Biden's comments by Rebecca Berg made page A14 Wednesday, including a brief quote of Mitt Romney's counterattack on the Obama camp in…

NBC on Ryan's Workout Routine: 'Extreme...And We're Not Talking About

August 15th, 2012 5:07 PM
Beginning an otherwise positive story on Wednesday's NBC Today about vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan's intense exercise regimen, P90X, correspondent Kelly O'Donnell managed to work in this jab: "He's doing a workout you've probably seen all over late night TV. Call it extreme. And we're not talking about his politics here." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump]

Was Soledad O'Brien Reading From Liberal Blog Again

August 15th, 2012 12:53 PM
Was Soledad O'Brien borrowing from liberal Talking Points Memo again? She was caught red-handed doing so Monday night, and her challenge to Romney's budget on Wednesday's Starting Point seemed awfully similar to TPM's take on the matter. O'Brien not only echoed TPM's liberal criticisms of Romney's budget, but featured a Fox News clip that TPM quoted from the heart of its piece titled "Paul…

NBC's Guthrie on Ryan Budget: 'Huge Spending Cuts' and 'Massive Tax Cu

August 15th, 2012 12:35 PM
In an interview with Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie slammed Paul Ryan's proposed budget: "And the Ryan budget makes some very hard decisions and has some huge spending cuts....But how can you justify in the Ryan budget defense spending that stays flat and then giving a massive tax cut, which predominantly benefits the…

Time Contributor Christakis: WWJD? Tax the Rich Anywhere from 50 to

August 15th, 2012 11:59 AM
Jesus Christ would favor a tax rate as little as 50 percent and as high as 100 percent. So really, President Obama's preferred tax rates are a bargain. That's one of the big "idea" of Erika Christakis's August 14 Time magazine Ideas blog post, "Is Paul Ryan's Budget 'Un-Christian'?" Christakis has a master's in education but apparently hasn't a clue about exegeting Scripture, nor does she…

Leno: Romney's Gotten Thousands of Emails Demanding Palin Speak at Con

August 15th, 2012 10:18 AM
Jay Leno took some cheap shots at America's leading Republicans Tuesday. During his Tonight Show monologue filled with jokes about the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee, Leno said, "Ever since it was announced that Sarah Palin will not be speaking at the Republican convention the Romney campaign has been flooded with thousands of texts and emails demanding she be allowed to speak - all…

Maher: Ryan 'Smartest Guy in GOP,' Palin 'Stupidest Woman on Earth, Bu

August 15th, 2012 8:57 AM
Bill Maher made it clear Tuesday that when Real Time returns from vacation on HBO this Friday, Paul Ryan will be a prime target of his attacks. Speaking with the Huffington Post, the typically stoned comedian said, "This is the intellectual?...Somehow he's the smartest guy in the Party and [Sarah Palin's] the stupidest woman on earth, but they agree on everything" (video follows with…

ABC Uniquely Notes Bill Clinton Spoke Favorably of Paul Ryan Budget

August 15th, 2012 1:50 AM
On Saturday's World News, ABC correspondent Jonathan Karl informed viewers that former Democratic President Bill Clinton had spoken favorably to Republican Rep. Paul Ryan about his budget plan that is so unpopular with other Democrats. After recounting President Barack Obama's history of clashing with Rep. Ryan, Karl continued:

Bozell Column: Paul Ryan Is Not Freddy Krueger

August 14th, 2012 11:02 PM
Mitt Romney made a smart executive decision selecting Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential running mate. Ryan’s genial personality, serious policy wonkery, and political courage have dazzled conservatives and won respect even in a  few liberal circles. Romney scores points for political courage as well. He knew liberal politicians and journalists would talk in punishing terms about Ryan’s budget…

Ridiculous Chris Matthews: Paul Ryan May Be 'Worse' Than Quayle, 'More

August 14th, 2012 6:32 PM
A cartoonish Chris Matthews on Tuesday managed to mangle a historical analogy and spew liberal propaganda at the same time as he offered this ridiculous assessment of Paul Ryan: "This guy could be worse than Quayle, more trouble than Tom Eagleton." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] Worse than Dan Quayle, who was successfully elected vice president in 1988? "More trouble" than Eagleton, the…

Cal Thomas Column: Romney/Ryan is Real Change

August 14th, 2012 6:30 PM
Last Thursday's Wall Street Journal editorial "Why Not Paul Ryan?" made the case for his selection as the Republican vice-presidential nominee in this statement: "Romney can win a big election over big issues. He'll lose a small one." After Ryan's serious proposal to restructure Medicare -- which virtually everyone knows must be reformed -- the response from Democrats was an unserious TV ad,…