
WashPost's Rubin Cheers on MSNBC's Hayes Gloating Over GOP Worries

January 30th, 2017 7:55 PM
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin appeared on Friday's All In with Chris Hayes to play the role of allegedly right-leaning MSNBC guest who mostly offers agreement to the liberal MSNBC host, and spends little time injecting the conservative point of view into the conversation. As Hayes focused on reports that Republicans have expressed worries in private meetings about how to repeal…

Liberal Pundit Touts Books About How the GOP Became ‘Abnormal’

January 22nd, 2017 8:14 PM
“The most important development of the last half-century in American politics,” believes New York magazine’s Chait, is “the Republican Party’s embrace of movement conservative ideology.” In a Thursday post, Chait cited six books, none of which was written by a conservative, that “help elucidate” this phenomenon. Among Chait’s choices: E.J. Dionne’s Why the Right Went Wrong; Richard Hofstadter’s…

WashPost Slams 'Vigilante Censorship' of Anti-Police Art in US Capitol

January 19th, 2017 9:12 PM
In a Tuesday article titled, "The House unceremoniously yanks down a student's artwork," the Washington Post editorial board condemns the removal of an incendiary painting from a U.S. Capitol hallway portraying police officers as animals attacking blacks, with the Post hyperbolically dubbing the move as "vigilante censorship," and tying the "unseemly stampede" and "sad precedent" of its removal…

WashPost's Rubin Frets Over Congress Defunding Planned Parenthood

January 14th, 2017 4:44 PM
Appearing as a guest on Saturday's AM Joy, allegedly conservative Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin sounded like just one more liberal analyst on top of the other four liberals already on the panel as she could only find negative things to say about Republican efforts to repeal ObamaCare, and even fretted over the move to defund Planned Parenthood.

Whoopi Loses It When Pushed Back On Planned Parenthood's Record

January 6th, 2017 3:55 PM
Friday morning on ABC’s The View, co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Jedediah Bila fought over Republicans’ plan to defund Planned Parenthood when they repeal Obamacare. While Bila tried to present the pro-life position, Whoopi exploded in anger and frustration every time Bila spoke. Whoopi was all over the place, discounting things she disagreed with without actually making a counter-argument. She…

Richards Absurdly Ties Maternal Death Spike to Defunding PPFA On CNN

January 6th, 2017 11:23 AM
Every time Republicans talk about trying to defund government funding for the largest abortion provider in the country the media freaks out about the GOP’s “war on women.” Thursday night on CNN’s Erin Burnett Outfront, the host brought on Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards to bash the latest call by Speaker Paul Ryan to defund the organization.

MSNBC’s ‘All In’ Rewrites History of the Passing of ObamaCare

January 5th, 2017 1:02 AM
MSNBC’s Joy Reid apparently believes that the memory of the American public is so horrendous, that she actually attempted to rewrite the history of the passing of ObamaCare on Wednesday’s All In in an attempt to smear the GOP. “Republicans have been saying for SO LONG that they're going to repeal and replace, repeal and replace,” she exclaimed to Democratic strategist Jess McIntosh, “It's just…

Whoopi: Paul Ryan Can't 'Stand Up' to GOP Because He's 'On His Knees'

January 3rd, 2017 3:11 PM
The women at the View are constantly bashing Donald Trump for what he says but seem to have no filter on what comes out of their own mouths. On Tuesday’s show, the panel complained about House Republicans looking to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics and House Speaker Paul Ryan seemingly going along with it. Co-host Whoopi Goldberg then made a suggestive comment about Ryan and his…

D.C. Examiner Exposes Liberals Resurrecting Botched Time Piece on Ryan

December 6th, 2016 3:34 PM
The Washington Examiner’s T. Becket Adams exposed on Tuesday morning in a series of tweets the very problem that besets a liberal media obsessed with placing legitimate conservative sites into the sphere of the fake news when a number of journalists chided Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for comments at CPAC 2014 regarding school lunches thanks to a dishonest hatchet job by Time magazine.

Pelley Frets GOP Health Plan Could Strip Millions from ObamaCare Plans

December 5th, 2016 12:54 PM
CBS’s 60 Minutes scored a sit-down on Sunday with House Speaker Paul Ryan, conducted by host Scott Pelley, in which he sought to corner Ryan from the left on the repeal of ObamaCare supposedly putting millions of Americans at risk for no healthcare and whether or not President-elect Donald Trump says as many “bizarre things” in private as he does when tweeting.

MSNBC Promo Proudly Touts Trump Rally Chanting ‘Paul Ryan Sucks'

October 20th, 2016 8:41 PM
Early Thursday evening during Hardball, a new MSNBC promo highlighted their unabashedly liberal slant with footage from Monday’s All In of host Chris Hayes giggling over a Donald Trump rally in Wisconsin chanting “Paul Ryan sucks” and an on-screen chryon reading “[t]his is a party foul.”

CBS, NBC Hype 'GOP Civil War,' Predict Loss of House and Senate

October 11th, 2016 12:51 AM
Following the leaked tape of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump making lewd comments about women over the weekend, members of the Republican Party started to distance themselves. And NBC seemed quite giddy about it as they kicked off NBC Nightly News Monday with “Civil War” emblazoned across the screen. As if he was announcing the latest Marvel blockbuster Anchor Lester Holt declared, “With…

New York Times’ Huetteman: Anti-Conservative Mockery in Three Acts

September 23rd, 2016 8:11 PM
As the country heads into an election where control of both Congress and the White House hangs in the balance, reporter Emmarie Huetteman wrote a “three act” comedy in loosey-goosey style mocking conservatives, for Friday’s New York Times: “What the House Spends Time On, Before Its Recess.” Paul Ryan can't find his agenda, "Democrats are thrilled" at the prospect of being penalized for June's sit…

'Legendary Journalist' Cokie Roberts: Trump Backers ‘Morally Tainted'

August 17th, 2016 6:39 PM
During a guest appearance on Tuesday's edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe program, Cokie Roberts -- a political commentator for National Public Radio and ABC News -- hammered people who still support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as “morally tainted” and an example of “textbook racism.” Roberts said of the approximately 40 percent of American voters who polls say still support Trump…