Liberal Pundit: GOP Now a ‘White Ethno-Nationalist Party’

August 12th, 2016 9:06 PM
Donald Trump has, to borrow a phrase from Barack Obama, changed the trajectory of the GOP, contended Talking Points Memo editor and publisher Marshall in a Thursday post. “The white ethno-nationalist party which Trump has brought out of the shadows and mobilized,” wrote Marshall, “is now and will continue to be the Republican party…This seems like a transformative event.” Even if “committed Trump…

New Republic Writer: Trump’s Campaign Combines Racism and Romneyism

August 10th, 2016 9:12 PM
The day before Donald Trump reflected on “Second Amendment people” and their response to Hillary Clinton’s taste in judges, he made news with a speech about economics. To The New Republic’s Brian Beutler, the takeaway there was that Trump had “adopted [both] Paul Ryan’s tax policy and the GOP’s gaffe-centered 2012 campaign strategy of misquoting or misrepresenting the Democratic candidate’s words…

Blogger: Trump and Ryan Represent Different Types of Evil

August 5th, 2016 8:42 PM
There’s a famous line attributed to Henry Kissinger about the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s: “It's a pity they can't both lose.” Left-wing Washington Monthly blogger David Atkins adapted Kissinger’s quip for his Tuesday post about whether “vicious, ignorant megalomaniac” Donald Trump is “more contemptible” than “steely-eyed devotee of Ayn Rand” Paul Ryan.

CBS's Dickerson to RNC Chair: Are GOPers 'Puppets' of Koch Brothers?

August 2nd, 2016 11:05 AM
As RNC chairman Reince Priebus appeared as a guest on Sunday's Face the Nation, CBS host John Dickerson -- using a comment from GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump about not wanting to be a "puppet" for Republican donors -- asked the RNC chairman if Republicans like Mike Pence, Scott Walker and Paul Ryan are "puppets" for the conservative Koch brothers.

NYT Scolds Media to Avoid ‘False Equivalence’ In GOP Convention News

July 18th, 2016 10:25 AM
On Monday, economist turned partisan hack Paul Krugman recycled his pompous lecture against what he calls “false equivalence," by which he means journalistic fairness toward Republicans. Every one of his examples of “false equivalence” coincidentally involves a Republican allegedly getting a free-ride in the news media -- which would come as quite a shock for NewsBusters readers -- while Hillary…

Nets Trumpet Dem Sit-In, Twist House Rules to Trash GOP

June 22nd, 2016 10:56 PM
On Wednesday, House Democrats staged a sit-it on the House floor trying bring their failed Senate bills to a vote in the House. Many are calling their actions a publicity stunt, and they seem to be right. All three of the liberal networks were glued to Capitol Hill during their evening broadcasts. “The dramatic sit-in on Capitol Hill,” ABC’s David Muir touted on World News Tonight, “Sitting down…

Univisión y Telemundo ignoran iniciativa republicana contra la pobreza

June 15th, 2016 2:40 PM
El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Paul Ryan, y los miembros republicanos de ese cuerpo anunciaron un plan integral para combatir la pobreza en Estados Unidos, pero hasta ahora Univisión y Telemundo han ignorado con esmero la propuesta.

Roll Call Shames Republicans Who 'Didn't Say LGBT' in Orlando Tweets

June 14th, 2016 4:10 PM
Andrew Breiner carried water for socially-liberal activists and their congressional allies in a Monday item for Roll Call. Breiner, who previously worked for the left-wing website Think Progress, hyped how "House Democrats are criticizing congressional Republicans for...their refusal to call the [Orlando] massacre an anti-LGBT hate crime." The writer then spotlighted Twitter posts from 16…

Liberal Pundit: Racist Voters Key Enablers of Republican Agenda

June 9th, 2016 11:38 PM
When liberals call Republicans “deniers,” it typically has to do with climate change. Jonathan Chait alleges big-time GOP denial on a non-scientific matter. “Republican voting support is increasingly coterminous with white racial resentment even as conservatives firmly believe in their own racial innocence,” wrote Chait in a Tuesday post. “Conservatives deny the existence of racism in the…

Slate Writer: Curiel, Garland Targets of GOP’s ‘War On the Judiciary’

June 8th, 2016 6:28 PM
Conservative Paul Ryan and liberal Lithwick agree that Donald Trump’s recent digs at Gonzalo Curiel were racist, but disagree about their significance. Ryan considers the attacks peculiar to Trump, while Lithwick sees them as of a piece with the Republican party’s “wider assault on the judiciary in the Obama era.” Lithwick even wondered rhetorically, “Do Trump’s smears of Judge Curiel differ all…

FNC's Megyn Kelly, Panel Slam CNN, MSNBC for Obsessive Trump Coverage

May 13th, 2016 5:58 PM
During Thursday night's edition of The Kelly File on the Fox News Channel, the host and three panelists mocked cable television coverage of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's meeting with Paul Ryan, GOP speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Megyn Kelly led the charge by accusing the Cable News Network and MSNBC of treating Trump's arrival as if “it was the second coming."…

CBS Touts ‘Hamilton’ Actor Lobbying Paul Ryan on Puerto Rico Bailout

April 26th, 2016 3:44 PM
During an interview with House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday’s CBS This Morning, co-host Gayle King cued up a clip of Hamilton actor Lin-Manuel Miranda rapping his demand that Congress provide financial aid to Puerto Rico. On HBO’s Last Week Tonight on Sunday, left-wing host John Oliver capped off a lengthy monologue lobbying Congress to provide assistance to the island with the musical…

CBS Teams with WH, Pelosi to Bash GOP for Not Creating $1.9B for Zika

April 14th, 2016 8:19 PM
Thursday’s CBS Evening News featured a segment in which chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook tag-teamed with the White House and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to attack Republicans for not going along with demands to create $1.9 billion (that could be passed through Congress) to allow the CDC and NIH to fight the Zika virus.

CBS: Ryan ‘Absolutely’ Sees 2016 GOP Nomination as ‘Not Worth Having'

April 13th, 2016 11:40 AM
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Wednesday speculated that one reason Speaker of the House Paul Ryan disavowed any interest in the 2016 Republican nomination is because it’s “not worth having.” Talking to reporter Nancy Cordes, co-host Charlie Rose speculated, “Is it possible he thinks this is not a nomination worth having in this political year?”