
MRC’s Rich Noyes Hammers Liberal Media for Hiding Dem Scandals

October 17th, 2018 12:36 PM
Democrats in the 2018 midterms are enduring controversy and scandal. But you wouldn’t know it from the liberal media’s lack of interest. MRC Research Director Rich Noyes appeared on Fox and Friends, Wednesday, to hammer the networks for ignoring scandals involving liberals. For instance, according to a police report, Beto O’Rourke in his 20s attempted to flee a DUI accident: “CBS interviewed Beto…

Six Democratic Scandals the Networks Are Burying This Election Year

October 16th, 2018 9:00 AM
As the midterms fast approach, there are a bunch of Democrats who find themselves embroiled in scandals and controversies. But if you only got your news from the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks, you’ve probably never heard about them. From Texas Senate Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke lying about his DUI arrest to DNC chair Keith Ellison being accused of domestic violence, the following is…

Democrats Petition Tech Giants to Ban 3D Printed Gun Links

August 17th, 2018 12:55 PM
Not content with letting social media sites police content on their own, five Democratic U.S. Senators have sent letters to the heads of major tech companies urging them to “proactively” block users from accessing blueprints for 3-D printed guns.

Univisión da carta blanca a Menéndez para criticar nominado al Supremo

July 24th, 2018 4:31 PM
Este intercambio entre el presentador Félix de Bedout y el senador Robert Menéndez (D-NJ) sobre la nominación del juez Brett Kavanaugh al Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos transmitido en el semanario político Al Punto de Univisión, representa lo que tiene que cambiar en la división de noticias de Univisión si piensa hacer un esfuerzo genuino por alcanzar a todos los hispanos de Estados…

Univision Lets Menendez Dump On Kavanaugh Unchallenged

July 21st, 2018 2:06 PM
The exchange between anchor Félix de Bedout and U.S. Senator Robert Menéndez on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court, aired on a recent episode of Unvision's public affairs show Al Punto, is emblematic of what must change at Univision’s news division if there is to be an honest effort to engage U.S. Hispanics from all walks of life.

Nets Ignore Bipartisan Admonishment of Menendez By Ethics Committee

April 26th, 2018 9:38 PM
In a bipartisan letter sent to New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez on Thursday, the Senate Ethics Committee issued a scathing admonishment against him for “knowingly and repeatedly accept[ing] gifts of significant value” and “fail[ing] to publicly disclose certain gifts as required by Senate Rule and federal law.” As often occurred during Menendez’s bribery trial last year, to which…

ABC, CBS Highlight Senator Menendez Not Getting Retried for Corruption

January 31st, 2018 11:33 PM
The corruption saga of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez (N.J.) appeared to have come to an end after federal prosecutors announced on Wednesday that they would not be seeking a retrial following the mistrial back in November. And while the major three network news outlets (ABC, CBS, and NBC) sparsely covered the case during their morning and evening newscasts as the trial was proceeding, their…

NBC Finally Discovers Menendez After Mistrial, CBS Boasts Outcome

November 16th, 2017 10:20 PM
The big three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) could finally breathe a sigh of relief on Thursday after the corruption trial against Democratic Senator Bob Menendez ended (at least for now) with a mistrial. Since the trial began 71 days ago, the network evening newscasts did everything in their power not to report it, effectively hiding it from their viewers. But Thursday evening saw all three of…

NBC Stays Silent on Menendez, Mocks ‘Trump’s Water-Gate’ Instead

November 16th, 2017 1:41 PM
While NBC News has so far refused to cover the corruption trial of Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, on Thursday, the Today show found plenty of time to laugh at President Trump for taking a sip of water during a White House address on Wednesday. The broadcast devoted two separate segments, totaling 2 minutes 38 seconds, to the President being mocked for his clumsy effort to stay…

CBS Evening News Gives 44 Secs to Trump Drinking Water, 0 to Menendez

November 15th, 2017 9:06 PM
Wednesday marked the continuation of the near total blackout on the corruption trial of Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez by the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC). While none of the networks covered the trial, which was in the middle of jury deliberations, CBS Evening News thought it was a priority to run a 44-second news brief mocking President Trump for drinking from a bottle of…

Silence on Sleaze-Bob Menendez

November 15th, 2017 4:29 PM
The verdict is in. I pronounce Democrat leaders, left-wing feminists and Beltway journalists guilty of gross negligence and hypocrisy over a dirty rotten sleazeball in their midst. For the past 11 weeks, Bob Menendez has been on trial for 18 counts of bribery, fraud and corruption involving nearly $1 million in gifts and donations. The jury remained deadlocked as of Tuesday.

Lawrence O'Donnell: If Not for Trump, I Swear I’d Cover Menendez!

November 14th, 2017 12:56 PM
MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell would love to cover the Robert Menendez trial. He really would. But he simply can’t because... Donald Trump. That was the lame excuse offered by O’Donnell on Monday as he talked to a local Philadelphia radio host. Put on the spot about the media ignoring the Democrat’s bribery case, the liberal host blamed circumstances: “If we had any other president in the White…

UPDATE: 125 Minutes for GOP Scandal, Barely 2 for Democrat’s Trial

November 13th, 2017 2:22 PM

For the past four days, the establishment media have provided intensive coverage of the scandal involving Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore, with reporters repeating the damning accusations against the candidate and the “mounting pressure” for Moore to quit the race. The media’s reaction to Moore makes their double standard on scandals all the more glaring: Since early September, a…


Raddatz Promises to Discuss Menendez Trial, Only Gives It 16 Seconds

November 12th, 2017 2:10 PM
ABC’s Martha Raddatz was on a mission against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore on Sunday. After decrying skeptical Alabama voters, she grilled White House Adviser Kellyanne Conway during This Week on whether Moore should step aside. Conway called Raddatz out and pointed to the media’s double standard on ethics and failing to adequately report the corruption trial of Democratic New Jersey…