Media Double Standard: Coverage For Moore, Near Silence For Menendez

November 10th, 2017 10:57 AM
If there was any doubt about the liberal media's double-standard when it comes to policing politicians' character, the last 24 hours have made it clear: All three networks have given heavy coverage to the serious accusations against a Republican Senate candidate, while the ongoing federal trial of a Democratic Senator has been largely hidden from view.

Fiery Closing Arguments in Menendez Bribery Trial Draw Yawns from Nets

November 3rd, 2017 12:01 AM
“This is what bribery looks like,” declared federal prosecutor J.P. Cooney on Thursday as the closing arguments in the long-running corruption trial of Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez took place. The trial had seen contentious exchanges between the defense and the judge, claims of a lack of impartiality, and requests for the case to be thrown and for a mistrial to be declared. The…

Mueller-Focused Evening Shows Still Haven’t Covered Bob Menendez Trial

October 31st, 2017 2:02 PM
ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows have not reported on the corruption trial of Democratic U.S. Senator Bob Menendez at all since September 6 when the trial began. The Senator from New Jersey is charged with accepting bribes from a wealthy friend in exchange for political favors.

Nets Omit Federal Judge Rejecting Menendez Motion for Acquittal

October 16th, 2017 9:12 PM
In a devastating day in court for New Jersey Democratic Senator Bob Menendez Monday, a federal judge threw out the defense’s motion for acquittal, which was made last Thursday when the prosecution rested its case. In his decision, the judge noted that “a rational jury could conclude the defendants entered into a quid pro quo agreement.” But despite the damning development, the liberal Big Three…

Prosecution Rests in Dem Senator Corruption Case, But CNN Dozes

October 12th, 2017 12:33 PM
The prosecution rested on October 11 in the corruption trial of New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez. Yet, with a whole day of reporting to work with, CNN has only mentioned this story for a total of five minutes on 2 shows. On October 11, The Lead With Jake Tapper gave the story 3 minutes and 9 seconds of coverage. Tapper was the only anchor to cover the story the day that the prosecution rested,…

Nets Yawn as Federal Prosecutors Rest Case in Menendez Bribery Trial

October 11th, 2017 9:30 PM
Justice Department prosecutors rested their case against Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez on Wednesday, much to the silence of the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC). With dozens of charges against him, prosecutors allege Menendez and his associate Dr. Salomon Melgen were responsible for an expansive quid-pro-quo scheme that spanned years. The case had all the hallmarks of a spicy…

NY Times Celebrates Dem Sen. Bob Menendez, Back on the Hill

October 7th, 2017 1:58 PM
New York Times’ reporter Nick Corasiniti celebrated scandal-plagued Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez on the top of the paper’s New York section Saturday: “After a Month in Court, Menendez Relishes a Trip to Washington – Senator Capitalizes On Break in His Trial.” Corasaniti's latest report is notably longer (1300 words) and more prominently placed than the dutiful pieces he's previously filed on…

Sanders Dodges Tapper's Question: Should Menendez Resign If Convicted?

October 2nd, 2017 7:49 PM
Senator Bernie Sanders had to employ some “fancy footwork” while a guest on Sunday’s edition of the Cable News Network program State of the Union when host Jake Tapper asked the Vermont socialist whether Senator Bob Menendez should step down if the New Jersey Democrat is found guilty in his trial on charges of corruption. Instead of giving a straightforward response of “Yes” or “No,” Sanders…

CNN: Zilch on Menendez Trial Bombshell, 2 Hours on Price Plane

September 29th, 2017 4:35 PM
The double standard at CNN is stark. The cable news network can’t seem to find much time for the three-week long unfolding drama of the corruption trial of sitting Democratic Senator Robert Menendez from NJ. But it found nearly 2 hours in just one day to cover HHS Secretary Tom Price’s flights on private jets.

Nets Ignore Dem. Menendez Allegedly Interfering in Foreign Affairs

September 28th, 2017 9:45 PM
During a stunning Day 13 in the federal corruption and bribery trial of Democratic New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez and a close friend, Dr. Salomon Melgen, prosecutors argued to the jury that the duo conspired to manipulate a U.S. government shipment to the Dominican Republic. But despite the shocking revelations, none of the networks in the Big Three (ABC, CBS, and NBC) decided to mention it to…

CNN Ignores Menendez Trial, Barely Skipped a Day for Ted Stevens

September 27th, 2017 8:00 AM
CNN has barely covered the corruption trial of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, but the network didn’t always have an aversion to the corruption trials of sitting U.S. senators. Back in 2008, Republican Senator Ted Stevens got plenty of attention from CNN for his own corruption trial. When it came to reporting on Stevens, CNN rarely missed a day, and often updated viewers on the status of the…

CNN Once Called Menendez Trial ‘Big Deal,’ So Where’s the Coverage?

September 20th, 2017 11:30 AM
Since it began more than two weeks ago, CNN has provided a paltry 14 minutes and 11 seconds of coverage to the corruption trial of Democratic Senator Robert Menendez. In fact, the 24-hour cable news network has mentioned the trial only once since September 7. For contrast, on just one day (September 18), CNN spent more than 45 minutes analyzing former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s 60-…

Priorities: NBC Silent on Menendez Bribery, Hypes Cruz Twitter ‘Like'

September 13th, 2017 12:39 PM
What’s more important? A staff member for a Republican senator apparently “liking” a pornographic tweet on Twitter or a Democratic senator on trial for bribery and corruption, facing possible resignation and years in prison? If you answered with the first option, then you might work for NBC News. 

MSNBC: Menendez Can ‘Hang On’ to Seat ‘Months’ After Conviction

September 8th, 2017 4:06 PM
Discussing the corruption trial of New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday, political analyst Steve Kornacki predicted that it would be “unlikely” for Governor Chris Christie to be able to name a Republican to replace the disgraced Democrat, even after a criminal conviction. Why? Because the Senator would simply “hang on” to the seat until a Democrat becomes the state’s…