
'View’: ‘Scandal’ An ‘Escape,’ ‘Privilege’ From ‘Stain of Our Country'

October 5th, 2017 2:08 PM
Thursday on ABC’s The View, Scandal actress Kerry Washington appeared briefly to discuss the popular show’s final season. The show’s writers, along with Washington herself, have been outspoken critics of President Trump as well as advocates for abortion and Hillary Clinton. So the hosts were overjoyed with the opportunity to get their like-minded liberal guest to spout off on Trump and…

'View': ‘You Don’t Have to Do Anything to Get a Gun’ In Some States

October 3rd, 2017 2:56 PM
After Monday’s show was interrupted with live news coverage, ABC’s The View got its first chance to respond to Sunday night’s mass shooting on Tuesday’s program. As to be expected, the dialogue was high on emotions and low on facts, with the hosts reciting Democrat talking points, praising Jimmy Kimmel’s late-night rant, and urging viewers to vote Republicans out of office for not doing enough to…

‘View’ Horrified by ‘Radical’ Moore: ‘He Wants to Legislate Religion!'

September 27th, 2017 2:54 PM
Following the networks’ lead this morning, ABC’s The View expressed disgust at Alabama’s Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore, who won out the primary vote against Trump-backed Republican incumbent Luther Strange yesterday. Moore’s staunch conservative and Christian views triggered the show's hosts to rant and rave about how “scary” his viewpoints were, as host Sara Haines even worried that…

'View:' Is US 'Silence' On Puerto Rico Because They're 'Brown People?'

September 26th, 2017 1:28 PM
As the left likes to say, never let a serious crisis go to waste! While discussing the absolute devastation in Puerto Rico from Hurricane Maria, some hosts at ABC’s The View wondered if the lack of media attention was a result of racist mainland Americans. Instead of putting the blame on the media for being late to alerting Americans to the serious crisis, The View’s Sunny Hostin instead…

'View': ‘Scary’ ‘Bum-In-Chief’ Advocating For ‘Illegal’ NFL Firings

September 25th, 2017 3:13 PM
Monday on ABC’s The View, the hosts continued their network’s obsessive coverage and hysterical handling of the NFL protests this weekend, that were in response to President Trump’s condemnation of the league allowing them to happen in the first place. The ladies at The View took a hard left position on the protests, as to be expected, praising Colin Kaepernick as “very American,” and bashing…

‘View’ Hosts Push Scaramucci to Bash ‘White Nationalist’ ‘Liars’ in WH

September 22nd, 2017 2:29 PM
Anthony Scaramucci was the welcomed guest on Friday’s The View, where the short-lived former White House Communications Director happily dished insider details on all the staffers he didn’t like while working in the White House, to the liberal hosts’ delight. Virulently anti-Trump host Joy Behar led the discussion, and at every opportunity she tried to get Scaramucci to bash President Trump along…

MSNBC's Joe, Mika Cringe Over 'Pornographic' Trump With 'View' Hosts

September 22nd, 2017 8:00 AM
Just when you thought The View had their most annoying guest of the season on last week with Hillary Clinton, on September 21’s show, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski made an appearance. As to be expected, the panel treated Joe and Mika as if they were old friends, and gushed together over their mutual hatred of President Trump.  

What? 'The View' Claims Trump’s ‘Rocket Man’ Was a ‘Phallic’ Symbol

September 20th, 2017 2:35 PM
In the realm of bizarre, wacky and just plain stupid things said on ABC’s The View, this has to up there as one of the strangest statements made on this show recently. While discussing President Trump’s address to the United Nations September 19, the hosts took pause to wonder if Trump had a “strategy” in calling Kim Jong Un “Rocket Man” because it was a “phallic” symbol.

Whoopi Suggests Antifa Was Made Up by the Right So They Could Complain

September 15th, 2017 12:16 PM
Charlottesville was back on the hot topics table at ABC’s The View, September 15, one month to the day after violence broke out on the campus of the University of Virginia. But instead of thought-provoking conversation on the serious issue, as usual, conspiracy theories about the right was the prevailing opinion expressed at the table by the liberal hosts. Whoopi Goldberg had the most mind-…

That's a Laugh: 'View' Claims Obama 'Tried to Work With' Republicans

September 14th, 2017 12:39 PM
Now that President Obama is out of office, it’s apparently time to rewrite history. Over at ABC’s The View, the panel can’t stop finding new ways to describe our former president in ways that are detached from reality. During a brief segment on Thursday’s show, the panel discussed whether or not President Trump was more bipartisan than President Obama, after the alleged deal he made with…

Adamant Whoopi Argues Media Loved Trump, Gave Him Positive Coverage

September 11th, 2017 3:06 PM
Monday on The View, the two most liberal hosts made a claim so absurd it begged the question: What world are they living in? The audacious claim came during a discussion on media bias and President Trump. While libertarian host Jedediah Bila pointed out conservatives’ complaints about left-wing media bias in general, Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar brought it directly to Trump, arguing that the…

'View' Hosts Cry Sexism After Huckabee Calls Them ‘Angry’ ‘Irrational'

September 7th, 2017 2:19 PM
The day after hosting conservative guests, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her father, Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, the liberal ladies at The View had a bone to pick with their guests. One by one, each host went on a tirade against both guests, after Mike Huckabee told a conservative outlet some less than flattering comments about The View hosts’ tone.

Whoopi Claims Texas Doesn't Require Training to Get Gun License

August 2nd, 2017 2:55 PM
After arguing students should be denied college admission based off of their race, the women at The View went on to argue students should be denied their Second Amendment rights. The rants were in response to a 2016 law passed in Texas that allows licensed gun owning students to conceal carry on campus. The law went into effect on community college campuses this week in the state. While…

USA 'Based on Systemic Racism!’ View Crew Defend Affirmative Action

August 2nd, 2017 12:22 PM
Wednesday on The View, the panel opened the conversation with shock and dismay at news that the Justice Department was investigating universities’ affirmative action policies and if they were unfair to white students. The table decried the already “unfair playing field” repeatedly, even bringing up slavery as a reason why we still need affirmative action to this day.