
'I'm Very Confused!' View Crew Mystified by 'Sexually Fluid' Kids

July 25th, 2017 2:26 PM
Tuesday on ABC’s The View, the panel talked with a self-identified “polyamorous” bisexual actor Nico Tortorella and a group of “sexually fluid” teens, to help educate them about the broad and confusing world of their community. While the panel called on the media to give more positive representations of “sexually fluid” people, the hosts themselves admitted they didn’t even understand what the…

'The View' Defends CNN Using Elmo to Push Anti-Travel Ban Propaganda

June 29th, 2017 3:10 PM
Just days after the Supreme Court passed through a watered-down version of President Trump’s temporary “travel ban,” CNN put out a Facebook Live video with Elmo from Sesame Street talking about the plight of Syrian refugees. In the video, CNN journalists are shown sympathetically asking Elmo about his experience visiting a refugee camp in an obvious attempt to spin an anti-Trump message to kids.…

‘The View’ Panelists Claim Democrat's Loss Is Actually ‘Slow Progress’

June 21st, 2017 6:57 PM

Less than 24 hours after Republican candidate Karen Handel defeated Democrat Jon Ossoff by more than 1,300 votes in a special election for Georgia’s 6th District seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, the women panelists on ABC’s weekday afternoon program The View sought to console themselves on Wednesday, June 21, by generating excuses for the loss.


Gross: 'The View' Suggests Cuba, U.S. Have Same Human Rights Records

June 19th, 2017 5:46 PM
It’s often disheartening to hear some of the despicable things the audience of ABC’s The View will applaud for. Whoopi Goldberg and her compatriots talked about Cuban relations on Monday and parroted loony moral equivocations between human rights in America and Cuba made by Cuban officials. The audience, eager to shower their undying loyalty, erupted in applause as Whoopi repeated the communist…

Fake News: 'View' Claims Lib Senator Is Victim of Sexist Interruptions

June 16th, 2017 5:46 PM
The View is a show that has, for much of its history, profited off of manufactured outrage. Friday’s broadcast took a similar turn, when they discussed the multifarious “sexism” embedded in liberal favorite Senator Kamala Harris getting “interrupted” by her fellow Senators. Other supposed examples: Reminding her not to interrupt Attorney General Jeff Sessions who was attempting to answer her…

The View Lies About the Second Amendment, Wants to be Like 'Japan'

June 15th, 2017 5:46 PM
The View, ABC’s morning talk program that elevated Raven-Symone to political punditry, engaged in one of its more oafish rants Thursday on one of the many topics about which it knows very little: the Constitution. In the wake of an agitated socialist attempting to engage in the mass murder of his political opponents, the panelists at The View changed the subject to berating the Second Amendment…

‘The View’ Hosts Slam Jedediah Bila After She Called Comey a Coward

June 12th, 2017 9:33 PM
The female co-hosts of ABC’s The View weekday program regularly get into arguments and often try to shout over each other, but Monday set a new standard when Jedediah Bila declared that former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey came off as a "coward" during his Senate testimony last week. “I don’t think he was lying,” Bila stated before noting that her issue was definitely with…

Is Trump 'Losing It?' 'The View' Jokes About Trump's Health, Sex Life

June 2nd, 2017 3:07 PM
Friday morning on ABC’s The View, the panel spent two segments gossipping about President Trump’s health. After joking about the Trump ‘covfefe’ fiasco, Joy Behar admitted her paranoid theory that Trump was getting dementia and “losing it.” The women also expressed faux concern about his physical health, after an anonymous source told CNN that said Trump was becoming depressed and gaining weight.

View: Christians Are the 'Taliban' 'Punishing' Women For Birth Control

June 1st, 2017 2:50 PM
Thursday on ABC’s The View, the panel had a heated discussion about the Trump Administration’s planned move to repeal the ObamaCare universal mandate that employers provide birth control to their employees under their company’s health insurance plans. This decision was praised by religious and conservative groups, but the women at The View were not having it, comparing the move to Sharia law.

'The View' Begs Chelsea to Run for President In 2020

May 31st, 2017 12:38 PM
Chelsea Clinton is making her rounds in the media this week to promote her new children’s feminist book, (that includes a special cameo of her mother!), aptly titled "She Persisted." After one fawning interview on NBC’s Today show Tuesday, Clinton was ready for another cushy interview on Wednesday’s The View.

‘Dictator!’ 'The View' Goes Nuts Over Trump’s Strike on Syria

April 7th, 2017 12:28 PM
Friday morning on The View, the show started off with a fiery exchange over the U.S. missile strike in Syria last night. The panel was strictly divided, with conservative hosts Paula Faris and Jedediah Bila fiercely disagreeing with liberal hosts Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin that the missile strike was unconstitutional.

'The View' Touts Serious Reputation: 'People Get Their News' From Us!

February 9th, 2017 3:12 PM
Thursday on ABC’s The View, the panel touted their reputation for not just being a fluff show but giving their viewers hard-hitting news. Unsurprisingly, the mostly-liberal panel didn’t realize that opinionated, unhinged rants about Trump are not the same as fact-based, unbiased news reporting.

Joy Behar on March for Life: 'You Can Be Pro-Life and Pro-Choice'

January 26th, 2017 2:11 PM
Thursday on The View, the mostly liberal panel surprisingly talked about an event that ABC’s news shows routinely ignore: the annual March for Life. The hosts were respectful of the marchers but Whoopi Goldberg took issue with the march’s use of the term “pro-life.” The whole panel then made contradictory and confusing arguments then about how one could be both “pro-choice” and “pro-life.”

2016 Rewind: The View Crew's Craziest Liberal Outbursts

December 29th, 2016 11:39 AM
From defending flag burning to justifying anti-Trump violence, the largely liberal panel at ABC’s The View frequently proved this year that the only “views” that were acceptable came from the radical left. We’ve broken down the worst of the worst liberal outbursts from the 2016 season in the cringeworthy video below.