ABC premiered their new comedy, Speechless, on Wednesday night, which tells the tale of an overly-eccentric mother of a child with cerebral palsy. The mom’s (Minnie Driver) obsession with finding the right school for her disabled child takes her to one particular school that once had a Viking as their mascot. I say “had,” because they exchanged the Viking for something a little less offensive:
Child: "Dad, I hate... This lady's voice."
Dad: Yeah, son, it's not great.
Principal: Oh, the Dimeos. Hello. I'm Dr. Miller, your school principal, and we are so glad that you're here just in time for tonight's big school fair. The theme is "Inclusivity."
Dad: You said there wasn't gonna be a theme.
Principal: Well, you'll find we take great pride in our Progressive and thoughtful environment. In fact, we just changed the mascot from a Viking, with its connotation of pillaging and male sexual aggression, to a sea slug, which has both male and female genitalia.