It's Nearly Halftime of Round Two of the Sweet-On-Obama Sixteen Tournament

October 15th, 2008 11:10 AM

Sweet-On-Obama Sixteen | Media Research CenterWe are approaching halftime of Round Two of the MRC's Sweet-On-Obama Sixteen Media Bias Tournament.

If you haven't yet cast your ballots from among the Enamored Eight, it's time to do so. And if you have, check back often to keep tabs on your picks.

We now proudly unveil on the trophy that we will present to the Media's Most Valuable Partisan (MVP) -- the winner of the Sweet-On-Obama Sixteen Tournament. It is a Major Award, and will certainly send a thrill up the leg of whomever is fortunate enough to receive it.

Behold: | Media Research Center

Designed with leading contender Chris "Thrill Up My Leg" Matthews in mind, it will indeed be a prestigious addition to the mantle of the man or woman biased enough to distinguish themselves from amongst this slanted gaggle and earn the title of Media's Most Valuable Partisan.

And speaking of Crazy Legs, if you have not yet viewed the MRC's cinematic classic , please help yourself. We think you will find it to your liking.