Savannah, Georgia CBS Affiliate Takes Political Correctness to Task in On-Air Editorial - You'll Never See This on National TV

November 24th, 2009 11:33 AM | Media Research Center
Bill Cathcart, Clearing Away the PC Clutter
Bill Cathcart, Vice President and General Manager for CBS affiliate WTOC in Savannah, Georgia, took to the airwaves on November 9th with a blistering video editorial excoriating the hold political correctness (PC) has on our society (video and transcript below the fold).

It is certainly refreshing to hear and see a news executive say these sorts of things, given the prostraters to PC that so thoroughly inhabit his profession.

Cathcart began by speaking of the horrific Fort Hood, Texas murders by Islamist extremist Nidal Malik Hasan, and pointing out how it was political correctness (PC) that cowed everyone from talking to anyone about this obviously dangerous man.

Cathcart rightly points out that this oppressive PC regime dominates not just the Army, but the nation.  "We've become so ridiculous with our political correctness.  So afraid of offending, despite the truth.  So overly tolerant and self-effacing, pandering and apologizing to be liked.  Putting up with absurd challenges to our Constitution, laws, traditions and freedoms, that we've become a nation of enablers for those with evil intent."

Leading the charge on this are, of course, Cathcart's media cohorts.  There are no greater PC enablers and enforcers than the men and women who allegedly deliver us the news. 

We have chronicled multiple instances of media outlets obfuscating, downplaying or outright ignoring that Hasan was in fact a radical Islamist committing what he considered to be an act of holy war.

But this goes well beyond just Hasan's murderous rampage.  This sort of PC "reporting" takes place every day, and taints nearly every story the Jurassic Press delivers.

And Cathcart knows it.  And nails it.  And then some.  Please, enjoy this moment of media clarity in what is otherwise a PC-Press kultersmog.

BILL CATHCART: There are no words to ease the agony, outrage, and senseless loss caused by the vicious rampage of that American-born Army officer, whose devout Muslim beliefs degenerated from religious faith to politically based Islamic fanaticism.  Leaving in its wake thirteen Fort Hood patriots dead, and many others wounded, the President was quick to caution about jumping to conclusions.  Which is interesting, since he himself jumped to an erroneous one with that outstanding police officer.  Tell you what, when Swedes begin mass murdering Americans, we'll wait.  But given this taxpayer-educated ingrate's alleged repeated utterances and actions, the conclusion is clear: This demonic act was almost certainly a premeditated, treasonous act of terrorism - personal or otherwise - against his own nation and military, both of which he betrayed in pursuit of his radicalized views.  And who's ultimately to blame?

We are.  We've become so ridiculous with our political correctness.  So afraid of offending, despite the truth.  So overly tolerant and self-effacing, pandering and apologizing to be liked.  Putting up with absurd challenges to our Constitution, laws, traditions and freedoms, that we've become a nation of enablers for those with evil intent.  Case in point, failing to challenge or stop the open proselytizing, and statements against America's military mission by this officer, repeatedly uttered and witnessed.  The Army should have booted him long ago, but can't be faulted; as we've all now become driven by fear to eggshell sensitivity.  Devout Muslim beliefs can't be challenged.  Yet the devoted Jewish and Christian faithful remain a continuing target of offensive actions, insults, mockery and marginalization. 

In more ways than all of this, we've reached the height of absurdity in America.  It's past time to knock off the elitism, and level the tolerance playing field.  We must, however, pause to note, with heartfelt thanks, the efforts of the Muslim faithful who unseen, help maintain the security of our great nation - both in the community, and through their courageous FBI work as interpreters, informants, and terror-cell infiltrators; working at great risk to prevent similar barbaric acts.  That said, with Veterans Day upon us, amidst the pain of Fort Hood - regardless of origin, race or religion - this challenge to those in this magnificent nation who refuse to accept, adopt, and respect our traditions, laws and freedoms: Either gain English proficiency, fully assimilate, contribute positively, and be ever thankful for the incredible blessing it is to be here; or get the heck out.