Matt Damon dressed as gas pump? Ben Affleck as an ear of corn? No, it’s not “Good Will Hunting,” the sequel. It’s a new set of videos promoting ethanol mandates on the Web site
The Clean My Ride site is run by the Center for American Progress Action Fund, an arm of the liberal
Earlier this week, NBC’s Lee Cowan admitted it was ethanol’s fault milk prices were “skyrocketing.” So which is it? Do environmentalists want better gas mileage or cheaper milk?
One of the other main points of the Web site is to try and get people to stop “running scared from Big Oil.” The first video, which features Affleck in a corn costume – it’s better than “Gigli” – even shows a sequence where “Big Oil” executives are chasing down an ear of corn and then bludgeoning it to death.
The site encourages visitors to send this message to Congress (emphasis added):
Dear Representative:The site also features six videos following the main character “Phin” who does whatever he can to try and convince people to help him on “his quest to save the environment.”
Other videos feature celebrities Sarah Silverman, Jason Biggs, Joshua Jackson and Jennifer Garner.
-Stuart James is a Research Analyst at the Business & Media Institute.