AP Reporter on Dems' North Carolina Sex Harassment Scandal Cites 'Turnover' as Ousted Chair's Bigger Problem

April 16th, 2012 2:26 PM

The willingness of the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, to cover for Democratic Party flubs, crimes, and scandals is something to behold. On Sunday, the wire service's Gary D. Robertson (pictured from a recent YouTube video) opened his coverage of North Carolina's Democratic Party executive director Jay Parmley with the following sentence: "The executive director of the North Carolina Democratic Party has resigned amid concern among party activists about high turnover at the party headquarters and harassment allegations there." Yeah, that "turnover" had to be a much bigger problem than those harassment allegations.

Gosh, the coverage two days earlier by Matt Boyle at the Daily Caller "somehow" had nothing to say about "turnover." But Boyle did name names and cite other specifics, with which the AP's Robertson, in his terse, five-paragraph "I guess I have to do this but I'm not going to like it" piece, never bothered:

A former North Carolina Democratic Party staffer was sexually harassed by a party official, made a financial settlement with the party and signed a non-disclosure agreement to keep the incident quiet, according to emails obtained by The Daily Caller.

“If this hits the media, the Democratic Party, our candidates, and our credibility are doomed in this election,” reads one email exchange between state Democratic leaders.

An email chain between those Democratic leaders, obtained by The Daily Caller, indicates the executive director of the North Carolina Democratic Party, Jay Parmley, and the alleged sexual harassment victim both signed non-disclosure agreements.

The email chain does not make clear who was guilty of the alleged harassment, the status of that individual’s employment with the Democratic Party or the identity of the victim.

... President Obama’s re-election team views North Carolina as an important state in the president’s campaign and Charlotte, N.C. is the site of this year’s Democratic National Convention.

Note well that Robertson didn't even label the harassment involved as sexual, making it likely that anyone trying to find his story in a news search on "sexual harassment (with or without quotes) won't be able to find it. Since when did reporters write stories in a way apparently designed to ensure that they don't get seen?

The chances that Robertson would have been so circumspect about details concerning a Republican or conservative in a similar position are somewhere between slim and none.

Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com.