Modesto Press Posts 'Stop the Mormons' Protest Photo With Item on College Football Prospect Choosing Missionary Work

May 25th, 2013 8:47 AM

UPDATE: The photo has been changed to a University of Hawaii logo.

For outrageous and tasteless photo placement, it's hard to top the one accompanying an article in the Modesto Press about top college football prospect Aaron Zwahlen.

Despite the availability of many photos of the player, at least a few of which are likely public domain, the Press chose to use the following photo accompanying a report that Zwahlen is choosing to do two years of missionary work with his church before he begins his collegiate career at the University of Hawaii (HT to a NewsBusters tipster):


"Prop. 8" was the California initiative restoring one-man, one-woman marriage as the in the Golden State after courts had overturned previously voter-approved law. Voters passed it in November 2008 by a 4.6-point margin. Angry opponents, who thought defeat was a foregone conclusion, took the matter to court, and also mounted a campaign of intimidation and harassment against those who gave money or public support to Prop. 8. The litigaion is currently being considered by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Not to be confused with the Modesto Bee, the Modesto Press:

which was founded in 2009, is a local news site dedicated to reporting news and opinions in the Central Valley of California. We are not a newspaper company, but take pride in reporting the local news for local people, written by local folks. All of our writers reside in the Central Valley. All in all, we hope to offer better and well-informed perspectives on local news.

The above is not exactly an example of "better."

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