AP Downplays Key Poll Finding: Dems' Advantage Among Women Is Gone

October 22nd, 2014 9:28 AM
In relaying the results of their polling partnership's latest survey, Associated Press polling director Jennifer Agiesta and reporter Emily Swanson held their most important finding until their report's seventh paragraph. Despite their effort to downplay it, Matt Drudge, whose nose for genuine news is legendary, spotted it. Accordingly, his current headline screams: "POLL SHOCK: WOMEN WANT…

Wasserman Schultz Runs Away From Obama

October 22nd, 2014 8:31 AM
Add Debbie Wasserman Schultz to the list of Dem politicians running away from Barack Obama.  Kind of ironic, no, given that DWS is Chair of the Dem party and President Obama is its standard bearer? On today's Morning Joe, repeatedly pressed by Joe Scarborough as to whether voting for Dem candidates means a continuation of President Obama's policies, Wasserman Schultz refused to answer.  Instead,…

WashPost First Ignores, Then Spins Walkout of Obama/Brown Rally

October 21st, 2014 4:20 PM
On Monday, Maryland conservative political blogger Jeff Quinton explained how The Washington Post ignored crowds streaming out of the October 19 Democratic campaign rally for Anthony Brown featuring President Barack Obama. On Tuesday, Post columnist Dana Milbank admitted that the crowds did thin out well before the event was concluded, but he made sure to put the best possible spin on the matter.

WSJ Silent on Biggest Midterm Right/Wrong Track Gap in 28 Years

October 21st, 2014 4:02 PM
Elizabeth Williamson's coverage at the Wall Street Journal of the latest WSJ/NBC News poll has a very strange omission. It contains a graph showing "right track/wrong track" polling percentages heading each midterm election going back to 1990. But Williamson, while addressing why the American people feel as they do right now in larger historical context, never commented on the graph's specific…

Will Press Note White House Deletion Of Obama 'Unpaid Bills' Joke?

October 21st, 2014 1:24 PM
Josh Lederman's report this morning at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, treats President Barack Obama's return to Chicago as a trip down memory lane: "Obama got glimpses of a simpler time when his life was for the most part, normal: the unpaid bills on his desk, the volunteers who pitched in on his first Senate campaign, the day he marched in seven Fourth of July parades."…

WashPost Describes Charlie Crist's Bizarre Obsession With Sweat

October 21st, 2014 10:19 AM
While most of the MSM has focused on Florida governor Rick Scott for somehow being unreasonable for objecting to challenger Charlie Crist breaking the debate rules to place a fan between his legs, the Washington Post provides us with some insight as to Crist's bizarre obsession with preventing sweat at all costs.  

Wendy Davis Plays the Race Card and It Blows Up in Her Face

October 20th, 2014 4:01 PM
Wendy Davis keeps failing. The one-time media darling keeps whiffing in her attacks against her Republican opponent in the Texas gubernatorial race. On Monday she implied Texas Republican Attorney General Gregory Abbot was against interracial marriage - even though Abbot’s wife, Cecilia, is a Latina. 

New MSNBC ‘Lean Forward’ Ad Urges Dems To ‘Organize’ At The Polls

October 20th, 2014 1:13 PM
In the latest “Lean Forward” ad, which aired during Sunday’s Up w/ Steve Kornacki, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews continued the network’s theme of pushing liberal policies on its airwaves. The Hardball host declared that “the one lesson we learn again and again is that it matters who is elected. Whether it’s in a small suburb of Missouri or in the American presidency.” 

Arizona's Dem Candidate For Gov: Child Shouldn't Need Consent to Abort

October 19th, 2014 11:16 PM
To the relief of sex offenders throughout the state, Arizona Democratic gubernatorial candidate Fred DuVal, during a Tuesday forum at Redemption Church in Gilbert, said that, in the words of an unbylined Washington Free Beacon story, "he is opposed to mandating parental consent for a girl as young as 14 years old to get an abortion." This is a non-story in the establishment press, which made it…

Reuters: People Left Obama's Speech Early; at AP, It Was 'Rowdy Rally'

October 19th, 2014 8:01 PM
One would think, based on comparing dispatches from Reuters and the Associated Press, that President Barack Obama must have spoken at two different events in Upper Marlboro, Maryland today. The two dispatches are so radically different in tone and content that they it doesn't seem possible that they both could be from the same event. But they are. Jeff Mason at Reuters (saved here for future…

Jon Stewart Mocks 'Hairless Serpentine' GOP Governor in Florida Piece

October 18th, 2014 5:03 PM
All of the liberal media seem to be pushing the same agenda: overhype the “Fangate” controversy to their political advantage.  On the October 16 episode of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart spent the first nine minutes of his half hour long Comedy Central time slot praising Governor Rick Scott for being the “pony” in the “horse s***” world” his very own President created. He called him "the hairless…

NY Times Guns for Kansas Conservative 'Fire-Breather' Kris Kobach

October 18th, 2014 8:20 AM
New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel discovered What's the Matter With Kansas? and his name is Kris Kobach, Kansas's worryingly activist and conservative secretary of state: "He Pushed Kansas to the Right. Now Kansas Is Pushing Back." Kobach is locked in a tough re-election race, and the Times smells blood in the water.

Matthews Tells Charlie Crist: ’You Got To Beat This Guy’ Rick Scott

October 17th, 2014 12:22 PM
Charlie Crist, Republican turned Independent turned Democrat, is challenging Governor Rick Scott (R-FL) in the upcoming November election and on Thursday night he was treated to a softball interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews following the “Fangate” controversy from a recent gubernatorial debate with his Republican opponent. Appearing on Hardball, Matthews obnoxiously called Scott’s actions…

CBS, NBC Again Cover 'Fangate’; Ignore Apology from Debate Officials

October 16th, 2014 10:54 PM
CBS and NBC continued on Thursday night to harp on the so-called refusal of Florida Republican Governor Rick Scott to initially debate his opponent, Democrat and former Florida Governor Charlie Crist, on Wednesday because of Crist’s usage of a fan that broke the rules of the debate. After each of the “big three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) mentioned it on their morning newscasts, the CBS Evening News …