As Venezuela Implodes, NBC Avoids Naming the Cause: Socialism

May 7th, 2017 5:29 PM
On Thursday, an Investor's Business Daily editorial cited a long list of news outlets which have recently covered the calamitous events in Venezuela, but which, in IBD's words, "continue to obfuscate, if not totally ignore" the fact that the country's implosion can be laid at the feet of one simple cause: "Socialism." One particularly appalling example exemplifying the paper's complaint came…

ABC’s Pretend Republican Dowd Pushes for Socialist Health Care

May 7th, 2017 2:42 PM
ABC commentator Matthew Dowd is supposed to help the network have a sense of being non-partisan by being their token Republican guest. But during his appearance on Sunday’s This Week, he seemed to show off his true political bent as he pushed for socialized medicine. “We need to ask the question, should we go to a single-payer system? Because affordability hasn't been fixed by this or ACA. And…

ABC Smears House GOP: ‘Betrayed’ and ‘Sold Out’ Their Constituents

May 7th, 2017 11:09 AM
In the wake of House Republicans passing the American Health Care Act on Thursday, the liberal Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) came out strong against it. Come Sunday morning, ABC was still railing against it. This time they openly asserted that the Republicans didn’t care about the people in their districts. “Republican lawmakers are hearing loud and clear from constituents who don't like…

Nets Come Out Strong Against ObamaCare Repeal Passed By House

May 4th, 2017 10:05 PM
House Republicans and President Donald Trump took a large step in their efforts to repeal and replace the failing ObamaCare system on Thursday. In a very tight vote, Republicans passed their health care legislation and handed the bill off to the Senate. “But lawmakers voted without the final bill ever being scored, as they say in Washington,” announced ABC Anchor David Muir at the start of World…

Vile Colbert Doubles Down on Trump Attack, ‘I Don't Regret That’

May 4th, 2017 1:03 AM
After angering many well-mannered Americans and seeing the #FireColbert hashtag go viral over a two day period, so-call comedian Stephen Colbert started off The Late Show on Wednesday by doubling down on his low-brow “humor.”  “I don't regret that,” he told his audience. The outcry Colbert was defying stemmed from an angry and curse-filled tirade that he leveled against President Trump Monday…

ABC, CBS Hype Hillary's Election Blame Game, NBC Fails to Defend Holt

May 2nd, 2017 10:12 PM
Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton came out swinging Tuesday in a Q&A with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. There, she shifted blame for her humiliating loss while merely claiming to take personal responsibility. The liberal Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were more than happy to aid in her endeavor. “Today Hillary Clinton gave her most candid assessment yet of why she believes…

Bill Nye Episode Re-Release Deletes Male-Female Determination Segment

May 2nd, 2017 9:06 PM
On Thursday, Julia Seymour at NewsBusters noted that in his new, ridiculously hyped Netflix series, so-called "Science Guy" Bill Nye "preached gender fluidity as 'forward thinking.'" In what can hardly be a coincidence, Daniel Payne at the reports that "someone cut from a re-release of the episode" a 76-second segment from Nye's original 1996 program on "Probability" explaining how…

Concha Trashes Media Claim That Trump Threatens the First Amendment

May 2nd, 2017 12:05 AM
The White House Correspondents’ Dinner was supposedly a celebration of the first amendment, but Saturday’s dinner was a Donald Trump bashing fest with cries of his threat to journalism. But during Sunday’s MediaBuzz on Fox News, The Hill’s Joe Concha unloaded on his liberal colleagues for their overblown hysteria. “Here is what I will say to that. Press briefings with Sean Spicer have never been…

CNN Panelist: GOP No Longer the Party of Lincoln, Wants Racists

May 1st, 2017 10:25 PM
Following President Trump’s unusual comments about President Andrew Jackson being able to stop the Civil War, the media was all abuzz trying to figure out what he meant by it. During CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Monday night, commenter Jeffrey Lord explained that Trump might have been attracted to Jackson’s economic populism, but Lord condemned Jackson’s racism. He also reminded viewers that it was…

Matthews Admits the Media Are ‘Killing’ Trump, ‘Gale Force Winds'

April 30th, 2017 3:10 PM
In an almost stunning moment of clarity during Sunday’s Meet the Press, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews admitted in a rant that the media were targeting President Trump. “This president has gale-force winds against him. He comes in with the media killing him every day,” he told NBC moderator Chuck Todd, who was obsessing over the President’s approval numbers. “The New York Times does enterprise pieces,…

Samantha Bee on CNN: There Is No ‘Smug Liberal Problem’

April 30th, 2017 11:41 AM
TBS’s resident radical leftist Samantha Bee made an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday to speak with her friend/host Jake Tapper about her “alternative” White House Correspondents Dinner. During their discussion, Tapper dredged up a New York Times opinion piece from September 2016 warning Hillary Clinton of her “Samantha Bee problem.” The column notes that not only Bee is the…

Nueva caída para el periodismo: Jorge Ramos recibe Premio Cronkite

April 28th, 2017 10:45 AM
RESTON, VIRGINIA — El viernes por la mañana, el presidente del Centro de Investigación Mediática (MRC, por sus siglas en inglés) Brent Bozell y el director de MRC Latino, Ken Oliver Méndez, hicieron las siguientes declaraciones con motivo del premio Walter Cronkite para Excelencia en el Periodismo Político, otorgado hoy en el Club Nacional de la Prensa al presentador de Univisión y Fusion, Jorge…

ABC, CBS Move On from U.C. Berkeley’s Anti-Free Speech Riots

April 27th, 2017 10:35 PM
Conservative pundit Ann Coulter was set to speak at the University of California, Berkeley Thursday night but that plan was foiled by the threat of violence from radical leftists. “Now to Berkeley, California where new protests are breaking out tonight a day after conservative pundit Ann Coulter's plan to speak at U.C. Berkeley was abruptly canceled,” announced Anchor Lester Holt during NBC…

CBS Trashes White House’s Tax Plan, Critique Divorced from Reality

April 26th, 2017 10:19 PM
The White House on Wednesday released the outline for the President’s proposed tax plan that would drastically cut taxes and simplify the filing process, among other things. CBS’s resident Trump critic and anchor, Scott Pelley kicked off the show smearing it. “Today the Trump administration rushed out a plan for historic tax cuts high on hyperbole, but with only a dollop of detail,” he declared…