Mucha más cobertura a escándalos de Trump que a los correos de Clinton

October 24th, 2016 2:40 PM
Durante un período de dos semanas los principales programas noticiosos nocturnos de las cadenas líderes en español del país, Univisión y Telemundo, dedicaron más de una hora de cobertura a las conversaciones sexuales de Donald Trump y las denuncias de abuso subsiguientes por parte de varias mujeres, en comparación con poco más de 12 minutos a la avalancha de revelaciones alarmantes sobre Hillary…

There He Goes Again: Jorge Ramos’ Reaction to ‘Bad Hombres’

October 24th, 2016 8:00 AM
Since June of 2015, there’s something Univision’s chief news anchor Jorge Ramos has never missed a beat in doing: portraying Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s words as expressions of unbridled xenophobia and racism.

RNC Official Schools CNN’s Brian Stelter on Liberal Media Bias

October 23rd, 2016 4:37 PM
Liberal media bias has become painfully obvious during the 2016 election cycle. Between the severely lopsided coverage of political scandals and WikiLeaks exposing just how cozy the media is to the Clinton campaign, it’s nearly impossible to deny its existence. But that didn’t stop CNN’s Brian Stelter from trying on Reliable Sources Sunday. “But how is this anything more than the team that thinks…

Chuck Todd Disputes that 96 Percent of Media Donations Went to Clinton

October 23rd, 2016 2:15 PM
NBC’s Chuck Todd tried to continue peddling the agenda of the “Big Three” networks and cover up the media’s deep connections to the Hillary Clinton campaign, on Sunday’s Meet the Press. Donald Trump’s Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway reminded him Trump went after the corrupt system as well, “And it did, unfortunately, include some in the media.” Todd retorted: “There was no political journalists…

WATCH: Sharpton Struggles Against Project Veritas Videos, Voter Fraud

October 23rd, 2016 11:32 AM
Tax dodger and riot starter Al Sharpton had a bone to pick with GOP nominee Donald Trump, on his MSNBC Sunday show Politics Nation, for playing coy with accepting the outcome of the election. Sharpton brought on Trump’s Senior Campaign Adviser Boris Epshteyn to browbeat him over the comments saying, “Boris, just how big would Clinton's win have to be for Trump to admit it is, quote, “Not…

En Español: 5X More Coverage of Trump Sex Talk Over Clinton WikiLeaks

October 23rd, 2016 9:51 AM
Over a two-week period, the principal national evening newscasts of the nation’s leading Spanish-language television networks, Univision and Telemundo, dedicated over an hour of coverage to Donald Trump sex talk and subsequent allegations of misconduct by various women, in comparison to just over 12 minutes to the avalanche of red flags about Hillary Clinton and her campaign that have been…

Was Andrea Mitchell Fed a Question to Ask Hillary at Post-Debate Q&A?

October 21st, 2016 12:17 PM
Did NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell ask Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton a softball question fed to her by a leading Clinton campaign official Wednesday evening? It sure looks that way. The concern is utterly reasonable because of Mitchell's track record of running interference for Hillary Clinton's campaign and liberal politicians and causes in general.

Nets Ignore E-Mail Exposing Large Clinton Foundation Gift from a King

October 21st, 2016 12:39 AM
News broke Thursday of a new Clinton campaign e-mail exposed by WikiLeaks that reinforces the persistent notion that the Clinton Foundation is a pay-for-play scheme. And yet the “Big Three” networks ABC, CBS, and NBC pretended like it didn’t even happen. “New scrutiny tonight on the Clinton Foundation coming from what were supposed to be private e-mails,” stated Fox News Anchor Bret Baier on…

ABC Runs Clinton Debate Highlights, Touts Obama’s Campaign Support

October 20th, 2016 11:33 PM
ABC let its bias known Thursday evening during World News Tonight as their presidential debate recap was a glorified Hillary Clinton highlight reel. Opening his report, ABC’s Tom Llamas seemed to wag his finger at Donald Trump for his comments about not accepting the result of the election. From there he hyped Clinton’s performance and her attacks on Trump, “Hillary Clinton painting Trump as a…

Fraude electoral un ‘mito’ según reporteros de Univisión

October 20th, 2016 7:38 PM
Siguiéndoles la corriente a sus colegas de otros medios nacionales, varios miembros del equipo de noticias de Univisión también han incurrido recientemente en falsedades al descartar por completo la realidad de los problemas de fraude electoral en Estados Unidos.

Univision Reporters: Voter Fraud a ‘Myth’ & Has ‘Never Existed’

October 20th, 2016 9:05 AM
Along with their colleagues in much of the rest of the national media, several members of Univision’s news crew have also been guilty of telling outright lies lately, in which they completely dismiss the reality of voter fraud problems in the United States.

Van Jones on Trump's Debate Performance: 'You Can't Polish this Turd'

October 20th, 2016 12:21 AM
CNN political commentator Van Jones brought the news outlet’s political commentary to a new low following the final presidential debate Wednesday. “You know, this is a really sad night. I’m just going to say it. This is a very sad night for the country. You can't polish this turd,” bemoaned the leftist as he slammed Donald Trump's performance. That’s right, Jones resorted to being a proverbial…

Univisión apoya el negocio turístico de la ciudadanía por nacimiento

October 19th, 2016 7:48 PM
“Tener mi bebé en Miami” es el nombre de un negocio de turismo de parto que fue el tema de un complaciente informe reciente en el noticiero nacional nocturno de Univisión.

Birthright Citizenship Business Receives Boost from Univision

October 19th, 2016 1:49 PM
“Have My Baby in Miami” is the name of a birth tourism business that was the subject of a recent glowing report on Univision’s national evening news.