
AP Ignores Testimonials at Trump Rally, Obsesses Over 'Scuffle'

September 13th, 2016 8:11 PM
That the press has become quite unnerved over the tight presidential race is apparent in the Associated Press's coverage of Republican nominee Donald Trump's Monday campaign rally in Asheville, North Carolina. John Hinderaker at Powerline alertly noted that reporters for both Breitbart and AP prepared dispatches on the event, enabling a quite telling comparison of the two efforts. The headline…

Univision’s Liberal Bias Sparks Protests

September 13th, 2016 3:59 PM
The unrelenting liberal bias and political activism of Spanish-language television giant Univision during 2016 has finally sparked protest activity in front of the network’s Doral, Florida studios. A diverse and surprisingly numerous coalition of Trump supporters in South Florida - estimated by the Doral Police Department to number in the hundreds - made a spirited show of force outside Univision…

Networks Twist Clinton’s Weekend Debacles to Slam Trump as Worse

September 13th, 2016 1:34 AM
In an attempt to vigorously spin Hillary Clinton’s recent debacles, the “Big Three” network mobilized to her defense Monday. Between Clinton’s attacks on Donald Trump’s supporters and her medical episode on Sunday, the networks were busy trying to depict him as worse than her. “Meantime, as health becomes a major topic in this campaign, Donald Trump has released even less information about his…

MRC’s Rich Noyes Slams Media, ‘Double Standard’ with Health Reporting

September 12th, 2016 11:08 PM
The Media Research Center’s Research Director Rich Noyes joined Elizabeth McDonald on Fox Business Network’s Risk and Reward Monday, to discuss the media’s lack of questions regarding Hillary Clinton’s health. McDonald noted that a Huffington Post writer was recently fired for raising such questions, and that there were more than just him. “Given what happened on Sunday, it’s the journalists who…

Informes contra Trump en TV Azteca financiados con fondos públicos

September 12th, 2016 2:18 PM
Los gastos recientes del gobierno de Barack Obama de decenas de millones de dólares para impulsar a los inmigrantes a hacerse ciudadanos de Estados Unidos a fin de que puedan votar en los comicios de noviembre no son la única prueba de que posiblemente se están usando fondos de los contribuyentes fiscales para favorecer la elección de Hillary Clinton.

HuffPo Tweets Trigger Warning as It Finally Covers Hillary's Health

September 12th, 2016 10:52 AM
The Huffington Post faced a quandary yesterday. Because of the "medical episode" Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton suffered yesterday, HuffPo Senior Politics Editor Sam Stein knew that far-left website, after months of avoidance, would have to break down and start treating her health and stamina as genuine news topics. But he also decided that he needed to tweet the equivalent of a…

CNN Whines About Public’s Lack of ‘Connection’ with Post-9/11 Clinton

September 11th, 2016 9:46 AM
September 11 is a sacred day for America where we try to put our political squabbles aside and come together to moan an unbelievable tragedy. But not on CNN’s New Day Sunday where they complained that American’s don’t know the “empathetic leader” Hillary Clinton was after the attack. “A British newspaper and New York radio station are claiming the Clinton of today is vastly different than the…

Univision Under Siege

September 9th, 2016 9:15 AM
When covering the biases inherent to Univision's television news coverage, it is very important to look beyond the stories themselves.  A recent report from The Wall Street Journal reminds us of the critical need to take the occasional dive into the underlying business environment at Univision, and to note the points at which it intersects with its news coverage.

CBS, NBC Highlight Clinton’s Bashing of Trump Following Forum

September 9th, 2016 1:40 AM
Besides taking the time to rail against Gary Johnson for his Aleppo flub, both CBS and NBC took the time to highlight Hillary Clinton railing against Donald Trump the day after the Commander-in-Chief forum. “A battle that started a board an aircraft carrier catapulted into a dogfight today,” hyped anchor Scott Pelley to start off CBS Evening News Thursday, “We learned more about how they intend…

Nets Go to Town on Johnson Flub, Downplay Clinton E-Mail Questions

September 8th, 2016 11:59 PM
The “Big Three” network news programs were all a buzz Thursday evening over a seemingly inexplicable exchange that occurred on MSNBC’s Morning Joe that morning. “And what is Aleppo,” Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson inquired after being asked by journalist Mike Barnicle what his plan for the city was. “Johnson stumped not by a gotcha question but a basic foreign policy question in…

MSNBC's Mika Laments That Hillary 'Clearly Impaired' By Email Scandal

September 8th, 2016 9:58 AM
If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost middle America, President Lyndon Johnson allegedly complained in February 1968 while watching CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite pronounce from Vietnam during the Tet Offensive that the war was a clearly a stalemate and hence pointless for the United States to remain in the fight. Turns out this oft-cited tale is probably apocryphal, as American University professor…

Maddow Whines that E-Mails Are ‘Source of Frustration’ for Hillary

September 8th, 2016 2:10 AM
During the MSNBC/NBC Commander-in-Chief Forum Matt Lauer, co-host of NBC’s Today, hammered Hillary Clinton repeatedly about her e-mail scandal, much to Clinton’s chagrin. But Clinton was not the only one that didn’t appreciate Lauer’s prying into the issue for the American people. “But to have half of the time with her be on the issue e-mail,” whined MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Brian William’s…

Taxpayer-Funded Anti-Trump News on Azteca

September 7th, 2016 8:47 PM
The Obama administration’s recent expenditure of tens of millions of dollars to spur immigrants to become citizens and vote this November isn’t the only evidence that taxpayer funds are possibly being used to favor the election of Hillary Clinton.

AP Describes Schlafly as 'Far-Right,' Her Group As 'Ultraconservative'

September 6th, 2016 3:50 PM
The death of conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly set off the predictable leftist social media hatefest overnight, and naturally gave rise to a "graceless" obituary in the New York Times. While it's a bit of a relief that Jim Salter's obituary at the Associated Press was not as hostile as the quite left-leaning wire service has been towards deceased conservatives in the past (e.g., Tony Snow in…