Paper on ‘Changing Minds’ on Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Retracted (Part 1)

May 28th, 2015 2:37 PM
"Science" has a problem — or more accurately stated, those who produce and publish "scienitific" studies — have a problem. Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, one of the leading weekly peer-reviewed general medical journals, caused quite a stir last week when he said that "much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue." That may be an underestimate. One of the more…

Politico Hack: 'The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally'

May 20th, 2015 11:19 AM
Daniel J. McGrow, who describes himself as a "writer and recombobulator" at his Twitter account, got seriously discombobulated in public on Sunday. His headline at Politico is meant to reassure leftists who don't read on that "The GOP Is Dying Off. Literally," and that Democrats have an incredible advantage going into the 2016 elections. Those who do read his column should be able to recognize…

Scarborough Suggests NBC Wouldn't Punish Lauer If He Pulled a Stephy

May 19th, 2015 9:25 AM
Did Joe Scarborough just suggest that the suits at his own network are craven cowards who put bucks over ethics? On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough predicted that if Matt Lauer had pulled a Stephanopoulos, NBC would hesitate to punish him [just as ABC hasn't disciplined Steph], because Lauer's morning Today show "is where they make the money."

WashPost's Anti-GOP Amtrak Harangue Also Chock Full of Falsehoods

May 18th, 2015 8:56 PM
It's bad enough, as Bryan Ballas at NewsBusters noted on May 16, that the Washington Post's Philip Bump dishonestly used last week's Amtrak tragedy to rip Republican members of Congress for somehow being responsible for the (theoretically) for-profit entity's "constant struggle" for funding. As Sean Davis at the Federalist explained, Amtrak has really had no funding struggles. Bump had to make…

World and U.S. Press Botch Pope's 'Angel of Peace' Statement to Abbas

May 18th, 2015 10:49 AM
The competition is fierce, but perhaps the most consistent area of outright and arguably deliberate U.S. and worldwide press distortion is found in their coverage of the Catholic Church and its pontiff. Last week, the major international wires and several U.S. outlets once again demonstrated that readers, listeners and viewers can never trust that they will get an accurate story relating to…

Mika Hits ABC's 'Lack of Judgment' In Hiring Stephanopoulos

May 18th, 2015 8:57 AM
On today's Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski criticized George Stephanopoulos for covering the story of the Clinton Foundation without disclosing that he had donated to it.  But Brzezinski's biggest blast was reserved for ABC, which had hired the hyper-partisan Clinton adviser in the first place. Brzezinski hit the "lack of judgment of the people who are hiring him to think that he can just erase […

PolitiFact's 'Half True' on Fiorina Layoffs Claim Is Utterly False

May 17th, 2015 11:52 PM
On May 5, PolitiFact's Louis Jacobson kept with the alleged "fact-checking" web site's actual role as pack of leftist hacks by issuing a fundamentally dishonest "Half True" ruling on a statement made by's cybersquatter. I raise the matter now because the web site's critics, while raising most of the relevant points, haven't gone far enough in tearing apart Jacobson's work. As…

Salon: GOP Will 'Miss George Stephanopoulos' As Debate Moderator

May 17th, 2015 5:22 PM
In the wake of the furor over his gifts to the Clinton Foundation, George Stephanopoulos has taken himself out of the running to moderate a Republican presidential debate set to air on ABC next February. That development gave Salon’s Jim Newell a peg for his Friday argument that GOPers are off-base in their recent push for conservatives (or at least non-liberals) to moderate their party’s debates…

Lefty Blogger on Stephanopoulos Donations: ‘So What?’

May 15th, 2015 10:38 AM
In the uproar over George Stephanopoulos’s hefty, long-undisclosed contributions to the Clinton Foundation, New York magazine blogger Jonathan Chait casts himself in a role similar to that of the child in the tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes” who, after so many have admired their ruler’s supposedly magnificent outfit, points out that the monarch actually is wearing nothing at all. “Everybody…

Jorge Ramos: John Oliver Has ‘More Credibility Than Reporters’

May 13th, 2015 12:08 PM
Liberal journalist Jorge Ramos interviewed HBO’s John Oliver for his Fusion TV program America with Jorge Ramos on Tuesday night and eagerly praised the liberal comedian for having “more credibility than reporters.” 

Halperin Lamely Apologizes 'To Those Offended' by His Cruz Interview

May 11th, 2015 6:52 PM
Today, Bloomberg TV's Mark Halperin inadequately apologized for his conduct and line of questioning during an April 30 interview of GOP presidential candidate which came off as rude and racist to many who saw it — well, basically because it was. As Tim Graham at NewsBusters noted on Sunday, and as will be seen in the video following the jump, Halperin engaged in a "prove-you're-a-Cuban" line of…

Cummings: Baltimore Schools Are Awful; Others Have to Pay to Fix Them

May 11th, 2015 2:37 PM
With Camden Yards set to hold its first fan-attended Baltimore Orioles game in over two weeks tonight, it's a good time to go back to a May 2 item by Meredith Shiner at Yahoo Politics. Readers may remember the Duke-"educated" Shiner as the person who was flabbergasted that GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz cited "God-given rights" when he announced his candidacy on March 23, tweeting in part…

NYT Strongly (and Falsely) Implies Mosby's Cousin Was Killed by Police

May 3rd, 2015 11:41 PM
One could spend hours critiquing the horridly written, agenda-driven Friday evening (Saturday print edition, front page) story at the New York Times about Marilyn J. Mosby, the state’s attorney for Baltimore. On Friday, she announced the indictment of six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray. Earlier Sunday, "Open Blogger" at the Ace of Spades blog provided the Cliff's notes version of…

PunditFact Calls Accurate Claim on Clinton Foundation 'Mostly False'

April 30th, 2015 11:06 AM
If Rush Limbaugh told his audience that the sun rose in the east today, it seems that PunditFact, an arm of Politifact, would find a way to determine that he wasn't telling the truth. That's pretty much what you have to conclude from the web site's laughable evaluation of Limbaugh's true assertion that "The Federalist reports only 15 percent of the money donated to the Clinton Family Foundation…