
MSNBC: White Supremacy Doesn't Require Having a White Person Involved

April 28th, 2015 3:55 PM
As I demonstrated last week, MSNBC and CNN, the two also-rans in the cable news race, survive in large part because about half of their revenues are, once contracts are signed with cable and other providers, guaranteed for several years. This insulates them from much of the financial impact of declining viewership. MSNBC's far-leftism is particulary painful to watch — so painful that it's hard…

AP Covers Whining About Walker's Security, But Not 'John Doe' Thuggery

April 26th, 2015 11:35 PM
The Associated Press is one of many national establishment press outlets which has from all appearances utterly ignored National Review's chronicling of police-state tactics used by law enforcement in a "John Doe" investigation targeting Republican Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin. Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm's fishing expedition, which began in 2012, has attempted but thus…

LAT Scribe, 'Ferguson' Actors Won't Concede That 'Hands Up' Is a Myth

April 25th, 2015 10:05 AM
At a March 4 press conference, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder grudgingly bowed to the truth relating to the events surrounding the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in August of last year: "Michael Brown’s death, though a tragedy, did not involve prosecutable conduct on the part of Officer (Darren) Wilson." In doing so, Holder effectively acknowledged the falsity of the claim,…

Rush Wonders How CNN and MSNBC Can Still Be on the Air; Here's How

April 24th, 2015 2:36 PM
Rush Limbaugh posted an interesting pair of questions at his web site yesterday: "How can CNN still be on the air with no audience? How can MSNBC have been on the air with no audience? In the old days, they're gone, kaput. Something else is tried. But they stay. And they double down on what they're doing that's losing audience." A large part of the answer, as I noted on March 30, is that those…

CBS, Spanish Nets Remain Silent on New Clinton Foundation Allegations

April 23rd, 2015 9:37 PM
On Thursday night, CBS and Spanish-language networks MundoFox, Telemundo, and Univision continued their silence on the latest controversy involving the Clinton Foundation and claims made in the upcoming book Clinton Cash about donations to the group while a Russian company purchased an American-owned uranium mine. Meanwhile, NBC ended its blackout on the story with a full report on NBC Nightly…

Press Ignores Gold Star Mom Demanding, Getting General's Apology

April 21st, 2015 11:13 PM
A decade ago, a Gold Star Mom who had lost her son in Iraq gained national attention when she staged a protest against the Iraq War near George W. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. Leftist PR flaks took control of Cindy Sheehan's every move, keeping her in the headlines for months on end as a symbol of supposedly strong opposition to the war which toppled Saddam Hussein. In August 2005, New York…

Rubio's Age Is Problematic, But Post-Menopausal HIllary Is 'Perfect'?

April 18th, 2015 4:59 PM's Zeke Miller tweeted yesterday that a "reporter" asked recently declared presidential candidate Marco Rubio of Florida the following question: "Is 43 old enough to be president?" Meanwhile, two weeks ago, a column at claimed that Hillary Clinton is "biologically primed to be a leader." Seriously. Since he either can't or won't tell us who asked the question, we're unable to…

CNN, Showing a 'Vintage' Car: 'See Cuba Before Investors Ruin It'

April 14th, 2015 4:13 PM
Journalists' and leftists' (but I repeat myself) misguided love for Cuba goes back decades. Y'know, free healthcare (cough), yada-yada. Now that President Obama is unilaterally changing the relationship between the two nations, and as usual getting nothing in return, you'd think that they'd be happy. Heck no. It started several months ago when Fox News's Shepard Smith fretted about how a thaw in…

CNN Bogusly Hypes Paltrow's 'Food Stamp Challenge' Participation

April 12th, 2015 4:50 PM
On Saturday, CNN hyped actress and self-appointed "lifestyle guru" Gwyneth Paltrow's participation in the "Food Stamp Challenge." This is the fundamentally dishonest campaign which has been working for at least eight years to convince Americans that benefits provided under the federal government's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) are inadequate. As usual, Paltrow has taken up the…

NY Times Editorial Botches NRA Convention Gun Rules and 'Correction'

April 11th, 2015 9:38 PM
A Friday editorial at the Second Amendment-despising New York Times thought it had caught blatant hypocrisy at the NRA relating to gun-carrying rules at its national convention in Nashville, Tennessee. What was really blatant was the editorial's ignorance and the writers' failure to fact-check. After getting caught, the Times should have decided to retract the editorial. Of course, that didn't…

New Republic Writer: Rolling Stone Failure Due to 'Rightwing Tactics'

April 7th, 2015 2:49 PM
New Republic staff writer Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig has clearly run out of defenses for the conduct of those involved in the disgraceful, scandalous journalistic malpractice which gave rise to the now-retracted and thoroughly discredited "A Rape on Campus: The Struggle for Justice at UVA" at Rolling Stone. So here's her last refuge: Conservatism deserves some of the blame, because Sabrina Rubin…

'Scathing' Columbia Report Leads to No Firings at Rolling Stone

April 5th, 2015 11:19 PM
Earlier this evening, the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism issued its report on Rolling Stone Magazine's November "A Rape on Campus" story. The report follows up on the magazine's request of Columbia to conduct an independent review of how the disastrously false 9,000-word story made it through to publication. USA Today is reporting that for all the harsh criticism the piece's…

Richmond, Va. Hack Reports 'Memories' GoFundMe For 'Fraud' (Updated)

April 4th, 2015 11:28 PM
UPDATE, April 6: An email sent by "Virginia Commonwealth University News" insists, despite the November 2014 tweet originally found at the link about Bryan's "GoFundMe" effort, that Alix Bryan "has not been employed by Virginia Commonwealth University." Accordingly, the text in this post's final sentence now refers to Bryan's claim in her WTVR bio and at her LinkedIn profile to have received a "…

Local Indiana Station Ambushes Memories Pizza to Gin Up an RFRA Story

April 1st, 2015 11:43 PM
Something hasn't seemed right about the Memories Pizza story from the get-go. Now I know why. In a Tuesday report, TV Station ABC 57 cited the Walkerton, Indiana business's Crystal O'Connor as saying that, in the station's words, they "don't agree with gay marriages and wouldn't cater them if asked to." In other words, they've never been asked to. The non-story which ignited a national firestorm…