More PC From AP's Stylebook: Global Warming' Is Now 'Climate Change'

March 28th, 2015 11:37 AM
This is what happens when you have a 17-year "pause" in supposedly human-caused "global warming" and need to maintain appearances. The Associated Press's Stylebook has now given journalists who pay attention to its guidelines permission to use the term "climate change" when they would previously have felt it necessary to call it "global warming." The agenda-driving clue is seen in the wire…

AP: 'Not So Clear' That Israel Is Democratic

March 25th, 2015 10:50 PM
The pundit class in the U.S. and much of the rest of the world is still seething over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's electoral triumph last week. On Monday, Dan Perry at the Associated Press took that hysteria to a new level, in effect attempting to discredit Bibi's win by writing that, after all, it may not really be correct to call Israel a democracy. That's because "Palestinians" who are…

CNN Panelist Uses 'Statistics' Claiming Credibility of UVa.'s 'Jackie'

March 24th, 2015 11:13 AM
On CNN yesterday, after the network cut away from the press conference where Charlottesville, Virginia Police Department announced that it "found no evidence to support claims in a Rolling Stone article that a University of Virginia student was gang raped at a campus fraternity in September 2012," network panelist and CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin bizarrely resorted to "statistics" to defend "…

USAT Reax to Debunked Rolling Stone Rape Story: 'Didn't Quite Hold Up'

March 23rd, 2015 3:57 PM
The press's reluctance to let go of a popular but debunked meme — in this case, the nonexistent "epidemic" of college campus sexual assaults — is sometimes inadvertently humorous, though still intensely annoying. Take how John Bacon and Marisol Bello at USA Today characterized the news that "Police in Charlottesville were unable to verify that an alleged sexual assault detailed in a…

MSNBC to Starbucks Baristas: Put 'US Based on White Supremacy' on Cups

March 22nd, 2015 10:45 PM
Paging Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz. Your "conversation about race" idea has hit a bit of a brick wall among those you seem to believe are on your side — unless your idea of a "conversation" is talking down to anyone who doesn't buy into the idea of "diversity" uber alles, or that this country's founding and history have been predominantly noble. On Melissa Harris-Perry's show this weekend, the…

'Intentions Are Pure'? Starbucks-USAT Race Test Demonstrates Otherwise

March 21st, 2015 11:49 PM
The Associated Press's most recent story on the controversial Starbucks USA Today "Race Together" campaign came out Wednesday evening. In that story, AP Food Industry Writer Candice Choi quoted Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz at his company's annual shareholders' meeting predicting that "Some in the media will criticize Starbucks for having a political agenda," but that "Our intentions are pure."…

USA Today Is All-in Partner in Starbucks' 'Race Together' Campaign

March 21st, 2015 10:28 AM
Coffee retailing giant Starbucks is getting an earful of outrage and ridicule over its "Race Together" campaign. Its intent, according to chain CEO Howard Schultz, in a joint interview with USA Today's Larry Kramer, is to do something about what he claims is "the divisive role unconscious bias plays in our society and the role empathy can play to bridge those divides." USAT's Kramer claims that…

NPR Boosts Obama's Green Energy Order, Leaves No Room For Critics

March 20th, 2015 4:01 PM
NPR's Scott Horsley carried water for the Obama administration on Thursday's All Things Considered as he covered the President's green energy executive order. All of Horsley's soundbites during the segment came from the Democratic chief executive and two boosters of his latest environmental policy. True to form, the slanted NPR correspondent failed to include any criticism of the order in his…

Politico Still Perpetuating Myth About Netanyahu's Speech to Congress

March 18th, 2015 11:22 PM
Many media myths won't die because those who should know better — and I believe in many cases do know better, and don't care — perpetuate them. One can't divine his mindset, but Politico's Michael Crowley, in his coverage of Benjamin Netanyahu's resounding Tuesday electoral victory, did his part to continue the myth that the Israeli Prime Minister's "March 3 speech to Congress (was) arranged by…

Megyn Kelly Decries Ferguson 'Protest Movement Based Upon a Lie'

March 15th, 2015 10:21 AM
Thursday night, Fox News's Megyn Kelly went after the press's and the political class's continued lionization of a "protest movement based upon a lie," namely those sowing slow-motion anarchy in Ferguson, Missouri following the death of Michael Brown, and "a segment of our political leaders and pundits" egging them on by giving them undeserved visibility and sympathy. Members of Congress who…

AP: 'Conservatives Say They're Happy, But Liberals Show It'

March 12th, 2015 3:49 PM
In a writeup which shows that the wire service obviously hasn't studied the hateful examples of liberal-left hate collected by the Twitter curators at, a Thursday afternoon Associated Press writeup claims that conservative "say" they're happy (with an implication that they don't really mean it), while liberals "show it" (supposedly meaning that they're genuine). The reporter assigned…

AP Poorly Covers Notre Dame's 'Touchdown' Over Contraception Mandate

March 11th, 2015 11:11 AM
The University of Notre Dame won an important victory at the Supreme Court Monday morning when the Court acted in its case involving Obamacare's contraception mandate. Its "GVR" order (grant, vacate, remand) granted Notre Dame a "writ of certorari," vacated a lower court ruling against the school which would have forced it comply or face severe penalties, and remanded the case back to that lower…

Indiana's 'Anti-Union' Right to Work Has Led to Increased Membership

March 6th, 2015 10:50 PM
One mantra that the left and most of the establishment press continually recites — and it's not surprising, given that so many people in both groups are forced to be members themselves — is that right to work laws are "anti-union." They cling to that position despite that fact that the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation accurately insists that it "is neither 'anti-union' nor 'pro-…

Mother Jones: Three Meals a Day Is Racist

March 5th, 2015 11:19 AM
Leave it to a writer at Mother Jones to dispense condescending healthy eating advice while serving up a side dish of alleged historical racism with a tincture of capitalism bashing. Kiera Butler, a senior editor there, didn't have to engage in either exercise to make her nutritional points, which may have some validity. She must have felt that her primary headline ("Why You Should Stop Eating…