
ABC, NBC Use Covert Liberals to Fret Court Case Could ‘Kill ObamaCare'

March 4th, 2015 10:30 PM
Continuing the standard set by NBC’s Today, on Wednesday night the major broadcast networks played up the fears that “health care coverage for millions” might be lost and “could doom ObamaCare” if the U.S. Supreme Court, in a case heard on Wednesday, rules against the federal government and its federal subsidies. ABC and NBC used covert liberal activists, with ABC turning to an ABC News…

On CNN, Liberal GOP Guest Blasts Ben Carson on Marriage

March 4th, 2015 7:21 PM
Socially liberal Republican consultant Margaret Hoover went on a tear against Dr. Ben Carson on Wednesday's New Day on CNN for his remarks earlier in the program on same-sex "marriage." Hoover twice attacked the potential Republican presidential candidate as "untethered to reality," due to his views on homosexuality, and for his apparent audacity to even consider running for top federal office.…

Bruni Bait and Switch: NYT Uses Media Criticism to Slam Conservatives

February 28th, 2015 10:48 PM
Frank Bruni's latest for the New York Times sported an intriguing title: "Despicable Us -- Scott Walker, the Media and the 2016 Presidential Campaign." Would Bruni be apologizing on behalf of both his paper and other outlets, which have had to retract false criticisms of Wisconsin's GOP governor? No. His media criticism was simply window dressing, an excuse to mock conservative candidates past…

Spiteful: Jezebel's 'Update' to False Walker Assault Reporting Story

February 28th, 2015 7:45 PM
As noted this morning (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), Jezebel's Natasha Vargas-Cooper wrote a Friday morning hit piece directed at Scott Walker, Wisconsin's Republican Governor, calling him a "conservative werewolf" for including a provision in the Badger State's latest proposed budget to eliminate the requirement that universities report campus sexual assault statistics to the state. Vargas-…

CBS Slants Left As It Spotlights Campus Concealed Carry Issue

February 28th, 2015 11:01 AM
Friday's CBS This Morning surprisingly covered a proposed bill in Florida that would allow college students with concealed firearms permits to carry their weapons onto campus. Michelle Miller spotlighted a Florida State University graduate student who backs the bill. However, Miller also featured two opponents of such "campus carry" legislation during her report.

Harris-Perry: I Hope Trayvon ‘Whooped the Sh**’ Out of Zimmerman

February 26th, 2015 2:18 PM
While it's performing a long overdue housecleaning, MSNBC should point its broom in Melissa Harris-Perry's direction and sweep her off the network for her anti-democratic, violence-advocating rant earlier this week at Cornell University. Among other things, Harris-Perry told her audience that George Zimmerman deserved whatever injuries he received at the hands of Trayvon Martin in the violent…

AP: Indicted North Carolina Shooter's 'Creed' Is the Second Amendment

February 18th, 2015 3:36 PM
Several outlets have looked over the Facebook posts of Craig Hicks, who was indicted Monday for the February 10 murders of three Muslims in North Carolina. Hicks's alleged murderous motivation appears to have had nothing directly to do with religion, but instead is said to have involved "a dispute over parking spaces at the condo community where Hicks and two of the victims lived." Whether we…

CNN Fails to ID 'Witness to Copenhagen Attack' as Far-Left Activist

February 17th, 2015 5:53 PM
Don Lemon turned to Inna Shevchenko on Monday's CNN Tonight for her account of surviving the recent terrorist attack in Copenhagen, Denmark. However, the CNN anchor failed to point out that Shevchenko is a prominent member of the radical feminist group Femen, which has a history of targeting social conservatives in general, and especially the Catholic Church, for their opposition to same-sex "…

Walker Refuses to Answer Off-Topic Evolution Query; AP, Time Pounce

February 15th, 2015 11:41 PM
In London, England earlier this week, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker delivered a speech about global trade at the Chatham House think tank. Given that the group's mission is "to help build a sustainably secure, prosperous and just world," and that it encourages "open debate and confidential discussion on the most significant developments in international affairs," it seemed a reasonable…

Worse Than Seattle’s Super Bowl Call? The Media’s Calls on Government

February 2nd, 2015 9:37 AM
The Seattle Seahawks yesterday - in a moment of profound foolishness - forsook Beast Mode for Least Mode.  And it cost them the Super Bowl.   But they can take ever so slight solace - the Media has been in Least Mode for decades.  This has been on prominent display throughout the Barack Obama Administration - and certainly when it comes to the Administration’s many, MANY unilateral power grabs…

Gore Hardest Hit: 'Car of the Future' to Have Combustion Engine

January 31st, 2015 11:51 PM
At the recent meeting of the world's elites in Davos, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and former Mexican President Felipe Calderon circulated a proposal to ban cars in all major cities in the world by dense-packing their layouts. The cost, as I noted on Monday: a mere $90 trillion (that's right, trillion). It's telling in a foreboding sense that the pair's idea wasn't laughed off the continent…

NPR Boosts Far-Left Critics of California's 'Founding Father'

January 28th, 2015 5:14 PM
NPR's Jasmine Garsd spotlighted the critics of Pope Francis's move to canonize Franciscan friar Junipero Serra in a Wednesday article on the public radio network's website. Garsd zeroed in on how "Native American activists" claim that Father Serra, who founded several missions in present-day California in the 1700s, was "an accomplice in the brutal colonization of natives." The correspondent…

Kurtz: Boston Globe's Boehner Blunder Reflects 'Ugly Media Mindset'

January 18th, 2015 12:23 AM
Howard Kurtz, the Fox News analyst and the host of its "Media Buzz" program, made a few pertinent observations in a column about Victor Paul Alvarez's astonishingly crass attempt at humor at earlier this week. That said, Kurtz should have criticized the web site and its parent, the Boston Globe, for its completely unsatisfactory explanation for the one "correction" it made to Alvarez's…

’1 in 3 Men Would Commit Rape’ Study Leader Doesn't Care About Facts

January 16th, 2015 8:09 PM
On Tuesday, I posted (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog) on a bogus "study" out of North Dakota University contending that "almost one in 3 college men would commit rape 'if nobody would ever know and there wouldn’t be any consequences.'" Media exposure from favorable and unfavorable outlets continues to grow. In that post, I noted that the study disqualified itself from credibility by uncriticially…