
NBC Nightly News Hypes Obama’s ‘Paid Sick Leave’ Mandate

January 16th, 2015 12:22 AM
Following the lead of ABC and CBS from Thursday morning, NBC Nightly News cheered President Barack Obama’s newest initiative that would require private businesses “to guarantee” their employees “at least seven” paid sick days and affect 43 million Americans.  While senior White House correspondent Chris Jansing interviewed the owner of a Maryland carpet company opposed to the President’s…'s Alvarez Yuks It Up Over Foiled Plan to Poison Boehner

January 14th, 2015 2:12 PM
Victor Paul Alvarez's LinkedIn profile says that he's an "Associate Editor - at The Boston Globe," with previous stints at East Bay Newspapers and the Baltimore Sun. He was a copy boy at the Sun in 1994 while he was also a student at Towson University, which would likely make him a bit over 40 years old now. It is beyond comprehension that someone with Alvarez's decades of experience…

Lefty Sites Love Bogus Study on Rape; Its First Sentence Discredits It

January 13th, 2015 3:17 PM
The feminist-leftist fever swamp is apparently thrilled to have learned of a North Dakota University "study" purporting to show that almost one in 3 college men would commit rape "if nobody would ever know and there wouldn’t be any consequences." I'll get to the study's specifics shortly, but first want to note that the work, published in December, automatically discredited itself in its body's…

NY Times Further Massages Woman's Eyewitness Account at Paris Massacre

January 12th, 2015 3:19 PM
On Saturday, in a post titled "Political Correctness Kills in Paris, Terrifies Media," Jeffrey Lord at NewsBusters cited how the New York Times, in covering the Charlie Hebdo massacre, deliberately changed a story subject's quote from what it originally reported. This post will show how the message massagers at the Times subsequently went another step further, attempting to convince readers that…

Code Pink Gets Reuters Coverage — For a Protest Group of 20

January 11th, 2015 10:02 AM
The ability of tiny numbers of far-left fringe group demonstrators to get undue press attention virtually any time they want continues to be intensely annoying. In mid-2007, Barack Obama made closing the prison at Guantanmo Bay a core promise of his 2008 campaign. That was 7-1/2 years ago. Obama has been in office six years. Gitmo is still open. So naturally, the aggrieved professional…

CNN's Christiane Amanpour Calls Charlie Hebdo Terrorists 'Activists'

January 10th, 2015 9:23 AM
The list of unhinged statements and rants coming from left-leaning journalists in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris is getting miles long. Among them all, one especially sticks out. In one of the earliest retreats to twisted, gutless characterizations of the Charlie Hebdo terrorists, CNN's Christiane Amanpour, who is also ABC's global affairs anchor, called them "activists." Greg…

NBC Boosts Obama's 'Ambitious' College Plan; Touts His 'Generosity'

January 9th, 2015 9:03 PM
Friday's NBC Nightly News enthusiastically promoted President Obama's proposal to provide "free" community college education, to the tune of $60 billion over ten years. Brian Williams hyped the "ambitious offer that could help so many families." Chris Jansing asserted that the President's plan is a "a goal everyone can agree on," but also underlined that the multi-billion dollar program is going…

CNN's Jim Clancy Melts Down on Twitter Over Paris Massacre's Cause

January 9th, 2015 4:22 PM
CNN's Jim Clancy has been with the network for 32 years. His network's bio says that he "brings the experience of more than three decades covering the world to every newscast on CNN International." He also apparently has a lot of pent-up feelings about the Middle East. Those feelings boiled to the top over Twitter early Thursday. Clancy started it all by claiming that the cartoons published by…

Luke Russert: Boehner Survived GOP's 'Barking' 'Kamikaze Caucus'

January 6th, 2015 3:58 PM
Longtime journalist Tim Russert, who among many other things hosted NBC's Meet the Press for over 17 years, passed away suddenly in June 2008. His son Luke now works for NBC, and among other things is a Meet the Press panelist. Based on some of his more recent output, Luke is perhaps better described not a journalist, but as the network's desginated childish, mean-spirited namecaller. After…

Former NY Times Reporter Christopher Hedges: ISIS Is 'The New Israel'

January 3rd, 2015 10:48 AM
Christopher Hedges has been gone from the New York Times for almost ten years. He has since admitted to being a socialist, been exposed as a serial plagiarist in work he has done since leaving the Times in 2005, and authored "the first issue of the Occupied Wall Street Journal, a newspaper associated with the Occupy Wall Street protests in Zuccotti Park." Hedges is the subject of this post…

FBN's Asman Blasts 'Atrocious Anti-Cop NYT Editorial' — and Its Timing

January 3rd, 2015 12:13 AM
In the midst of properly blasting the New York Times for its disgraceful editorial attacking the NYPD, Fox Business News's Davd Asman has raised an important question which goes to the paper's fundamental integrity. Specifically, did the Times acquiesce to active efforts by Mayor Bill de Blasio's office encouraging them to go on the attack, effectively serving as his mouthpiece? The question…

At CNN, Brittany Maynard Is One of '11 Extraordinary People of 2014'

December 31st, 2014 11:04 AM
If CNN is searching for reasons why its ratings are at an all-time low, it doesn't need to look any further than one entry in its group of "11 extraordinary people of 2014" published on December 5. Aside from the inanity of publishing such an annual list almost four weeks before year's end — as if no extraordinary people or extraordinary acts ever take place in December — the network's fourth…

Media Embarrassment: Lionized Ferguson Protester Confesses to Crimes

December 28th, 2014 9:52 AM
In St. Louis County, police have arrested 19 year-old Joshua Williams and charged him (HT Gateway Pundit) with committing "1st degree arson, 2nd degree burglary and misdemeanor theft" at the QuikTrip convenience store in Berkeley, Missouri on Christmas Eve. Williams "has confessed to the crimes." The St. Louis Post-Dispatch gets today's prize for most absurd headline, as seen after the jump (…

Reporting on New York's Fracking Ban Ignores Awful Upstate Economy

December 20th, 2014 7:49 AM
The establishment press is virtually giddy over New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's cowardly, self-serving decision to ban fracking in New York. It's cowardly because Cuomo is publicly pretending that he's only deferring to his environmental and health commissioners, when everyone with an ounce of sense knows that he's getting the recommendations he wanted. It's self-serving because it enhances his…