
Fox's Shep Smith Hopes Cuba Relations Thaw Doesn't 'Ruin the Place'

December 18th, 2014 2:03 PM
Those who rail at Fox News for allegedly being a haven of unbridled, uninterrupted conservatism usually and conveniently fail to remember that Shepard Smith is there. Smith's take yesterday on the potential pitfalls of a thaw in U.S.-Cuba relations, particularly on the commercial front, was nothing short of astonishing. His primary fear, expressed in an interview with Gerri Willis of the Fox…

Ferguson Protesters Dominate CBS's 'Young Adults' Panel on Race

December 12th, 2014 8:56 PM
CBS Evening News's liberal bias was blatant on Friday, as their "young adults" panel discussing the issue of "the excessive use of force by police – especially against minorities" was made up entirely of people who have participated in the protests decrying the grand jury decisions in the Michael Brown and Eric Garner cases. Correspondent Elaine Quijano asked, "How many of you have been involved…

After Volokh Critique, Time Pulls Writer's Swipes at Breitbart's Nolte

December 10th, 2014 11:58 AM

Yesterday at 4:11 p.m. ET, Eugene Volokh at the Washington Post's Volokh Conspiracy blog sharply criticized's Eliza Berman for not being "quite fair" — i.e., being quite unfair, given the author's penchant for understatement — to's John Nolte, the reporter who investigated the veracity of Lena Dunham's detailed claims about and descriptions of her alleged Oberlin College…

Lena Dunham Breaks Her Silence; AP Disgracefully Runs Interference

December 10th, 2014 12:31 AM
It's more than fair to wonder why the Associated Press waited until 9:41 p.m. ET Tuesday evening to recognize the existence of Lena Dunham's most recent problems with the truth. The AP's first recognition of the days-old story came roughly two hours after Dunham's first detailed response to convincing allegations that the account in her most recent book of being raped in college by someone named…

Sorry, AP: Non-Timely Gun Background Checks Don't 'Beat the System'

December 6th, 2014 10:39 AM
In the runup to the Black Friday shopping weekend, the Associated Press's Matt Stroud hysterically claimed that "more gun sales are effectively beating the system" of background checks. Tim Graham at NewsBusters caught how Stroud described the situation as "a 'perfect storm,' like the disastrous ship-sinking movie." Stroud's report gave readers the clear impression that there are no potential…

Vox Trots Out Straw Man Argument: Some Think Rape Isn't 'a Real Issue'

December 6th, 2014 9:12 AM
The straw man argument is a fundamentally dishonest fallback tactic employed by someone whose side is losing a debate: Make up a position the other side has never taken, and then shoot it down. The leftist fever swamp known as Vox, perhaps reacting to the utter implosion of Rolling Stone's University of Virginia fraternity gang-rape story and the potential impact it might have on keeping…

Saints Player Dumped Off CNN As He Discusses Ferguson Facebook Post

December 1st, 2014 2:44 PM
A week ago, New Orleans Saints tight end Benjamin Watson put up a Facebook post reacting to events in Ferguson, Missouri. It has generated an astonishing 825,000 likes and 458,000 shares as of 1 PM ET today. As will be seen later, CNN's print report on Watson's post by Steve Almasy treated the player's references to sin, Jesus Christ, and the Gospel as if they were potentially toxic.…

NBC Legal Analyst Falsely Tweets: Wilson Called Michael Brown an 'It'

November 28th, 2014 7:32 PM
Lisa Bloom describes herself as a "Fighter for justice at my law firm, The Bloom Firm," and is "legal analyst for NBC News & Avvo." NBC and Avvo should seriously reconsider their relationships with Ms. Bloom. In a series of tweets on Tuesday, she seethed over the grand jury's failure to indict Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Since then, she's been…

AP Pair: Brown's Hands Weren't Up, But 'For Some, That's Irrelevant'

November 28th, 2014 4:55 PM
To grievance-mongers in the fever swamp, Trayvon Martin will always be a cute little kid who had just bought Skittles and iced tea, and then got shot by a bloodthirsty racist on neighborhood watch. The truth — that Martin bought Skittles and AriZona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail, two of the three key ingredients in a mind-altering, dangerous concoction known as "lean," and that Martin's autopsy…

NYT Sanitizes, Spins Report on Hagel's Sacking for Tues. Print Editon

November 25th, 2014 1:09 PM
The New York Times continued its annoying, Winston Smith-like habit of rewriting history in virtually real time yesterday. Helene Cooper's original Monday afternoon report on Chuck Hagel's sacking as Secretary of Defense is no longer available at the Times. However, since I anticipated that the paper would conduct a comprehensive cleanup yesterday when I posted on the paper's original coverage,…

AP Relays False 'Soaring Deportations' Claim in Obama Speech Coverage

November 24th, 2014 10:28 PM
While it is indeed nice that the Associated Press did a fact check on President Obama's Thursday night immigration address — an item P.J. Gladnick at NewsBusters covered on Saturday — it would have been even nicer if the wire service better described as the Administration's Press had fact-checked Julie Pace's and Josh Lederman's awful Friday evening backgrounder on the speech. The AP pair couldn…

Barro on Health Insurance: People Can't Be Trusted, We Need Gruber

November 19th, 2014 5:41 PM
Some liberals like to pass Josh Barro off as a conservative, but not long ago the New York Times correspondent debunked that notion himself, tweeting that he was most easily understood as a "moderate." But after his appearance on MSNBC today, another term might more aptly apply: elitist liberal.   Speaking with Alex Wagner, Barro crammed a carload of condescension into thirty seconds. Barro…

Latest Lame Low-Turnout Excuse: 'Couldn't Get Time Off Work'

November 13th, 2014 9:35 AM
Well, if this doesn't beat all. Based on excuses provided by 63 people (35 percent) out of a "smallish sample" (I'll say) of 181 nonvoters, the Washington Post's Christopher Ingraham whined on Wednesday (HT Twitchy) about how "scheduling conflicts with work or school" kept people from voting last Tuesday. This alleged problem calls for solutions like "requiring employers to allow flexible…

Jarrett to Obama in 2012: How Are You Not 'Getting 85% of the Vote?'

November 9th, 2014 11:53 PM
The competition for dumbest quote I have been able to find by a leftist tonight just heated up. Earlier this evening, I noted that Washington Post columnist David Ignatius on Thursday called President Obama "perhaps the least political president in modern U.S. history." One might think that nothing could possibly top that. Actually, I have found two which belong in the running in one long…