Former Congresswoman Smacks Down Bill Maher for Calling Fox's Megyn Ke

September 24th, 2011 10:34 AM
Former Congresswoman Jane Harman called out Bill Maher Friday evening for saying Fox News's Megyn Kelly was a "blonde twink" who's "not bright." Appearing on HBO's "Real Time," Harman responded by noting that Maher had just minutes before discussed with author Ron Suskind the sexist treatment of women in the Obama White House, and then said, "I want to point out that the last time I was on…

Michael Shear the Latest at NYT to Hear Nonexistent 'Let Him Die' Chan

September 23rd, 2011 1:58 PM
In a Thursday morning post setting the table for last night’s Republican presidential debate in Orlando, New York Times chief “Caucus” blog reporter Michael Shear became the latest Timesman to falsely finger the Tea Party audience at a CNN debate last week as cheering on the prospect of letting a hypothetical man die for lack of health insurance. Shear listed six things to watch for in…

CNN Whacks Debate Crowd, Hypes Chelsea Clinton's Future Political Care

September 23rd, 2011 11:59 AM
Liberals watching CNN Friday morning would have been pleased by the "Political Buzz" segment that targeted Republicans for criticism and hyped the possible political career of Chelsea Clinton. CNN reported that the "crowd" at Thursday's GOP debate booed a gay soldier serving in Iraq. From the video they provided of the incident, it was clear that a couple of rogue crowd members booed the man…

CBS's Nancy Giles Decries 'Bloodlust' of GOP Debate Crowd

September 19th, 2011 3:38 AM
During a prerecorded commentary on CBS Sunday Morning, left-wing CBS commentator Nancy Giles complained about the "bloodlust" of GOP audience members who applauded Texas's use of capital punishment at the recent MSNBC debate and a small number of audience members who applauded at Monday's CNN debate after moderator Wolf Blitzer asked if someone who chose not to purchase insurance should be…

Gregory Contends ‘Awkward’ Moments at Debates ‘Challenge Notion

September 18th, 2011 3:16 PM
Meet the Press host David Gregory contented the fact a Republican presidential debate audience applauded Texas Governor Rick Perry for allowing the death penalty for murders, and three in an audience of hundreds shouted “yeah” to the idea a man who decided to not buy health insurance may be allowed to die, are “really a challenge to the notion that the Republican Party is the party of life and…

CNN's Gergen: Many Americans 'Horrified' by GOP Debate

September 13th, 2011 8:02 PM
CNN's political analyst David Gergen remarked Monday that many Americans were "horrified" at what they heard from the Republican presidential debate, co-sponsored by the Tea Party Express and CNN. "I was getting notes about they ought to keep this people locked up and not let them out. Don't let them do anything to the country," Gergen remarked. Gergen's comments came in the  post-debate…

Matt Lauer Urges Bachmann to Bash Perry; NBC Debate Coverage Promotes

September 13th, 2011 5:34 PM
In an interview with Michele Bachmann on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer actually delayed discussion of job creation as he pushed her to attack Texas Governor Rick Perry: "We'll talk about jobs in a second, but I do want to stick on this controversy over...Perry mandating vaccinations for HPV." Bachmann had attempted to begin on the subject of President Obama's jobs plan, but Lauer…

CNN Picks Wolf Blitzer to Host Tea Party Debate, But He Implied Tea Pa

September 12th, 2011 3:58 PM
Wolf Blitzer will serve as the host of tonight’s “Tea Party debate” on CNN, co-sponsored by the Tea Party Express. But while Blitzer’s show plans to present questioners from the Tea Party, it’s likely Blitzer will "balance" that by  pressing Republicans from the left, just as NBC’s Brian Williams did last week on MSNBC. For example, four years ago, at the June 5, 2007 presidential debate,…

CNN: Is Perry a 'Bomb Thrower' for Calling Social Security a Ponzi Sch

September 12th, 2011 12:40 PM
The day after the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, CNN asked if Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry was being a "bomb thrower" for vilifying Social Security as a Ponzi scheme. After playing a clip of Perry calling the program a "monstrous lie" and a "Ponzi scheme," CNN's Kyra Phillips teed up Democratic strategist Maria Cardona with this question: "Bomb thrower or…

Brian Williams Shocked and Appalled That GOP Debate Audience Supports

September 8th, 2011 2:43 PM
In next year's presidential election, the toughest opponent the eventual Republican nominee will face will be the liberal press. As a political neophyte who had not even completed a single term in the U.S. Senate prior to his election, Barack Obama was and is a creature of the media. Without the iron-clad grip that liberals hold on public discourse at the national level, there's simply no way…

NBC Debate Moderators Pepper Republicans with Questions from the Left

September 8th, 2011 7:58 AM
NBC’s Brian Williams and Politico’s John Harris peppered the NBC News/Politico debate inside the Air Force One pavilion at the Reagan Library with questions from the left, repeatedly pressing the Republican presidential candidates with liberal talking points and Democratic agenda items. That’s time which could have been better spent advancing issues and concerns of Republican primary voters…

Video: Newt Gingrich Goes After Debate Moderator John Harris for Biase

September 7th, 2011 10:25 PM
For reasons that are still inexplicable, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library agreed to partner up with NBC News, parent organization of the uber-left-wing network MSNBC to televise tonight's Republican presidential debate. While NBC representative Brian Williams had more than his share of sneering biased questions, it was Williams's co-moderator, Politico editor John Harris,…

Open Thread: Which GOP Candidate Won the Debate

August 12th, 2011 10:27 AM
Update: NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell has given his observations in a separate blog post accessible here. Last night was the third Republican debate of the year, comprised of eight of the declared GOP candidates. All responded to hard-hitting questions from the Fox News and Washington Examiner moderators, debating foreign policy, the economy, and candidates' political records.

Scarborough Slams Bachmann As 'A Joke

August 12th, 2011 7:21 AM
In a classic, table-pounding, tell-us-how-you-really feel rant, Joe Scarborough has ripped into Michele Bachmann, calling the Minnesota congresswoman and her candidacy "a joke." Scarborough's impassioned anti-Bachmann blast came during Morning Joe's opening half-hour post mortem of last night's Republican presidential debate in Iowa.  View video after the jump.