
Ramos Fails to Ask Tough Questions of Residente in Softball Interview

November 21st, 2017 5:01 PM
Univision senior news anchor Jorge Ramos continues to push predictably one-sided coverage of the aftermath of Hurricane María’s devastation in Puerto Rico. As evidenced in his weekly Al Punto program, even a known terrorist sympathizer is an acceptable guest so long as he contributes to Ramos' favored narrative, which is decidely both anti-Trump and against the current Governor of Puerto Rico,…

NYT Again Callously Uses Harvey to Bash Houston’s Reckless Capitalism

November 13th, 2017 10:49 PM
The front of the Sunday New York Times featured a 3,300 word story from Michael Kimmelman, “Houston After Hurricane Harvey: The Essence of America’s Struggle,” suggesting reckless free market building policies in Houston contributed to the massive damaged caused by Hurricane Harvey -- a reckless liberal charge in itself. Kimmelman’s hostility for Houston’s “runaway development” seeped out on…

Rosselló responde con firmeza al polémico presentador de Univisión

November 13th, 2017 3:03 PM
Como si hicieran falta más pruebas de que Jorge Ramos ha quedado periodísticamente incapacitado como resultado de su rabioso activismo contra el presidente Donald Trump, nos llega ahora un nuevo podcast (transmisión de audio por internet) por el veterano presentador de noticias de Univisión que simplemente revela lo grave que es su trastorno mental contra Trump.

Jorge Ramos insulta a Puerto Rico en columna tóxica

November 11th, 2017 4:50 PM
Vine a esperar dos cosas después de la visita de Jorge Ramos a Puerto Rico la semana pasada, a donde fue para “ver cómo estaban las cosas despues del huracan”: un segmento risible en Al Punto, y una columna atroz. Habiendo visto a ambas, no me queda duda alguna que a Jorge Ramos no le importa a Puerto Rico en lo absoluto más allá de lo útil que le pueda ser en aras de fomentar su agenda: la…

Jorge Ramos' Poison Pen Strikes Puerto Rico

November 11th, 2017 9:12 AM
I came to expect two things after Jorge Ramos’ latest visit to Puerto Rico, where he went in order to “see how things were after the hurricane”: a laughably biased segment on his weekly Al Punto show, along with an awful column. Upon reviewing both, I am more certain than ever that Jorge Ramos doesn’t care about Puerto Rico beyond its usefulness in furtherance of his agenda: his endless war on…

PR Gov Pushes Back Against Hyper-Partisan Univision Anchor

November 10th, 2017 9:52 PM
As if anyone needed more evidence that Jorge Ramos has become journalistically incapacitated as a result of his rabid anti-Trump activism, along comes a new weekly podcast hosted by the veteran Univision news anchor that reveals just how severe is his case of Trump derangement syndrome. 

Jorge Ramos va a Puerto Rico y le hace el mandado a Yulín

November 9th, 2017 4:01 PM
La semana pasada, Jorge Ramos fue a Puerto Rico para, en sus propias palabras, “ver cómo estaban las cosas después de los huracanes”. Los segmentos que transcurrieron en la edición más reciente de Al Punto con la alcaldesa de San Juan Carmen Yulín Cruz y con el gobernador Ricardo Rosselló obligan la pregunta: ¿por qué se molestó en dar el viaje?

Jorge Ramos Goes to Puerto Rico, and Takes a Side

November 6th, 2017 6:53 PM
Last week, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos traveled to Puerto Rico in order to, in his own words, “see how things are after the hurricanes.” The resulting back-to-back interview segments with San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz and Governor Ricardo Rosselló that aired on his weekly Al Punto program compel the question: why even bother?    

Samantha Bee Takes on Trump and Climate ‘Denial’ In Halloween Episode

October 31st, 2017 10:24 AM
Leave it to Samantha Bee to take climate hyperbole and turn it into a haunted, climate, hell house. Full Frontal with Samantha Bee spent the entire episode on Oct. 25, warning that climate change was “destroying the world,” that President Donald Trump was “attacking us in every way imaginable,” and she attempted to scare the “denial” out of people who disagree. Her method? A climate-themed…

Trump arrojó papel toalla: un caso perfecto de manipulación mediática

October 23rd, 2017 8:59 AM
Nunca he recibido tantos insultos en mi vida, como cuando participé de voluntario en la visita del presidente Trump para la entrega de suministros a víctimas del huracán María en la Iglesia Calvary Chapel en Puerto Rico.

Trump’s Towel-Throwing: A Case Study in Liberal Media Manipulation

October 21st, 2017 3:37 PM
I have never received more insults in my life, all for simply participating as a volunteer in President Trump’s visit with Hurricane María victims seeking supplies at Calvary Chapel in Puerto Rico. 

LOL! The Nation Offers ‘Artistic Dispatches' from The Resistance

October 17th, 2017 8:52 PM
The Nation as a reputation for far-left commentaries and place for pro-Russian commentaries. On their website, it’s “OppArt” section presented “Artistic Dispatches from the Frontlines of Resistance.” In describing this section, the website dramatically declared: “At this dangerous moment in history, our actions will determine our very survival. As artists, we use our pens, our pencils, our…

Univision da pauta gratuita a alcaldesa separatista de San Juan

October 10th, 2017 5:05 PM
Carmen Yulín Cruz, la alcaldesa de San Juan y nueva querendona de los medios de prensa, ha aprovechado al máximo la pauta adulatoria que se le ha dado en una entrevista reveladora transmitida durante la edición más reciente del semanario político Al Punto de la cadena Univision. Quedó así comprobada nuestro argumento de que, salvo algunos corresponsales dedicados (y la prensa local en la Isla),…

Univision Promotes Separatist, Anti-Trump Mayor of San Juan

October 9th, 2017 5:46 PM
The media’s newest shiny anti-Trump personality, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz, made the most of her sudden wave of adulatory free publicity in a revealing interview during the latest edition of Univision’s weekly Al Punto program, proving our contention that, aside from a few dedicated correspondents (and local media on the island), there was very little interest in covering the aftermath of…