
CBS Boasts of Poll That Shows Five Dems Beating Trump in 2020

June 17th, 2019 11:24 PM
Apparently, the liberal media didn’t learn their lesson about too much trust in polls after President Trump’s major 2016 upset, because they’re still touting some (less than a year and a half out from the 2020 election) that show him down against Democrats.

Mika Says Warren Was a Lib Her 'Whole Life,' But She Was GOP Until '96

June 17th, 2019 8:47 PM
On today's Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski claimed Elizabeth Warren has had her [liberal] message "from the get-go, her entire life, her whole life." There's only one tiny problem: it seems that Warren was a registered Republican until . . . 1996, when Warren was 47 years old.

ABC Hails Ocasio-Cortez as Possible ‘Kingmaker’ in 2020 Dem Primary

June 16th, 2019 1:21 PM
Freshman New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become a darling of the liberal media because of her young age and unabashed promotion of socialism. They celebrated her ludicrous Green New Deal while ignoring her many campaign finance violations and ethics questions. Now, during Sunday’s Good Morning America and This Week, ABC chief White House correspondent Jon Karl hailed the…

NBC Moves Forward on Propaganda Campaign for Democrats Ahead of Debate

June 16th, 2019 10:31 AM
For days now, NBC News has been running a series on NBC Nightly News called “My Big Idea” in which they give 2020 Democrats a chance to push their campaign propaganda with the network’s aid and largely unchallenged. Friday’s edition featured former Housing Secretary Julian Castro, who was demanding universal pre-K. And Saturday’s was about former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper who wanted yet…

‘Strengthen’ U.S.: NBC Pushes Liberal Dream to Ax Electoral College

June 13th, 2019 9:20 PM
As NBC Nightly News continued its monotonous drumbeat on Thursday to elevate liberal policy positions ahead of the Democratic debate they were holding, the network gave the megaphone to South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg in order to push for abolishing the Electoral College.

‘Big Idea’: NBC Boosts Gillibrand’s Paid Family Leave Campaign Plank

June 12th, 2019 8:51 PM
The third installment of NBC’s so-called “Big Idea” series, which they already admitted was designed to only help Democratic 2020 candidates, featured floundering New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and her bid to implement a national paid family leave program.

Scarborough Admits to Counseling Biden: So 'Much Riding' on Election

June 12th, 2019 9:57 AM
Joe Scarborough: not just an MSNBC host anymore. Now a Biden campaign adviser . . . On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski reads from Scarborough's Washington Post column of yesterday, in which he counseled Joe Biden to stick to his script. The column, read by Mika, included this line: "If you think I am trying to send Biden a message with this column, you are correct. Too much is riding on next year’s…

NBC Promotes Kamala Harris’s ‘Big Idea’ to Jack Up the Death Tax

June 11th, 2019 11:51 PM
As NewsBusters reported Monday night, NBC News has launched a new report series dedicated to promoting the “big ideas” put forward solely by Democratic 2020 candidates ahead of the debates in a few weeks. Tuesday’s edition followed California Senator Kamala Harris as she campaigned in South Carolina to jack up the death tax to pay for an increase in teacher salaries.

ABC, CBS Boast About Biden Beating President Trump in National Poll

June 11th, 2019 9:15 PM
With almost a year and a half to go until the 2020 general election, Tuesday’s editions of ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News showed that the media didn’t learn anything from 2016. Nearly two weeks ahead of the first Democratic Party debate, both broadcast networks boasted about former Vice President Joe Biden’s 13-point national lead against President Trump.

NBC Boasts New ‘Big Idea’ Series, Just a Megaphone for 2020 Dem Camps

June 10th, 2019 11:16 PM
To round out their political coverage Monday evening, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt boasted of the network’s new series “My Big Idea”, which they planned to expand on as the 2020 Democratic primary continued. Holt made it very clear that the series was only open to the “big ideas” that were being put forward by the leftist field. “And tonight, we're launching a series with our Harry Smith…

CBS, NBC Reward Democrats for Their John Dean Testimony ‘Stunt’

June 10th, 2019 9:03 PM
With absolutely ZERO insight or knowledge of the underlining evidence or investigation, the Democratic-led House Judiciary Committee invited disgraced former White House Counsel John Dean to testify on the findings of the Special Counsel Report on Monday. Of course, Dean’s only experience in any related matter had to do with his own obstruction crimes during the Watergate scandal. Both CBS…

NBC Was Excited to Learn Pelosi Wants to Put Trump ‘Behind Bars’

June 6th, 2019 9:08 PM
Both ABC and CBS managed to keep the sacredness of the 75th anniversary of D-Day intact Thursday by keeping divisive domestic politics largely out of their flagship evening newscasts that night. But NBC once again proved that they kept little above exploiting every opportunity to go after President Trump and pushing for his removal from office. NBC Nightly News was particularly excited this time…

NBC's Heidi Przybyla Calls Democrat Robert Byrd a 'Conservative'

June 6th, 2019 4:45 PM
NBC correspondent Heidi Przybyla was on the Wednesday edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe to talk about her article detailing former Vice President Joe Biden's record on abortion. The newsworthy information contained in her article was that Biden has flipped back to supporting the Hyde Amendment after saying "It can't stay" a couple of weeks ago.

NBC Floored Biden Supports ‘Controversial’, Pro-Life Hyde Amendment

June 5th, 2019 11:41 PM
For NBC’s Thursday night report on Joe Biden's support for the Hyde Amendment, they treated it as though some dark secret from Biden’s past was revealed for the first time. “Now to a new uproar over abortion erupting today as Democratic candidates for president take aim at the early front runner, former Vice President Joe Biden amid a revelation about Biden's stance,” anchor Lester Holt announced…