
Fox News Diagnoses Liberal Media With ‘Kavanaugh Derangement Syndrome’

October 2nd, 2018 9:43 PM
As the Media Research Center has documented since his nomination earlier this summer, the liberal media’s seething rage over Kavanaugh’s seemingly inevitable confirmation has only grown more insane as they desperately try to kill the nomination. During Fox News Channel’s Special Report on Tuesday, chief national correspondent Ed Henry diagnosed the liberal media’s mouth foaming fits as “Kavanaugh…

NYT Gives Kavanaugh-Hater a News Byline for 'Ice' Scoop

October 2nd, 2018 3:14 PM
Emily Bazelon is a staff writer for the New York Times Sunday Magazine, but she was lead author of the earth-shattering story that Brett Kavanaugh apparently threw ice during an altercation at a bar in New Haven, Conn. in 1985. The online headline that appeared Monday evening was explicit: “Kavanaugh Was Questioned by Police After Bar Fight in 1985.” Bazelon is also a fellow at Yale Law School,…

NY Times Imagines Blasey Being 'Ripped Apart' by GOP Men

October 1st, 2018 11:23 PM
Beneath the bland headline of the New York Times’ long sole editorial Monday morning hid a corrosively partisan rant, “Women Are Watching,” that elided recent history to transform sexual harassment into solely a problem among Republican politicians (and never mind Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison, or Al Franken). This part was pure fantasy: "Galvanized by watching Dr. Blasey get ripped…

What Memo? NBC Ignores Prosecutor Memo Questioning Ford’s Claims

October 1st, 2018 9:07 PM
Broadcast news networks ABC, CBS, and NBC continue to hammer away at the sexual assault allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Monday, using the seventh FBI inquiry into Kavanaugh’s past as the latest news hook to keep the Supreme Court nominee’s name in the headlines.

Journalists Peddle Baseless Smears and Are Rewarded

October 1st, 2018 4:46 PM
Journalists sometimes ignore facts and evidence in order to promote an ideological narrative. For example, journalists peddled the Duke Lacrosse and University of Virginia rape hoaxes even after they were debunked.  They also continue to distort the facts about a 1991 Supreme Court nomination, in which the FBI and members of the U.S. Senate rejected as unfounded claims that Judge Clarence Thomas…

‘You’ve Had Enough’; Trump Battles ‘Loco’ Liberal Media on Kavanaugh

October 1st, 2018 2:54 PM
President Trump’s late Monday morning press conference was originally to discuss the new trade agreement between Canada, Mexico, and the United States (USMCA), but many in the liberal media on hand dismissed its significance in favor of destroying Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. And thus the event quickly devolved into a fight over the FBI investigation concerning Kavanaugh because, for…

Lefty Cartoon: Kavanaugh Daughter Praying for ‘Angry,’ ‘Alcoholic' Dad

October 1st, 2018 11:28 AM
It’s been several days since the Ford/Kavanaugh hearing, and although there is nothing confirmed about either party’s testimony, the entire Democrat-Media Complex is ramping up the rhetoric that Brett Kavanaugh is a rapist. And what would an angry mob do to someone they’ve been led to believe is a monster? Destroy him and his family.

CNN Buries Women Supporting Kavanaugh While Touting Opponents

October 1st, 2018 10:12 AM
On Monday's New Day show, CNN ran a full report on a group of women who are lobbying against the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, and, not only did the report by Kaylee Hartung fail to label the activists as liberals, but it took three minutes into the three-and-a-half-minute report before the CNN reporter finally acknowledged that there is "quiet support" for…

GOP Is Doomed, Part 28: Kavanaugh Has Left House Majority ‘In Tatters'

September 30th, 2018 7:40 PM
The Sunday New York Times front-page “news analysis” was positively gleeful over the apparent certainty that the last-minute assault accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh would cost the Republican Party control of the House in November: “For Nominee, G.O.P. Takes A Big Gamble – Risking House Seats to Retain Senate Control.” It sounds like the GOP may as well pack it in right…

NYT’s Comparison: Kavanaugh’s Defense Makes Him Bad as Trump

September 30th, 2018 5:59 PM
New York Times reporters Jeremy Peters and Susan Chira shamelessly played both the race card and the Trump card to dismiss and mock Brett Kavanaugh’s anger at being called a rapist in front of America, in Sunday’s “Court Pick Steals a Page From Trump’s Playbook On White Male Anger.” The word choice gave away the paper’s disbelief at the effrontery of the conservative Supreme Court nominee…

Stelter Decries Raging Kavanaugh, ‘He Sounded Like Sean Hannity!’

September 30th, 2018 4:15 PM
While CNN media guy, Brian Stelter, normally puts on a kind of halfway-decent act when pretending to be an objective journalist, when the liberal media needs all hands on deck to help smear a Republican Supreme Court nominee, he drops the act it in a snap. That’s exactly what happened during Sunday’s so-called “Reliable Sources” where he actively teamed up with left-wing radicals to lob smears…

Combative Lindsey Graham Confronts Liberal Media Smears of Kavanaugh

September 30th, 2018 12:48 PM
During the show trial against Judge Brett Kavanaugh last Thursday, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (NC) stood out as the Supreme Court nominee’s most ardent defender when he took on the liberal smear machine in a fiery speech that rallied many on the right. That fire was still present during an interview on ABC’s This Week where he took the liberal media head on and called them out for failing…

ABC Worries FBI Investigation of Judge Kavanaugh ‘Overly Restricted’

September 30th, 2018 10:15 AM
The FBI investigation into the sexual harassment allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh was only a couple days old and the liberal media already had the heavy equipment out to dig up the goalpost. Despite spending roughly a week comparing Kavanaugh’s confirmation to that of Justice Clarence Thomas and touting the speedy FBI investigation then, Sunday’s Good Morning America worried it was “…

NYT Fact-Checks Kavanaugh on Page One -- No Scrutiny for Blasey

September 30th, 2018 9:59 AM
Rounding up New York Times coverage of the Kavanaugh saga from Saturday: It had the gall to issue a front-page fact-check on only one side of Thursday’s gripping Supreme Court testimony, in “At Points, a Judge’s Defense Misleads and Veers Off Course.” Needless to say, Christine Blasey Ford didn’t get one. The paper’s “gender editor” Jessica Bennett also took a crack at the case on Saturday,…