NYT Opinions Cite Phony ‘Corroborating Evidence’ on Kavanaugh

September 28th, 2018 6:40 PM
The New York Times editorial page on Friday joined the paper's news pages in criticizing Brett Kavanaugh’s “angry” tone in defending himself against uncorroborated assault allegations during his Senate Judiciary Committee testimony on Thursday. And former executive editor Jill Abramson doesn't seem to know what “corroborating evidence" means.

NYT Chides 'Angry...Aggrieved,' Kavanaugh, Sad About Sen. Graham

September 28th, 2018 4:23 PM
The New York Times gave vastly different views of Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford regarding their extraordinary testimony, consistently chiding Kavanaugh as "angry" and "aggrieved" and calling his judicial temperament into question -- as if anger wouldn't be a perfectly reasonable response to false allegations of sexual assault. The paper was clearly disappointed with Sen. Lindsey…

Feminist Author Demands Women ‘Divorce Your Republican Husbands'

September 28th, 2018 1:03 PM
Men, get ready. The feminist rage is upon you. In light of the heated Kavanaugh/Ford hearings and Republican senators’ push to install Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court justice on Friday, the left has combusted, particularly unhinged women who see this as their doom.  

NBC Decries Viewers Having Different Opinions After Kavanaugh Hearing

September 28th, 2018 1:21 AM
Going into Thursday’s show trial, the liberal media were hopeful that the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and speeches from Democratic Senators would get the public against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. But Ford’s perplexing lapses in memory, dubious collusion with Democratic Senators, and Kavanaugh’s own impassioned defense had put their hopes in jeopardy. So much so, that NBC Nightly News…

What Reality Are You In? CNN Pretends Dems Not Out to Get Kavanaugh

September 27th, 2018 10:29 PM
For all of CNN’s incessant insinuation that President Trump was “divorced from reality,” they sure have a really hard time with staying grounded. During Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360, the liberal panel just couldn’t believe that the Democrats were doing everything in their power to drag Judge Brett Kavanaugh through the mud. They even asserted that there were no problems with Dr. Christine…

CNN’s Toobin Lashes Out at Kavanaugh and Anti-Woman Republicans

September 27th, 2018 8:01 PM
As soon as Thursday’s Kavanaugh show trial in the Senate Judiciary Committee was wrapped up, the liberal media was off to the races with their breathless pontifications of how it went. From CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin came a stream of bitter attacks against the Supreme Court nominee and the Republican Senators.

Wow: CBS Panelists Concede Kavanaugh Will Make It Through

September 27th, 2018 7:52 PM
After having spent their entire Thursday listening to testimonies from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the mood on CBS’s panel seemed to be one of resignation and even admission by some of them that Kavanaugh appears headed for confirmation. Right after the hearing ended, chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford observed that “[p]eople saying that she looked…

Hollywood: ‘F*cking Liar’ Kavanaugh in Need of ‘Breathalyzer'

September 27th, 2018 5:26 PM
The liberal commentary during the Kavanaugh/Ford hearing has gone from indignant to downright malevolent. After Kavanaugh sat down to begin his defense, lefties immediately began to mock the man as a drunk who definitely rapes women.

CBS Doubts Kavanaugh’s ‘Searing, Painful, and Tearful’ Words Were Fake

September 27th, 2018 5:15 PM
In contrast to the lunacy and character assassination of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh on CNN and MSNBC, CBS’s reacted to Kavanaugh’s opening statement Thursday afternoon by calling it “searing, painful and tearful opening remarks” filled with “authenticity” that made one wonder “how you ever fake that” as his life has been ruined.

CNN Panel Smears Kavanaugh: ‘Unhinged’, ‘Deeply Political’ at Hearing

September 27th, 2018 5:08 PM
Judge Brett Kavanaugh came out swinging against Senate Democrats during Thursday’s show trial at the Senate Judiciary Committee. He was angry and pulled no punches as he called out the bad faith actors trying to destroy his life. But to CNN liberals, he was acting “unhinged” and his comments were “deeply political”.

Lefty Celebs: GOP Senators & their ‘Colostomy Bags’ ‘Going to Hell'

September 27th, 2018 3:30 PM
Hollywood lefties have already decided that Kavanaugh is a filthy rapist and that his accuser Dr. Ford is a paragon of bravery and a historical figure for women’s rights. Any attempt by Republicans in trying to get to the truth of this scandal has been met with nastiness and derision.  

NYT Discovers College: ‘Worrisome Portrait..Unusually Drunk' Kavanaugh

September 27th, 2018 10:05 AM
The front page of Thursday’s New York Times featured more sliming of youthful Kavanaugh as a drunk in “An Emerging Portrait of a Student ‘Frequently Unusually Drunk.’” The text box: “Ex-Classmates of Judge Recall Hard Partying.” The jump-page headline snuck in a slimy adjective: “Worrisome Portrait Emerges of a Student ‘Frequently Unusually Drunk.” Thursday’s front page also featured the headline…

The Kavanaughs Speak

September 27th, 2018 1:32 AM
At times Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh sounded rehearsed and overly cautious in their “exclusive” interview with Fox News host Martha McCallum Monday night. Brett Kavanaugh repeated verbatim lines about defending his character and allowing the “process” to play out. He said he would not withdraw in the face of unsubstantiated charges against him. At times their answers seemed coached, but then it is…

CNN’s Cuomo Misleads Viewers On Content of Kavanaugh Calendars

September 27th, 2018 1:08 AM
You know, for someone whose cable network has a mantra of “#FactsFirst”, CNN host Chris Cuomo has a really difficult time telling the truth. During Wednesday’s edition of Cuomo PrimeTime, he ran a segment he purported was to examine the 1982 calendar pages Judge Brett Kavanaugh submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee ahead of the hearing on Thursday. But Cuomo decided the lie and fabricate…