Misappropriating Ronald Reagan: Liberals Use Icon to Promote Agenda fr

April 7th, 2010 12:09 PM
Once upon a time, liberals didn't much like Ronald Reagan - his policies, his ideology or even just because they thought he was a lousy executive and an "amiable dunce."  "The Tower commission did not find Reagan a lousy orator; they found him a lousy president," Rep. Barney Frank said of Reagan to Time magazine in the aftermath of the Iran-Contra Affair in 1987. And more recently, those on the…

Evening News Audience For Week of March 29 Falls Below 20 Million

April 7th, 2010 11:14 AM
After a bit of a respite primarily due to NBC's coverage of the Winter Olympics, the audience desertion from the Big 3 networks' evening news broadcasts has again resumed. Not that the first quarter of 2010 was all peaches and cream. Last week, Media Bistro noted that ABC's "World News Tonight" had "its lowest-rated first quarter ever." But the results for the first week of the second ratings…

AP Stereotypes Tea Party Race Demographics; Ignores Gallup Poll Showin

April 6th, 2010 8:31 PM
It's incredible to see how many ways the mainstream media are able to analyze and dissect the Tea Party movement phenomenon on a regular basis. But lately it has been en vogue to challenge this movement on merits of race - a popular ad hominem talking point for opponents of the movement. However, the Associated Press, an organization known for its extensive fact checking of conservatives, took a…

Suspended: Is the Era of David Shuster Lashing Out at 'Nutty,' Far Rig

April 6th, 2010 12:16 PM
MSNBC on Tuesday announced that anchor David Shuster has been "suspended indefinitely" after filming a pilot at CNN. If this is the end of the liberal host's tenure on MSNBC, he'll leave behind a long legacy of viciously attacking "conservative fear mongering." During the Obama era, Shuster, supposedly a straight-news journalist, has been quick to deride the opponents of the President. On…

Fox & Friends Saturday Highlights Media Bias Toward Tea Party

April 5th, 2010 6:58 PM
Near the end of the Saturday edition of Fox & Friends on Fox News, co-host Clayton Morris introduced a segment on the media's double standard when it comes to covering the tea party movement versus left-wing protestors: "Mainstream media casting tea party protesters as violent and racist, the same media that characterized leftist protests against President Bush as patriotic."Morris brought on…

At Least One Arrested Militiaman a Registered Democrat

April 2nd, 2010 4:04 PM
Liberals in the media have been busy parading around Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center to bash the right. As befits his organization's MO, Potok, pictured right in a file photo, has done the best he can to link recently-arrested militia members to the Tea Party movement and conservatism generally.Potok's job may have just gotten a bit harder, and the liberal media may need to find…

Ed Schultz: I've Never Spewed Hate on My MSNBC Show; Our Video Proves

April 2nd, 2010 11:03 AM
Vituperative left-wing radio host Ed Schultz took to the air on Monday and insisted that he hasn't said anything hateful on his MSNBC program in the last year:Look, we all get carried away in talk radio but I do not think that on 'The Ed Show' on MSNBC in the last year I've said anything *hateful.* Hateful?! ... Hateful stuff? No, no, no, we point out the hateful stuff and sometimes it lands in…

McClatchy Reporter Speed Writes D.C. Tea Party Story in Record Time

April 2nd, 2010 8:05 AM
Kudos to William Douglas of McClatchy newspapers. That reporter can write and file stories with amazing speed. One such story was this article that Douglas filed about the March 20 Tea Party protest in Washington, D.C. where racial slurs were supposedly hurled. Jack Cashill of American Thinker was so impressed with the speed in which Douglas wrote his story that he wrote this American Thinker…

O'Reilly Tackles Charge of Racism at Tea Parties

April 2nd, 2010 7:04 AM
On Wednesday’s The O’Reilly Factor, FNC host Bill O’Reilly took the time to speak with an African-American Tea Party activist named Kevin Jackson about his experiences at Tea Party events and what he thinks of liberal commentators – presumably referring to a number of MSNBC hosts – who have charged that racism is common among Tea Party activists. O’Reilly asked of Jackson: "Okay, now obviously…

‘Impressive!’ Couric Coos After Obama Sinks a Jump Shot, Smith Fre

April 2nd, 2010 2:18 AM
Looks like -- hardly a surprise -- CBS’s Early Show on Friday morning will deliver a jovial and empathetic session with President Barack Obama just three days after NBC’s Today show had a friendly sit-down with the President. Thursday’s CBS Evening News previewed Harry Smith’s time with Obama on the White House basketball court, a segment which ended with Obama successfully hitting a jump shot,…

Olbermann: My Ancestors Came to U.S. 'Trying to Get Away from People L

April 1st, 2010 1:24 PM
On Wednesday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann used his regular "Quick Comment" segment to lecture Florida Republican Senate candidate Marco Rubio for recently remarking that people like Olbermann "hate America" and should be traded to other countries in exchange for immigrants who love America. As the MSNBC host referred to his own great grandparents who immigrated to America "for its…

MRC's Brent Bozell Debates Bob Beckel on Hannity's Radio Show

April 1st, 2010 12:54 PM
Embedded at right is NewsBusters publisher Brent Bozell's March 31 appearance on Sean Hannity's radio program. [audio MP3 for download here; click embed at right to listen to interview here]Bozell debated Democratic strategist Bob Beckel about, among other things, charges of racism at the Tea Party rally held the day before the vote for final passage of ObamaCare:BRENT BOZELL:  Three separate…

NPR Promotes Left-Wing Theory of 'Astounding Growth' of Militias and C

April 1st, 2010 7:50 AM
The leftist Southern Poverty Law Center is a National Public Radio staple in analyzing right-wing militia groups -- and then connecting them to the Tea Party movement and conservative talk-show hosts. Imagine a conservative group connecting liberal talk-show hosts and protesters to radical leftists like...Bill Ayers. Would they get a baldly promotional interview on NPR? No. But NPR Fresh Air…

CNN's Lavandera Zeroes in on Tea Party's 'Lack of Diversity

March 31st, 2010 6:48 PM
On Wednesday's American Morning, CNN's Ed Lavandera focused on the "overwhelmingly white" turnout at the rallies sponsored by the Tea Party Express organization and played up the criticisms that there is an "anti-minority undertone" at the demonstrations.Lavandera, who is covering the Tea Party Express' cross-country tour, highlighted the race issue from the beginning of his report, which first…