CBS's Schieffer Grills GOP Pols on Violence; Asks DNC Chair About 'Saf

March 31st, 2010 4:04 PM
Host Bob Schieffer led Sunday's Face the Nation by fretting over opposition to the passage of ObamaCare: "What about the violence in the wake of the congressional action? Isolated incidents or signs of a dangerous anger?" He told viewers that he would talk to "Republican firebrands, South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint and Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann" about the issue. Schieffer pressed…

O'Reilly Notes Blatant Media Hypocrisy on Protestor Anger

March 31st, 2010 12:56 PM
Last night, Bill O'Reilly used recent instances of inflamed, occasionally violent liberal protests to give his viewers a lesson in Media Bias 101. Lefties dominate the mainstream press, and are reluctant to cover events that don't suit their agendas, he stated."The Mainstream media largely ignores crazy stuff generated by the far left because many media types sympathize with liberal politics." It…

NYT's Zernike: Tea Partying Something To Do While Unemployed, Collecti

March 31st, 2010 9:45 AM
Betcha didn't know this: The Tea Party movement's growth was fueled by unemployed people lying around looking for something to do, and will have a hard time sustaining itself if/when the economy improves. Oh, and they're so distressed about the country's circumstances that they're letting emotion trump facts in their advocacy. Those are the themes of Kate Zernike's Saturday New York Times report…

Media Then and Now: Rep. John Lewis Given Pass for House Floor Nazi Re

March 30th, 2010 5:54 PM
Since Obama's health care legislation has been signed into law, the media have been in overdrive about the backlash - whether it's been former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's "reload" metaphor "targeting" certain congressional districts or how Republican lawmakers have supposedly encouraged violence by their floor rhetoric. Media personalities and Tea Party movement detractors have been agog - saying…

The Media's Public Enemy No. 1: Critics of ObamaCare

March 30th, 2010 4:50 PM
Since the passage of ObamaCare on March 21, the liberal media have been working hard to crack down on dissidents, painting the tea party movement, talk radio, and Republicans as dangerous radicals inciting violence against Democrats.The three broadcast networks and the cable channels all jumped on board the bandwagon of smearing conservatives as angry hate-mongers, in order to discredit broad-…

Prominent Republican Gets Actual Death Threat, NYT Suddenly Drops Conc

March 30th, 2010 2:53 PM
After devoting several stories to unsubstantiated allegations of racism and spitting by Tea Party protesters last weekend, the New York Times almost ignored an actual death threat made against a top Republican, Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia, the No. 2 Republican in the House, that resulted in the first actual arrest since the alleged wave of threats against politicians began.Norman Leboon of…

Juan Williams: 'Don't Tread on Me' Flags are 'Timothy McVeigh' Imagery

March 30th, 2010 2:08 PM
On Monday's O'Reilly Factor on Fox News, NPR news analyst Juan Williams furthered the left's talking point about the tea party's supposed connection to militias, and even went so far to claim that the Gadsden or "Don't Tread on Me" flags used by the conservative grassroots movement is "the same imagery that was on Timothy McVeigh" [audio available here].Williams made this preposterous claim…

After Bashing Palin for 'Dem Hit List,' MSNBC's Shuster Highlights Lib

March 30th, 2010 12:19 PM
In the 10AM ET hour on MSNBC on Tuesday, anchor David Shuster talked with Democratic strategist Craig Varoga, founder of the Patriot Majority political action committee, about efforts to "fight against tea-party-backed candidates." Moments later, a headline on screen read: "Tea Party Targets; PAC Launching Counter-Attack of Tea Party."During the same hour on Monday, Shuster described how in a…

MRC-Radio: Bozell on WMAL's 'Grandy & Andy' Discussing 'Fairness Doctr

March 30th, 2010 10:58 AM
Media Research Center President and NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell appeared by phone on this morning's "Grandy & Andy Morning Show" program on Washington, D.C.'s WMAL (630 AM).The whole chat lasted about seven minutes, with topics ranging from the media's bias against the Tea Party movement to liberals' affinity for resurrecting the free speech-abriding "Fairness Doctrine."Here's the…

MSNBC's Matthews: Anti-Government Sentiment May Hurt Texas in Census H

March 29th, 2010 6:16 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews today jumped on a statistic regarding Census participation in Texas to argue that anti-government sentiment from TEA Parties is hurting the Lone Star State in the decennial head count and hence could shortchange the state in congressional reapportionment and redistricting:CHRIS MATTHEWS, "Hardball" host: Time for the "Big Number" tonight. It speaks to the unintended effects…

NYT Ponders: Weather Underground, Tea Party Movement Just 'Varying Deg

March 29th, 2010 5:03 PM
The Weather Underground and the Tea Party movement: Same thing?In the wake of Obama-care's passage, New York Times reporter Benedict Carey took the country's political temperature, and found it running a right-wing fever, in a front-page Sunday Week in Review essay. It's ominous title was cribbed from the famous scene in the movie "Network," "RAGE's DNA: Mad As Hell. And..." The online headline…

CBS Analyst: Dems Hope Tea Party Becomes 'Stain' on GOP

March 29th, 2010 5:01 PM
On Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez asked political analyst and writer for the left-leaning blog, John Dickerson, if Democrats were "worried" about the "ton of momentum" behind the tea party movement. Dickerson replied: "What Democrats can only hope for is that tea party activists somehow overreach and that that ends up becoming a stain on the Republican Party."        …

MRC Mailbag: Reader Objects to Unsubstantiated Charge of Racism at TEA

March 29th, 2010 3:05 PM
Editor's Note: The following is a letter from a NewsBusters reader that we decided to share with our readers by publishing in its entirety. The views expressed are those of Mr. McCormick, who was in attendance at the Saturday, March 20 protest rally outside the U. S. CapitolDear Mr. Bozell: Everyone keeps saying it's not important if one or two bad apples used the N-word at the Tea Party protest…

WaPo Finds 'Never More Than Three' Protesters at a Democrat's House in

March 29th, 2010 7:40 AM
Monday's Washington Post continues the "ugly" health-care protest theme by somehow making a national story out of a protest "which never included more than three people at a time" outside the home of freshman Rep. Steve Driehaus in west Cincinnati. That's on A-3. The Post said the poor Democrat found "angry protesters wouldn't allow him a full escape from the raw and vitriolic discussions that…