CNN Religion Writer Praises 'Religious Pioneer' Obama

January 23rd, 2013 9:52 AM
The producer of CNN's Belief Blog lauded President Obama as "exceptional" and a "religious pioneer" for supporting same-sex marriage and hosting his inaugural prayer service at National Cathedral. "Well, I think it's part of what makes Obama exceptional. We think of him as a racial pioneer, the first African-American president, but I think he's also a religious pioneer," John Blake said of…

CNN Challenges Pro-Life Guest and Pro-Choice Guest From the Left

January 22nd, 2013 5:34 PM
Reporting on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade on Tuesday, CNN's Carol Costello pelted a pro-life guest with liberal talking points while chiding the president of pro-choice NARAL for not doing enough for the pro-choice movement. For example, Costello began her interview with pro-life ethicist Pia de Solenni by citing poll numbers favorable to abortion rights activists. In contrast, she…

CNN Paddles Whole Foods CEO for Calling ObamaCare 'Fascism

January 18th, 2013 12:00 PM
CNN's Carol Costello scolded Whole Foods CEO John Mackey for calling ObamaCare "fascism" on Friday. She also questioned why he was entering the ObamaCare debate at all and lectured him that many of his customers would disagree with his opposition to ObamaCare. "And you realize when you say 'fascism' it brings up Nazi Germany and all sorts of things. And we really want that kind language out…

Despite CNN's Gun Control Advocacy, Polls Show Drop In Support

January 17th, 2013 3:48 PM
Despite CNN waging a crusade for gun control over the past month, and host Piers Morgan drawing attention with his incessant activism and bullying of his opponents on the gun issue, CNN’s own poll shows that support for some gun control measures has dropped over the past month. reported on its poll Wednesday: "According to the survey, 56% support a ban on semi-automatic guns, but that…

CNN Helps Democratic Congressman Slam NRA, Tout Stricter Gun Regulatio

January 14th, 2013 1:09 PM
CNN's Carol Costello helped a Democratic congressman tout his new bill on Monday that allows victims of gun violence to sue the gun industry. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is aiming to repeal a 2005 bill passed by a Republican Congress that protected gun makers and dealers from such lawsuits. Instead of asking hard questions of Schiff's proposal, Costello spoonfed him this liberal talking…

CNN's Costello: 'No One Is Talking About Overturning the Second Amendm

January 10th, 2013 4:59 PM
On CNN this morning, in a quote captured by Rush Limbaugh on his program today (but predictably ignored by David Edwards covering the broadcast at Raw Story), Carol Costello told viewers that "no one is talking about overturning the Second Amendment or confiscating guns in America." Wow. What hermetically sealed cave have you been living in during the past few weeks, Carol -- or for that…

CNN Hypes Gabby Giffords' Push for New Gun Laws

January 8th, 2013 3:18 PM
CNN did its best to promote former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' push for stricter gun laws on Tuesday. Correspondent David Mattingly even highlighted the large "donate" button on the website of Giffords' new political action committee. "And if you think about it, if Gabby Giffords came knocking on my door, office door on Capitol Hill, I would have to let her in," swooned anchor Carol…

CNN Throws Liberal Smears and Talking Points at NRA

December 27th, 2012 4:40 PM
CNN's Carol Costello threw ugly smears and liberal talking points at the NRA's president David Keene on Thursday. Keene repeatedly had to deflect criticisms that the NRA is out of touch with most Americans during a lengthy 15-minute grilling. Costello resorted to sharing smears of the NRA from her Facebook page. "And many, many comments said, 'Why is the NRA crazy? Why are they, like, out of…

Joe Lieberman: If Obama Can 'Do Something' About Guns by Executive Ord

December 17th, 2012 6:43 PM
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) told CNN on Monday that the Connecticut shooting was a "tipping point" and added that if President Obama wanted to take action on gun laws by using an executive order, "God bless him."

CNN Asks If GOP Blocking UN Disabilities Treaty Is 'Stand Against Peop

December 5th, 2012 6:35 PM
CNN was completely aghast at conservative Republicans who on Wednesday rejected a United Nations treaty for disabled persons. Network anchors cast them as extreme and out of touch. "The United States taking a stand against people with disabilities?" asked a flabbergasted Carol Costello. "It's a treaty that bans discrimination against people with disabilities. Just sounds like a no-brainer,…

CNN's Costello Lectures GOP to 'Act Like Big Boys and Girls

December 3rd, 2012 3:11 PM
CNN's Carol Costello lectured Republicans on Monday that they should "act like big boys and girls" and present a counter to President Obama's deficit plan.  Interviewing Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal, Costello remarked that Republicans are angry over the President's plan intentionally lacking specific cuts to entitlements. "So, why don't Republicans act like big boys and girls and…

CNN's Costello Thinks Hobby Lobby 'Imposing Its Will' on Employees

November 28th, 2012 10:54 AM
The owners of Hobby Lobby Stores object on religious grounds to the HHS mandate that they cover abortion-inducing drugs for employees, but CNN's Carol Costello thinks the objection itself is an imposition of will. "So isn't Hobby Lobby imposing its will on those workers?" she asked on Wednesday. "I think that when it's left up to companies to decide which drug is right for women, then…

CNN Pleads With Republicans, 'Don't Fear the Grover

November 26th, 2012 4:18 PM
CNN broke out the pom-poms on Monday and cheered the Republicans who reneged on Grover Norquist's no-tax hike pledge. CNN contributor John Avlon lauded them as "profiles in courage." Avlon quipped that now "people don't fear the Grover. And that's a good thing, you know." Anchor Carol Costello clearly liked the GOP mutiny, asking "how excited should we really be by all of this talk of…

CNN Declares the End of the Tea Party

November 21st, 2012 1:11 PM
Even though Republicans kept the House, CNN was trying to bury the Tea Party on Wednesday. Anchor Carol Costello asked if the movement was dead while CNN's headline proclaimed the "end of the Tea Party movement." "Is the Tea Party dead?" Costello ridiculously asked GOP strategist Ana Navarro. She took a shot at Fox News after Bill O'Reilly blamed some liberal media for "promoting ideology,"…