
WashPost's Ignatius Mocks Criticism of Debunked Intel Agencies Story

July 6th, 2017 11:07 AM
The media found themselves stumbling over old, discredited talking points Thursday as they attempted to keep the Trump-Russia narrative afloat on Morning Joe. At a press conference in Poland, President Trump referenced how the story of seventeen intel agencies supporting the claims of Russian hacking had been debunked. As a result, faux Republican, Joe Scarborough, was forced to do damage control…

Morning Joe Obsesses Over McCarthy’s Trump Joke

May 18th, 2017 1:54 PM
In the tumultuous world we currently live, there are a number of worthy topics of discussion. One possibility could be international issues involving countries such as North Korea, Iran, or ISIS.  Another might be hotly debated domestic issues including health care, entitlements, or even national spending. Instead of any of this, the cast of MSNBC’s Morning Joe chose to spend an entire segment…

MSNBC Hosts Take Turns Interrogating Sean Spicer

January 31st, 2017 4:36 PM
On Monday morning, White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer was a guest on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. He was there to address any remaining questions concerning the events that transpired over the weekend, like Trump’s immigration order. The segment began with political analyst Mark Halperin, grilling Spicer about Trump’s beliefs concerning the Islamic religion. Conversely, their other guest that day,…

Sam Stein: Trump Is Close to ‘Talking About Internment Camps'

June 16th, 2016 3:28 PM
Frequent MSNBC guest and Huffington Post senior politics editor Sam Stein thinks that Donald Trump is very close to “talking about internment camps.” Rather than discuss the mounting concerns over the pending influx of people into our country, on Thursday, the Morning Joe squad picked apart Trump’s every word at a rally in Atlanta.

MSNBC Accuses GOP Leaders of ‘Breathing Life into ISIS’

June 13th, 2016 4:20 PM
On Monday, the bulk of Morning Joe was spent discussing the abhorrent terrorist attacks in Orlando over the weekend. However, rather than proposing bi-partisan solutions, Brzezinski and Scarborough seized the moment to push MSNBC’s agenda of divisive political partisanship.  Less than forty-eight hours after the massacre, and the network capitalized on their viewers’ grief by directing their…

Fmr. Cruz Aide: Trump Now Believes He'll Lose Nomination at Convention

April 13th, 2016 8:56 AM
Does Donald Trump think he's going to lose the nomination at the convention? Are his current complaints about RNC "dirty tricks," the system being "rigged," etc. a preview of the explanation he'll be offering when he does indeed lose?  Yes, and yes, if you buy what former senior Cruz aide Rick Tyler said on today's Morning Joe. After the show rolled video of Trump's attacks on the RNC, Joe…

NYT Flushes Obama’s Damning ‘Cable TV’ Admission From S.B.Terror Story

December 18th, 2015 12:18 PM
President Obama spoke off the record to news columnists, in a defensive response to Republican criticism that he has seemed passive and uninterested in the face of Islamic terror attacks against the United States. In a news story about the meeting New York Times reporters Peter Baker and Gardiner Harris revealed this damning admission from the president: "In his meeting with the columnists, Mr.…

NBC's Mitchell Claims 'A Lot of Discrimination' Against Muslims

December 17th, 2015 9:56 PM
Nearing the end of her MSNBC program Andrea Mitchell Reports on Thursday, NBC Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea Mitchell claimed that "there is a lot of discrimination" against Muslims as she was introducing President Barack Obama's 1:00 p.m. speech. After suggesting that some of the "rhetoric" at Tuesday's GOP presidential debate was "really a recruitment tool for ISIS," she…

President's Mudslinging Confuses Joe, Ignatius 'GOP Governors Worse'

November 18th, 2015 11:27 AM
Morning Joe on Wednesday discussed the recent remarks by President Obama on Republicans who are “afraid of orphans and widows.” When the discussion turned to David Ignatius for commentary, he gave a defense of Obama. Scarborough would press Ignatius with on using "the widows and orphans" to antagonize Republican governors. While Ignatius conceded there is always room to correct the words used, he…

Ignatius Hits GOP: No One Wants POTUS Who 'Whines About Media Coverage

November 8th, 2015 1:30 PM
Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius blasted the GOP presidential candidates for daring to complain about the biased questions asked during last month’s CNBC debate. Moderator John Dickerson teed up Ignatius by playing a clip of President Obama mocking the Republicans' debate complaints which prompted the Post columnist to declare the American public…

Ignatius: Obama's Weird 'I Told You So' About His Failed Syria Policy

October 13th, 2015 8:21 AM
Michelle might want to gently tap the president on the shoulder and remind him "umm, Barack, you're not in the faculty lounge any more.  You're actually, uh, President and Commander-in-Chief.  So you don't get to criticize your own failed policies as if you're not responsible for them.  They're, umm, your policies, you know?" Commenting on President Obama's 60 Minutes interview in which he said…

Ignatius Discloses Source's Lack of Objectivity — In a Separate Column

September 5th, 2015 10:43 AM
In the past week, several pundits and alleged "experts" have been on a mission to tell us rubes that Hillary Clinton's email and private-server controversy doesn't rise to the level of being a scandal. They have absurdly argued that even if she "technically" violated State Department protocols and even broke some pesky laws in handling her communications while she was Secretary of State, Mrs.…

WashPost's Ignatius Relies on Hillary Defender With Undisclosed Ties

August 30th, 2015 9:49 PM
One of the odder pieces appearing during the past week in connection with the Hillary Clinton email and private server scandal was David Ignatius's attempt to deny that it's a scandal at all in Thursday's Washington Post. Ignatius devoted four of his first five paragraphs to relaying the allegedly expert assessments of Jeffrey Smith, who Ignatius described as "a former CIA general counsel who’s…

Zbigniew Dismisses Bibi Criticism of Iran Deal: 'Not a Serious Person'

July 15th, 2015 9:16 AM
Zbigniew Brzezinki is the man who infamously advised President Obama to shoot down Israeli warplanes should they attempt to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. So when David Ignatius asked him on today's Morning Joe what he thought of Bibi Netanyahu's condemnation of the Iran deal, Zbigniew knew he was being teed up to unload on the Israeli PM. By Zbigniew's vituperative standards, his response was…