Ed Schultz Robotically Blames 'Right-Wing Talkers' for Sterling's Raci

April 30th, 2014 12:11 PM
Did you know that many conservative commentators are also consummate ventriloquists? Or so Ed Schultz seems to believe. Schultz, who loves going out on a limb that invariably collapses under the weight of his hypocrisy, is blaming "right-wing talkers" such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, his two favorite targets in the genre, for racist remarks made by LA Clippers' owner Donald Sterling…

MSNBC Panel Trashes Paul Ryan, GOPers 'Fuel Racism' and 'Attack Minori

April 29th, 2014 1:32 AM
On the Monday, April 28, The Ed Show, MSNBC host Ed Schultz devoted the first segment of nearly 15 minutes of his show to trying to link prominent conservatives like Paul Ryan to the racist views of people like Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling, whom the MSNBC host failed to label as a Democratic donor.  Schultz charged that Ryan and other GOPers "support policies that attack minorities" and…

Vintage Ed Schultz Idiocy: Cliven Bundy is the 'Perfect Republican

April 28th, 2014 4:57 PM
Nevadan rancher Cliven Bundy, locked in a decades-long dispute with the Bureau of Land Management, is supposedly going to get even more attention in media -- from radio/MSNBC libtalker and self-professed working class hero Ed Schultz.  Schultz is telling his radio listeners that they'll be hearing a lot about Bundy from him in the days to come, a vow that will evaporate roughly at the start…

Ed Schultz Likes Big Money Being Spent on Politics -- When It Comes Fr

April 22nd, 2014 8:46 PM
The host of MSNBC's weekday afternoon program The Ed Show has often hammered the donations to GOP candidates and projects made by wealthy conservative brothers David and Charles Koch, but does he feel the same when rich Democrats enter the political fray? We got our answer on Monday, when Schultz happily interviewed Tom Steyer, a prolific Democratic donor who has pledged $50 million of his…

MSNBC's Schultz Slams FBN's John Stossel as 'Fossil Fool,' 'Poverty an

April 22nd, 2014 5:16 PM
On the Friday, April 18, The Ed Show, MSNBC host Ed Schultz trashed John Stossel's appearance on FNC's Fox and Friends in which the FBN host defended fossil fuels as making it easier for people to exit poverty than other more expensive options. After calling Stossel a "fossil fool" as he began the show's regular "Pretenders" segment, the MSNBC host parroted doom and gloom global warming…

Their Praise for Cliven Bundy Shows Hannity and Huckabee Want 'Armed I

April 17th, 2014 7:34 PM
Does it get more laughable in media when Ed Schultz accuses others of being incendiary? Schultz's years-long obsession and resentment of conservative commentator Sean Hannity, and of Fox News, surfaced once again yesterday when he criticized Hannity and fellow Fox News personality Mike Huckabee for their remarks about Cliven Bundy, the Nevadan rancher locked in a dispute with the federal…

Brit Hume Slammed, Praised for Calling Use of Racism Both A 'Shield' a

April 15th, 2014 10:07 PM
During the most recent edition of Fox News Sunday, political analyst Brit Hume asserted that attorney general Eric Holder had become a “crybaby” and that he and president Barack Obama have “benefited enormously” from being the first African-Americans to hold the offices they now inhabit. Then on Monday, Hume was accused of “race-baiting” by the host of MSNBC's The Ed Show. Later, he was…

Jonathan Alter: When Will Liberals Call for More Boycotts of 'Racist

April 15th, 2014 6:54 PM
Former Newsweek editor Jonathan Alter appeared on The Ed Show, Tuesday, to lobby for more boycotts of the "racist" Rush Limbaugh. The radio host's crime, according to the writer, is making a few joking comments about the shoe-throwing incident involving Hillary Clinton. On his show, Limbaugh mused, "I can totally relate to people who think that everything the Clintons do is staged...I just don'…

MSNBC's Schultz Explains Why GOPers 'Dislike' the Poor, 'Have No Use f

April 13th, 2014 10:03 PM
On the Friday, April 11, The Ed Show, MSNBC's Ed Schultz gave a political hack-style answer to a viewer question about why Republicans allegedly "dislike the poor so much" as he asserted that the poor are "useless" to conservatives because Republicans are "all about power." Ignoring the millions of poor people who do, in fact, vote for the GOP in each election cycle, helping many Republicans…

Nonsense From NOW President: Employers Enjoy 'Unfair Advantage' Becaus

April 13th, 2014 7:51 AM
When it comes to a manufactured issue such as unequal pay between men and women, a disparity that exists only in the aggregate and evaporates among individuals, you can expect to hear a fair number of suspect claims. But an assertion made by National Organization for Women president Terry O'Neill while a guest on Ed Schultz's radio show last week, talking about the proposed Paycheck Fairness…

Democrats Complain MSNBC Has 'Double Standard' on Hosts Speaking at Fu

April 10th, 2014 10:02 PM
The Democratic National Committee has accused the MSNBC cable channel of having "a pretty big double standard" regarding its “confusing policy” of forbidding some anchors from attending political fundraising events while others are allowed to speak at similar programs, according to a letter written to Phil Griffin, president of the liberal television network. Mo Elleithee, the DNC's…

Sweet Revenge for Laura Ingraham in First Airing Ed Schultz's F-Bomb R

April 10th, 2014 2:32 PM
It was nearly three years ago that libtalker Ed Schultz demeaned conservative radio host Laura Ingraham as a "talk slut" and "right wing slut" after she had the gall to criticize President Obama during his May 2011 trip to Ireland. Even though Schultz's outburst came on his radio show, he was suspended from his MSNBC program for a week, allegedly at his behest, though the claim is dubious as I…

Ed Schultz Parrots Left-Wing Lie of Koch Brothers as 'Main Beneficiary

April 8th, 2014 7:36 PM
"Koke adds life where there isn't any," warned the Clash about cocaine back in 1980, a year that shook the ground under American politics. The Koch -- pronounced "Koke" -- brothers, David and Charles (though not sibling Bill, for the time being) serve a comparably stimulative role for liberals in 2014, another election year with seismic potential. In recent weeks, self-proclaimed working-…

LOL: Ed Schultz Claims the 'Mainstream Media' Isn't Being 'Fair' to Ob

April 7th, 2014 8:07 PM
On his Monday show, MSNBC's Ed Schultz ripped the "mainstream media" for – wait for it – not being fair enough to ObamaCare. Of course, the only examples of "media bias" that Schultz displayed were from conservative guests and pundits. Apparently, the press has discounted all the positives of ObamaCare. "If you had been in a time capsule for the last five years and just happened to wake up…