Ed Schultz Drools Over 'Fantastic' Economic Recovery Under Obama

March 31st, 2014 10:54 PM
"None of them knew the color of the sky" is the first line of the Stephen Crane short story "The Open Boat" about four men crowded in an overloaded dinghy on rough seas. The men are so intent on preventing their small boat from getting swamped, none of them has time to look up. Much the same way, Ed Schultz is so busy shilling for Obama, he can't see the writing on the wall. (Audio after the…

Union Shill Ed Schultz: Unionized College Athletes Won't Strike

March 29th, 2014 4:47 PM
One of the most frequent laments from liberals is that the decline of unions has hurt American workers and our economy. And among the reasons that unions are in decline are dubious claims by liberals about them. It's even worse when the person making the claim fancies himself an outspoken advocate for workers' rights and one who, not incidentally, is being abundantly compensated for his…

Ed Schultz on GOP Foreign Policy: 'We Gotta Show Everybody We Got a Ha

March 26th, 2014 8:58 PM
Less than three months into 2014 and leftist loose-cannon Ed Schultz may have already provided the year's best example of projection in media. It's too much to expect Schultz to comprehend that criticism he directs at Republicans applies more accurately to himself. On his radio show Monday, Schultz lashed out at Republicans for daring to second-guess President Obama for his handling of the…

Ed Schultz: Funding Charter Schools 'Breeds and Feeds the Next Generat

March 26th, 2014 6:03 PM
MSNBC's Ed Schultz on Wednesday slammed charter schools in America, sneering that funding them "breeds and feeds the next generation of segregation in America." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] The Ed Show host talked to fellow liberal Michael Eric Dyson who complained about public schools having to compete against charter schools.  He insisted, "If you would supply money to these public…

Ed Schultz Finally Apologizes for His Bogus ObamaCare Prediction, Lash

March 25th, 2014 11:50 AM
Liberal anchor Ed Schultz on Monday finally admitted that his Obamacare prediction from last December was wrong. On December 11, 2013, the Ed Show host prognosticated, "[ObamaCare enrollment is] going to hit five million by March 1st...Five million people signed up by March 1st. Get your tapes rolling at home folks 'cause it's going to be a big 'I told you so.'"  On Monday, he conceded, "You…

Ed Schultz Says Putin Undeterred, Then Questions Patriotism of 'SOB' R

March 20th, 2014 11:33 AM
Remember back in the Bush years when the left deemed dissent to be the most glorious form of patriotism? As every conservative knew, that allegedly principled belief was contingent upon a Republican serving as president. Once a Democrat returned to the White House, this ardent trumpeting of dissent as humanity's highest calling oddly began falling into disrepute, as to be expected whenever…

D'oh! Ed Schultz Fears Obama Will Damage Economy 'Even Further

March 14th, 2014 7:28 PM
Radio libtalker and MSNBC action hero Ed Schultz used to be conservative, as he'll occasionally remind his audience. Earlier this week on his radio show, he lapsed back. The occasion was a discussion with a caller over President Obama's apparent support for the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade pact that would involve the U.S., Canada, Mexico and nine other nations in South…

Ed Schultz Rewrites History to Ignore His Bogus ObamaCare Prediction

March 13th, 2014 6:33 PM
Apparently, Ed Schultz doesn't mean it when he says "get your tapes rolling at home." The MSNBC anchor on Wednesday attempted to rewrite his bogus, boastful prediction about ObamaCare. As noted by the Washington Post, on December 11, 2013, Schultz prognosticated: "I'm going to make a prediction tonight. It's going to hit five million by March 1st. That's right. Five million people signed up by…

Ed Schultz on 2016 Race: Hillary Has All But Won - and Cheney Will Run

March 12th, 2014 4:58 PM
No, "I'm not off my rocker," Ed Schultz told his radio listeners after making an off-the-wall prediction. Actually, two predictions -- that Hillary Clinton is a virtual shoo-in who will waltz back into the White House, and that Dick Cheney will cave to pressure from movement conservatives and run for president. As for the first prediction, I vaguely recall many pundits saying much along the…

Prove Me Wrong on Keystone Lobbying, Ed Schultz Brays. You're Wrong, E

March 10th, 2014 4:57 PM
How do you know when Ed Schultz is way off the mark? Aside from the high likelihood of this whenever the man opens his mouth, it becomes nearly certain when what he says drips with bellicose certitude. A classic example came on "The Ed Show" March 7 when Schultz was discussing efforts to lobby Nebraska state lawmakers to support the Keystone XL pipeline. (Video after the jump)

Bill Press Laughably Claims Hateful Liberal Talk Not As Bad As Conserv

March 7th, 2014 5:58 PM
You would think that MSNBC hosts might not want to invite Bill Press on their shows to talk about supposedly inflammatory conservative rhetoric, given Press’s track record of vile left-wing bile. But on Thursday, host Al Sharpton once again invited Press onto PoliticsNation to discuss what the reverend called conservatives’ “ugly, very ugly attacks on the president over the crisis in Ukraine.” […

Ed Schultz Caves to Liberals, Officially Flips on Keystone Pipeline

March 5th, 2014 5:58 PM
Ed Schultz's brief rebellion against liberal orthodoxy is over. The MSNBC anchor in February announced his support for the Keystone oil pipeline, telling his audience to "confront reality." Ever since, Schultz has been slowly retreating. On Wednesday, Schultz caved, "Mr. President, say no to this project. I turn this night, on this program. I was wrong." [See video below. MP3 audio here.] The…

Ed Schultz Goes From Supporting Keystone to Comparing It to 'Vietnam

March 4th, 2014 6:00 PM
MSNBC viewers in February were treated to a rare sight: An anchor disagreeing with the accepted liberal position on an issue. Ed Schultz publicly came out in support of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. On the February 5 program, he lectured progressives to "confront reality" and support construction. Well, that didn't last long. On March 4, Schultz compared Keystone to Vietnam and wondered if it…

Mother Jones Scribe: Tea Party Akin to Joker in Batman Films, 'Just Wa

March 4th, 2014 12:19 PM
How do we know that the tea party has become a force that can't be shrugged away in the five years since it emerged? When liberals in media smear tea partiers with ludicrous, over-the-top comparisons. Appearing on Ed Schultz's radio show, Mother Jones reporter David Corn rendered himself incapable of being taken seriously when he likened the tea party to one of the most depraved criminals to…