Ed Schultz

NewsBusted: Stay Away from Chris Matthews's Man, Ed Schultz
March 1st, 2014 6:30 PM
You might have missed this -- hey, we can't blame you, we watch so you don't have to -- but, "MSNBC's Ed Schultz said on the air last week that his favorite president is Barack Obama," NewsBusted anchor Jodi Miller noted on the latest edition of the NewsBusters original comedy production. "'Stay away from my man!' snapped an angry Chris Matthews."
For Jodi's funny takes on everything from…

Unhinged Ed Schultz Rants: Arizona Bill Is a 'License to Discriminate
February 26th, 2014 6:15 PM
The frothing rage against Arizona's religious liberty legislation continued on Wednesday's Ed Show. Ed Schultz, who on Tuesday insisted that the bill would lead to crazed, gun-toting Arizonians going on shooting rampages, followed up by sneering that this was the "most discriminatory law that I think that we have seen a state body come forward with." (More discriminatory than state slave laws…

Ed Schultz: Religious Protection Bill Is a License for Gun-Crazy Arizo
February 25th, 2014 6:08 PM
On Tuesday, MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz smeared Arizonians as gun-crazed maniacs salivating over a license to kill. The Ed Show host attacked legislation designed to protect the religious liberty of the state's business community. Even though the bill [SB 1062] deals with those who, for example, might not want to supply cakes for a gay wedding, Schultz slimed, "This bill gives business owners the…
Ed Schultz Rushes to Defend Bill Clinton, Who Was Guilty of Merely 'On
February 18th, 2014 6:29 PM
Uh, which one, Ed?
At some point in the not so distant future, former president Bill Clinton will pick up a phone, dial the main number at MSNBC/Pravda in Rockefeller Center, ask to speak with resident loose cannon/action hero Ed Schultz, and tell Schultz that if he really wants to help the Clintons, he should refrain from talking about them. At least not aloud and within range of a…
MSNBC's Ed Schultz, Who Called Laura Ingraham a 'Slut,' Huffs About Ri
February 18th, 2014 6:02 PM
MSNBC, the cable network where Martin Bashir suggested someone should defecate down Sarah Palin's throat, the network that features a host who trashed Laura Ingraham as a "slut," has developed an aversion to vulgarity. Well, vulgarities that are aimed at liberals. On Tuesday's Ed Show, Ed Schultz highlighted a dinner of wealthy businessmen in New York.
According to Schultz, the attendees…
Better Than Liberal FDR, LBJ or JFK? You'll Never Guess Ed Schultz's F
February 17th, 2014 6:04 PM
How much of a liberal cheerleader is MSNBC's Ed Schultz? On Monday's Ed Show, the host was asked this question by a viewer: "Who is your favorite President?" Rather than answer with liberal heroes like Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson or John F. Kennedy, Schultz immediately responded, "President Obama." [See video below. MP3 audio here.]
The cable anchor enthused, "I respect him…
Ed Schultz Slimes Grover Norquist: May Be ‘Race Baiting’ With Anti
February 13th, 2014 3:30 PM
It wouldn’t be MSNBC if one of the cable hosts didn’t smear a conservative as racist. On Wednesday, Ed Schultz hinted that Grover Norquist, the head of Americans for Tax Reform, might be “race baiting” by placing ads warning about the impact of unionization.
Schultz was talking to Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen over possible unionization of a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee. …
Leftist Editor Fears Higher Sales Tax in Wisc. Would Be ... 'Job Kille
February 12th, 2014 8:52 AM
At this rate, Ruth Conniff may not last much longer as political editor of the Progressive magazine, a venerable left-wing periodical.
Last week, for example, while a guest on Ed Schultz's radio show, Conniff became quite possibly the only liberal in America willing to acknowledge the obvious -- that President Obama's much-ballyhooed executive order to raise the federal minimum wage in…

MSNBC Completely Ignores Latest ObamaCare Delay in Prime Time, Spends
February 11th, 2014 1:54 PM
At 4:57 on Monday afternoon, MSNBC’s Alex Wagner hyped “Breaking news from the Treasury Department. The White House has announced a second delay to part of the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate. Details on that are next.” But the next “details” did not come for 12 and a half hours at 5:30 a.m. Tuesday morning during MSNBC’s Way Too Early broadcast.
In between, MSNBC ran 9 full stories…
Ed Schultz Morphs Abraham Lincoln Into Barack Obama
February 10th, 2014 6:04 PM
Liberal MSNBC anchor Ed Schultz on Monday compared Barack Obama to Abraham Lincoln. In the opening of The Ed Show, an on-screen graphic morphed a picture of the historic Republican president into the modern day Democrat. In the background, an American flag can be seen. [See video below. MP3 audio here.]
Schultz's show opens are often extremely over-the-top, featuring rock music and movie…
Wrong Again, Ed Schultz - Deportations Haven't Risen 'Fivefold' Under
February 10th, 2014 10:11 AM
It takes a special brand of chutzpah, even by the fluid non-standards of the left, for a man to begin every hour of his radio show with a promo touting it as the place "where truth and common sense rule" -- when he has no intention of adhering to that lofty standard.
Liberal loose-cannon Ed Schultz does this with alarming regularity, as has been well documented at NewsBusters and elsewhere…

Lefty Feud Over Keystone Worsens, Ed Schultz Telling Enviros to 'Go to
February 7th, 2014 6:49 PM
Left wingers have claimed for decades that American foreign policy revolves around a central tenet -- the willingness to go to war over oil. Based on widening divisions among liberals over the Keystone pipeline, it appears that some on the left are similarly inclined.
First came Ed Schultz on "The Ed Show" Wednesday night defending himself from an onslaught of Twitter fury in response to his…

Ed Schultz to Sandra Fluke: Rush Limbaugh 'Did You a Favor
February 6th, 2014 8:04 PM
On Thursday's Ed Show, MSNBC's Ed Schultz gleefully reminded guest Sandra Fluke of when Rush Limbaugh called her a "slut," but completely ignored his own suspension from MSNBC for saying the same of Laura Ingraham.
"I think Limbaugh actually did you a favor by putting you out there like that," Schultz poured on the praise. "I hope you understand where I'm going on that. I mean exposure is…
Ed Schultz Proudly Displays His Shabby Contempt for Constitutional Rig
February 5th, 2014 7:47 PM
One of my favorite memories from watching MSNBC -- not that there are many -- came a few years back when Rachel Maddow in full-blown, arms-waving smarm insisted that the Constitution does not have a preamble. "That would be the Declaration of Independence," Maddow declared emphatically.
It's one thing for an MSNBC pundit to publicly reveal her ignorance of the Constitution (and Maddow made…