
Nets Skeptical That Illegal Immigrant Really Does Have Murder Warrant

August 21st, 2018 11:43 AM
As previously documented by NewsBusters, ABC, CNN and CBS spent time over the weekend fretting over an illegal immigrant from Mexico who was arrested at a California gas station while driving his pregnant wife to the hospital. After it was revealed that he was suspected of committing a murder in Mexico, ABC and CBS both highlighted skepticism about whether the arrested man, Joel Arrona-Lara,…

Abortion Vote Coverage: Networks Praised Ireland, Ignored Argentina

August 14th, 2018 2:53 PM
This year, two countries held significant votes on elective abortion. But the networks only covered the aftermath of one of them – the country that voted for abortion. On Aug. 9, Argentina’s Senate voted against a bill that would have permitted elective abortions up to 14 weeks. Nearly three months earlier, on May 25, Irish citizens voted to repeal their country’s ban on elective abortion to…

Giddy ABC, NBC Hype Salacious, Unverified Omarosa Book; CBS Stays Away

August 10th, 2018 9:53 PM
On Friday, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News showed zero restraint when it came to salacious, unverified claims in an upcoming book by former White House aide and reality TV firebrand Omarosa Manigault-Newman that President Trump used the n-word. Even though there’s already contradictions emerging, both eagerly led with and reported them anyway.

NBC Blames Trump for Immigrant Kids Detained Like ‘Animals In Cages'

June 14th, 2018 10:14 AM
On the Thursday morning broadcasts, both ABC and NBC gave full reports on illegal immigrant children being separated from their families and detained at a holding center in Texas. Both networks gave sympathetic spin blaming the Trump administration's immigration policy for separating families, but NBC's take was so over-the-top that it compared the kids to animals locked up in cages and the…

ABC & CBS Relieved That Dems Won’t Get Shut Out of House Races

June 6th, 2018 5:23 PM
On Wednesday, correspondents on ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morning breathed a collective sigh of relief as they reported that Democratic congressional candidates had not been shut out of key House races after Tuesday’s jungle primary in California, in which only the two top voter getters, regardless of party, advance to the general election in November.  

Nets Applaud ‘Historic’ Irish Abortion Vote as ‘Women’s Rights’ Win

May 29th, 2018 2:56 PM

Women matter, but only if they’re already born – at least according to the networks on Ireland’s recent abortion vote. On Friday, May 25th, Ireland voted to repeal the country’s Eighth Amendment that banned abortion. In many of their segments, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) framed the repeal as a win for “women’s rights” against a “highly restrictive” law.  


ABC Downplays North Korea’s Role in Sabotaging the Nuke Summit

May 24th, 2018 9:39 PM
On Thursday, President Trump announced that he was calling off the greatly anticipated U.S.-North Korea summit because the other party was acting in bad faith going into it, something the President promised to do weeks ago. Of course, many in the liberal media used the opportunity to suggest it was somehow a diplomatic blunder on his part despite nuclear threats by the regime overnight. ABC…

ABC & CBS Focus More on 3rd Place Loser Than GOP Primary Winners

May 9th, 2018 2:23 PM
Despite controversial West Virginia Senate candidate Don Blankenship only finishing a distance third place in Tuesday’s Republican primary, on Wednesday, ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morning devoted much of their election coverage to his defeat while barely mentioning the GOP candidates who won primary contests in numerous states.

ABC Suggests Utah Primary a Sign GOP ‘Still Very Much in Trouble’

April 22nd, 2018 9:50 AM
For months, the liberal media soothsayers have claimed to be reading the bones and insist they see a “blue wave” coming to wipe out the Republican Party. Their hysteria went to a new level during Sunday’s Good Morning America when the folks at ABC tried to argue that since former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney didn’t win the Utah GOP nomination for Senate via the caucus and had to face a…

ABC Uses Clip of Woman Slamming Cops: 'I Feel Like I Could Kill Them'

April 6th, 2018 11:08 AM
On Thursday's World News Tonight, ABC correspondent Linsey Davis actually included a clip of a woman declaring that she felt like "killing" the police in a report about a mentally ill man who was tragically killed by police after he pointed a metal pipe at them while pretending that it was a gun.  

ABC’s ‘This Week’ Obsesses Over the Supposed ‘Blue Wave’

April 1st, 2018 5:27 PM
On Sunday, ABC’s This Week With George Stephanopoulos served up a heavy dose of “blue wave” rhetoric, featuring a segment dedicated to the purported Democratic surge, an interview with a Democratic Senator from a red state, and a Republican strategist who had already decided that the GOP would be losing the House in 2018 “by 40 or 50 seats.” 

ABC’s Profile of a Porn Star: ‘Aspiring Journalist,’ ‘Equestrian’

March 27th, 2018 12:18 PM
A Tuesday report on ABC’s Good Morning America about adult film star Stormy Daniels filing a defamation lawsuit against Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen took a bizarre turn when correspondent Tom Llamas suddenly started offering viewers a glowing personal profile of the porn star.

Nets Cheer PA Election as ‘Blow’ to Trump, Dem Ran Against Pelosi

March 14th, 2018 3:39 PM
All three of Wednesday’s network morning shows celebrated Democrat Conor Lamb’s apparent narrow victory over Republican Rick Saccone in Pennsylvania’s congressional special election, cheering the “incredibly exciting” race as a “blow” to Republicans and President Trump. However, buried in NBC’s Today show coverage was a four-second acknowledgment that Lamb actually ran against House Democratic…

ABC Shows Video of Women Using Guns to Fight Off Armed Robbery

February 25th, 2018 11:19 PM
Over the weekend, ABC gave substantial attention to riveting surveillance video of a mother and daughter using guns to fight off an armed robbery in a liquor store where they work in Tulsa, Oklahoma. After first running a full report on Saturday evening's World News Tonight, the network ran additional full reports on Sunday's Good Morning America and World News Tonight, while CBS, NBC, and CNN…