
MSNBC: Trump’s Immigration Policies Prove He’s Racist

July 16th, 2019 12:31 PM
Monday night on MSNBC’s All In, all pretenses were laid aside in light of Donald Trump’s newest controversial tweet about several Democratic Congresswomen. Host Joy Reid, filling in for Chris Hayes, opened up the show with a scathing monologue to "clear" the debate over Trump’s apparent racism:

Hayes Mocks Social Media Summit as 'Ice Cream Social For Trolls'

July 12th, 2019 4:26 PM
MSNBC host Chris Hayes devoted a two minute-long monologue to trashing President Trump’s social media summit on Thursday’s edition of All In. According to Hayes, “instead of social media companies like Twitter and Facebook, they invited a pack of Trump-supporting, race-baiting conspiracy theorists.” Hayes also described the event as an “ice cream social for trolls.”

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Wails About ‘Mad King’ Trump's July 4th

July 5th, 2019 4:31 PM
On Wednesday night, amidst the Independence Day preparations and festivities, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes took it upon himself to rain on the parade. Joined by former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, and former Congressman David Jolly, the All In host began: “David, we've got tanks positioned outside the Lincoln Memorial for $100 million essentially Trump campaign rally for his top donors while he's…

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump ‘Hijacked’ the Fourth of July

July 3rd, 2019 5:51 PM
Three days before the Fourth of July, Chris Hayes and the liberal media took it upon themselves to inform the American public that the President’s planned Fourth of July celebration has ulterior, unpatriotic motives. To discuss this supposed dictatorial event, Hayes had guest, Charlie Pierce, a writer for Esquire, on All In Tuesday night.

MSNBC Touts Ilhan Omar Labeling Trump ‘Dictator in the Making’

July 2nd, 2019 12:46 PM
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar made an appearance on MSNBC’s All In Monday night to discuss the President’s recent overseas trip to the G-20 summit. Of course, liberal host Chris Hayes, eagerly prompted Omar to explain how meeting with dictators makes Trump himself, a dictator.

MSNBC Rushes to Defend Ocasio-Cortez’s Concentration Camp Comparison

June 19th, 2019 8:21 AM
On Tuesday night’s All In, MSNBC host Chris Hayes had on several guests defending left-wing Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s recent comments comparing detention facilities to concentration camps. Hayes opened up the subject discussing President Trump’s reelection launch: “The crowd a few minutes ago reportedly chanting ‘Lock her up.’ The desire to see other people behind bars in prison,…

MSNBC’s All In: ‘To Know Trump Is to Hate Trump’

June 18th, 2019 3:52 PM
Making sure to start the week on a positive note, MSNBC’s All In host, Chris Hayes, and guest Tony Schwartz, co-author of Trump: The Art of the Deal, ganged up on the President to analyze his personal life and why people “hate” him. After re-watching a clip of the Trump’s ABC interview from last week, Schwartz began: “When you think about Mick Mulvaney standing in that office as the Chief of…

CNN, MSNBC Spend 72 Percent of Prime Time FREAKING OUT Over Trump/ABC

June 13th, 2019 2:31 PM

President Trump made more headlines Wednesday night after he told ABC chief anchor George Stephanopoulos that he would be fine with taking “oppo research” on his 2020 opponent from foreign countries. This comment drew criticism. But during their almost two hours and 30 minutes of prime time coverage, or hair-on-fire panic, neither CNN nor MSNBC cared to mention that that’s exactly what the…


Chris Hayes: Unlike Hillary, Trump 'Committed a Whole Bunch of Crimes'

June 10th, 2019 4:02 PM
Friday night, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes made some unusually ridiculous statements surrounding the ongoing push by the liberal media to indict President Trump. Hayes began by showing a clip of Fox News host Sean Hannity criticizing recent comments from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claiming she wanted to see Trump “in prison.”

MSNBC Worried About Being ‘Pipeline of Propaganda’

May 29th, 2019 2:05 PM
In an ironic display of self-righteousness, MSNBC’s All In host Chris Hayes and Last Word host Lawrence O’Donnell discussed Tuesday night just how they avoid partiality in their reporting. Opening with an insult to President Trump, Hayes stated; “The central issue is the depth-less nihilism of the President whose sheer shamelessness means he will say anything at any time, about any opponent no…

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: 'Body Count to the President's Rhetoric'

May 23rd, 2019 2:57 PM
Wednesday night on MSNBC’s All In, host Chris Hayes blasted the President, claiming Trump's promotion of “bigoted stereotypes” have caused the “conditions for cruelty” leading to deaths among illegal immigrants in U.S. custody at the southern border.

Chris Hayes Fails to Correct Dem Senator's Claims About Iran

May 17th, 2019 8:14 PM
On the Thursday edition of MSNBC's All In, host Chris Hayes brought on Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) on to talk about the situation in the Persian Gulf with Iran and spread some fake news in the process. Hayes led off with a monologue that said the country was on the "precipice" of the worst foreign policy decision since the Iraq War. Introducing Merkley, Hayes asked if the, "Trump Administration…

Hayes Slams ‘Bad Faith’ GOPers for ‘Twisting’ Tlaib’s Anti-Semitism

May 14th, 2019 11:33 PM
MSNBC host Chris Hayes was apparently playing the role of an apologist for anti-Semitic Democrats Tuesday as he danced around the facts and defended Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib (MI) and Ilhan Omar (MN). Hr declared “Republicans are now on day two of their latest sustained round of bad faith attacks against Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib,” while setting up his interview with Omar.

Hayes: GOP Are ‘Co-Conspirators’ with Trump in Destroying Congress

May 7th, 2019 10:07 PM
A go-to pundit revered in liberal media janitor Brian Stelter’s daily newsletter from Mars, MSNBC’s host Chris Hayes opened Tuesday’s All In by beating the now-mummified dead horse that the Trump-Russia probe is like Watergate except worse because congressional Republicans haven’t decided to push for the impeachment of President Trump but instead become “co-conspirators” in “destroying their own…