
Sharpton Repeats Flawed Claim Hate Crimes Spiked After Trump Rallies

January 8th, 2020 8:10 AM
Over the weekend, MSNBC host Al Sharpton repeated a study highlighted last March by the Washington Post that made the claim that during the 2016 presidential race, there was an increase in hate crimes in counties that held Donald Trump rallies, even though the findings were discredited as misleading last September by another study published by Reason magazine. MSNBC host Yasmin Vossoughian also…

MSNBC Panel Cries, Blasts ‘Angry' GOP 'Mob’ ‘Intimidating’ Patriots

November 20th, 2019 9:29 AM
As yesterday’s impeachment hearings concluded late Tuesday, MSNBC host Chris Hayes was ready to fret over the state of democracy, with his left-wing guests, New York Times’ frenzied opinion columnist Michelle Goldberg and two Democratic operatives who worked for the Clinton and Obama administrations.  

MSNBC's Hayes Trashes Peter King as 'Notorious' 'Anti-Muslim' Bigot

November 12th, 2019 5:10 PM
MSNBC host Chris Hayes devoted the final segment of Monday’s All In to weighing in on the retirement of longtime Republican Congressman Peter King. In addition to portraying, Hayes King’s retirement as part of a large “red exodus” among House Republicans, Hayes attempted to characterize the retiring lawmaker as an “anti-Muslim” bigot.

MSNBC's Hayes on Hill's Resignation: 'The Bad Guys Won Here'

October 30th, 2019 3:23 PM
Weighing in on the resignation of Democratic California Congresswoman Katie Hill Monday, MSNBC host Chris Hayes complained that her departure from Congress is proof that “the bad guys won here.” Hayes also accused The Daily Mail and Red State, two publications that published intimate photos of Hill, of committing a crime.

Anchors Amp Up Trump Outrageousness in Promoting 'Border Wars' Book

October 13th, 2019 8:56 AM

In the past couple of weeks, New York Times reporters Michael Shear and Julie Hirschfeld Davis have made TV appearances to promote their book Border Wars: Inside Trump's Assault on Immigration. In appearances on CNN and MSNBC, anchors have underlined revelations that President Trump suggested the extreme step of government agents shooting immigrants in the legs -- often leaving out the notion…


FIASCO: Chris Hayes Trashes the 'Unconstitutional' Electoral College

September 1st, 2019 5:33 PM
MSNBC host Chris Hayes subjected himself to withering conservative ridicule on Friday night when he lamely attempted to defend Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's opposition to the Electoral College, accusing Team Trump of sending out an "insane" e-mail "basically accusing AOC, because she was advocating for majority rule, of attempting a coup to disenfranchise Republican conservatives." In front of…

CNN, MSNBC Remember Tan Suit Day as 'Biggest Scandal' of Obama Era

August 30th, 2019 11:57 AM
August 28, 2014 might as well be known in liberal America as Tan Suit Day, that day where former President Obama wore a tan suit. On the five year anniversary of Tan Suit Day, liberal journalists and commentators on CNN and MSNBC took to the airwaves to reminisce about that day, which they claimed -- in contradiction of the facts -- that this was somehow "the biggest scandal of the entire Obama…

MSNBC’s Panel Loses It, Encourages Protests Against Funders of ‘Hate’

August 9th, 2019 4:34 PM

Thursday night’s All In made sure to highlight the blatant bias against anyone who supports Trump and his campaign. Host Chris Hayes and guests tore apart Stephen Ross, the owner of Equinox, for Friday’s Trump fundraiser which has received a torrent criticism from the media and SoulCyclists everywhere.


MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: President Poses ‘Existential Threat’ to America

August 6th, 2019 4:01 PM
Monday night, in the wake of a national tragedy, MSNBC's All In host Chris Hayes and guests couldn’t help but blame the President for the two horrific shootings. The tragedy was not only portrayed directly as the President’s fault, but as part of Trump's plan all along.

Networks Play Up Racist 'New Low' in Detention of Teenager with Papers

August 4th, 2019 11:45 PM
The past couple of weeks have brought the latest example of liberal news outfits like CNN and MSNBC suddenly taking notice of a recurring problem in immigration enforcement under President Donald Trump's administration which also happened during past administrations, including that of Barack Obama. A number of shows pounced on the story of natural-born American citizen, Francisco Galicia, who was…

MSNBC’s Hayes Condemns 'Decades' of GOP 'Racism'

August 2nd, 2019 5:23 PM
Always out to make the Republicans look bad, on Thursday night’s All In, MSNBC host Chris Hayes decided to smear the entirety of the Republican Party since the Reagan era as racists. Hayes began by introducing a recently uncovered 1971 phone call recorded between then-President Richard Nixon and then-California Governor Ronald Reagan, in which Reagan, in a moment of human imperfection made some…

MSNBC’s ‘All In’: Trump Inciting ‘Violence to Win Reelection’

July 31st, 2019 5:43 PM
On Tuesday night’s episode of All In, MSNBC host Chris Hayes was joined by liberal pundit Zerlina Maxwell of SiriusXM with Business Insider senior financial correspondent Linette Lopez to speculate over Trump’s reelection strategy. Maxwell began: “I don't think it's about whether it's gonna work. I think it's that he is willing to rip the country completely apart -- in order to win reelection.”

MSNBC: Trump Supporters Must Be ‘Confronted and Destroyed'

July 19th, 2019 2:24 PM
Several days later, the liberal media still hasn’t moved past President Trump’s controversial tweets, but are instead rallying around them in opposition. MSNBC’s All In host, Chris Hayes, took a leading position Thursday night by denouncing all Republicans and Trump supporters, and calling for a revolution of sorts against the Trump administration.

MSNBC’s All In: Trump Unleashing ‘Animal Spirits’

July 18th, 2019 4:27 PM
Wednesday night, MSNBC’s All In continued to milk the ‘”is Trump a racist” debate, this time focusing on the President's remarks at his most recent rally. Host Chris Hayes began by explaining one of the liberal media's most difficult quandaries: “What do you do with a Trump rally?” Well, the answer seemed obvious enough as Hayes and guests proceeded to name-call and tear Trump and his supporters…