
MSNBC Panelist: Modern Conservatism Is Just 'White Nationalism'

February 25th, 2016 10:44 PM
On Thursday’s edition of All In, Chris Hayes brought on “perhaps America’s leading historian on the modern conservative movement,” Rick Perlstein, to discuss the attacks against Donald Trump for not being a proper conservative. Perlstein argued that when GOP candidates fight over the conservative mantel they really are saying, “I'm the guy that’s going to protect white virtue from, you know, the …

Matthews To Black Journo: 'Pro-Abortion Rights,' Not 'Pro-Abortion'

February 24th, 2016 9:28 PM
Can you imagine if a conservative TV host interrupted a black woman journalist, instructing her to change the way she said something that was not to his linguistic liking? The cries of racial condescension and sexism would echo through the land. So will Chris Matthews pay a price in the liberal media for the way he treated April Ryan on this evening's Hardball? When Ryan, of American Urban Radio…

Hayes: Kalamazoo Murder Spree 'Just Another Day In America with Guns'

February 22nd, 2016 10:16 PM
"[I]t’s just another day in America with guns," complained Chris Hayes as he concluded a nearly two-minute mini-segment on his February 22 edition of All In lamenting a lack of political will to move forward on more federal gun restriction legislation. Hayes began the segment with a clip of President Obama lecturing about the "hard truth" that "we probably lost even more Americans" than in San…

Chris Hayes Waves White Flag on MSNBC Succumbing to Trump Event

January 30th, 2016 1:21 PM
Kevin Drum at Mother Jones highlighted an exchange about Trump overcoverage on Twitter between MSNBC host Chris Hayes and Washington Post economics correspondent Jim Tankersley. Liberals and journalists were disappointed that a network like MSNBC would highlight Trump’s quickly assembled event to compete with the presidential debate. Hayes waved a white flag about the need to fill the public…

Chris Hayes Hotly Denies Planned Parenthood Sold Baby Parts

January 25th, 2016 9:26 PM
If he wants, Chris Hayes can crow about the refusal of a Houston grand jury to indict Planned Parenthood. But for him to claim, as he did on his MSNBC show tonight, that PP did not sell baby parts is absurd. As the videos revealed, not only was PP selling body parts, one of its officials joked [we have to hope] that she wanted to get as much money as possible so she could buy a Lamborghini. To…

MSNBC’s Hayes Links Blizzard Effects to ‘Climate Change’

January 22nd, 2016 2:12 PM
MSNBC All In with Chris Hayes’s host is all in ... for climate alarmism. As Washington D.C. and Baltimore raced to prepare for a potentially “historic” blizzard set to lash the East Coast Hayes insisted effects of the storm were connected to “climate change.”

Klein, Hayes Lament Hillary’s Sometimes Too Wonky for Voters to Grasp

January 19th, 2016 12:14 AM
Discussing the fallout of Sunday’s Democratic presidential debate on the Monday edition of MSNBC’s All In, host Chris Hayes and Vox Editor-in-Chief Ezra Klein lamented that Clinton’s “tremendous command and mastery” of subject material when working with colleagues hasn’t exactly shown through to voters as she’s “seemed paralyzed by her knowledge of how many ways a straightforward position can get…

Gov. Cuomo on Cruz: America Doesn't Only Welcome 'People From Canada'

January 15th, 2016 8:24 AM
Ted Cruz: undocumented Canadian candidate?  Andrew Cuomo didn't quite go quite that far, but the New York governor surely took a birther shot at Cruz during his appearance on today's Morning Joe. Invited on to comment on Cruz's claim that Donald Trump represents "New York values," New York Governor Cuomo said: "You think the sign says only people from Canada that happen to come from Spanish-…

Hillary Panicking? Calls Chris Hayes to Propose Higher Taxes

January 11th, 2016 9:09 PM
Is Hillary Clinton panicking? We've seen the polls showing the Iowa race closing to within the margin of error, and Hillary losing in New Hampshire. But could Clinton's internal polling be even more calamitous? The question arises because Hillary is suddenly trying to rival Bernie Sanders in bashing the rich. Nine months after announcing her candidacy, Clinton suddenly called into Chris Hayes'…

Alter Likens Obama’s Executive Actions on Gun Control to Emancipation

January 5th, 2016 2:16 AM
On the Monday night edition of MSNBC’s All In, longtime liberal columnist Jonathan Alter reacted to President Obama’s executive actions on gun control by remarking how heartbreaking it was for Obama to have met with the families of Sandy Hook victims and “see those six-year-olds stacked up like cord wood.” Then: "After that, he was going to do everything in his power and if people don't like it,…

Michael Steele Dings Howard Dean: 'You're Shilling for Hillary'

December 21st, 2015 9:15 PM
Spine of Steele! Where has this feisty Michael Steele been? In this NewsBuster's view, the former RNC chairman has too often been the voice of the mushy Republican middle.  But on MSNBC's All In this evening, Steele forcefully advanced the GOP cause. For starters, Steele shocked guest host Alex Wagner when he said Donald Trump would beat Hillary Clinton in a debate. Steele then took on Howard…

MSNBC: Trump's Muslim Policy a 'Logical Extension' of Rest of GOP

December 8th, 2015 12:07 PM
Despite the fact that numerous Republican presidential candidates have condemned Donald Trump’s call to ban all Muslims from entering the country, an MSNBC political analyst tried to connect it to all members of the GOP. Actor and liberal radio host Sam Seder appeared on Monday’s All In: “What Donald Trump was saying is obviously repugnant and antithetical to American values.” He added, “The…

Chris Hayes & Co. Baffled By San Bernardino Motive

December 3rd, 2015 9:36 PM
Rudy Giuliani has said that if you can't figure out that what happened in San Bernardino was an act of terror, "you're a moron." But from Chris Hayes, to the FBI, to a representative of the Muslim community, to a Mother Jones reporter, to President Obama himself, one thing emerged from Hayes' MSNBC show tonight: they're all terribly confused and cautious about what possibly could have been the "…

MSNBC Lets Lefty Pundit Smear 'Thoughts & Prayers' Line Post-Shooting

December 3rd, 2015 7:44 AM
In addition to his hours-long Twitter tirade on Wednesday attacking God-fearing people for offering their “thoughts and prayers” in reaction to the San Bernardino, Think Progress contributing editor Igor Volsky capped off his day on the 11:00 p.m. Eastern edition of MSNBC’s All In where host Chris Hayes gave him the floor to pontificate about how “all we hear from these people is thoughts and…