
Let's Play Softball: Matthews Interview with Obama Plays It Safe
April 22nd, 2015 3:45 PM
While Chris Matthews's April 21 interview with President Obama was not brimming with obsequious fawning nor visible leg tingles, he nonetheless squandered an opportunity that a more assertive journalist might have taken to scrutinize President Obama, particularly on his handling of the Iranian nuclear negotiations.

Shorter Joan Walsh: Don't Worry About Iran's New Russian Missiles
April 21st, 2015 9:18 PM
Salon editor-at-large Joan Walsh is not worried in the least about Iran's arming/equipping of anti-Israel, anti-American Houthi rebels in Yemen, nor in the Islamic Republic obtaining Russian-made surface-to-air missiles which could take down American or Israeli jets seeking to bomb nuclear facilities.
"This is a nuclear deal, it's not an everything deal," Walsh huffed in reaction to mild…

MSNBC's Matthews Whines Clinton Facing the GOP 'Firing Squad'
April 21st, 2015 4:21 PM
On Monday's Hardball program, Chris Matthews and gang worked furiously to shield Hillary Clinton from legitimate scrutiny over foreign donations to the Clinton Global Initiative, with Matthews grousing that the former secretary of state was facing a GOP "firing squad" who were hoping to bring about the "crib death" of the Clinton presidential campaign.

Matthews: Mike Huckabee May Be Guilty of 'Sedition'
April 20th, 2015 9:01 PM
Former Arkansas governor and potential 2016 Republican presidential contender Mike Huckabee may well be guilty of sedition, MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews charged on his April 20 program. The offense which merits the charge?: Huckabee urging Americans to not enlist in the U.S. military until after President Obama leaves office.

FLASHBACK | Matthews: Gyrocopter Man Should Give Address to Congress!
April 16th, 2015 9:15 PM
<<<Update : I'm reposting this as a flashback post in light of Hughes's guilty plea entered in court today. According to the Associated Press (via NBC Washington), the prosecutors will recommend up to 10 months in prison while Hughes will attempt to convince a judge to let him off with probation. Sentencing is scheduled for April 13, 2016.>>>

Chris Matthews's 'Snake-Charmer' Dog Whistle?
April 15th, 2015 8:23 PM
MSNBC host Chris Matthews loves to slander Republicans as often speaking in code or blowing racial "dog-whistles." Of course, doing that could open him up to charges of the same when he speaks carelessly.

Matthews Jabs Jeb for 'Stooping' to 'That Evangelical Crowd'
April 15th, 2015 8:05 PM
This was ugly. On his MSNBC show this evening, Chris Matthews criticized Jeb Bush, who will be speaking at Liberty University, for "stooping" to "that evangelical crowd"
Let's play some political madlibs and imagine that instead of "stooping to that evangelical crowd," Matthews had criticized a candidate who spoke at an Islamic center for "stooping to that Muslim crowd." Cue the cries of…

Chris Matthews: 'I Hate' the Castro Regime
April 13th, 2015 8:57 PM
We conservatives have countless beefs with Chris Matthews. But in contrast with the current crop of liberals inhabiting MSNBC, the American left at large—and the Oval Office—Chris is much more of an old-school Cold Warrior, and, dare I say it, a patriot.
And so it was that on this evening's Hardball, Matthews flatly declared "I hate" the Castro regime. How many other denizens of the left—from…

Matthews Waits All of 2 Minutes to Bring Up Race Re: Clinton Video
April 13th, 2015 8:07 PM
It only took race-obsessed MSNBC host Chris Matthews about two and a half minutes tonight to get to his first thinly-veiled attack on the GOP as a racist party.

Matthews: Teddy Would've Been On JFK's 'Greatest Senators' List
March 30th, 2015 8:58 PM
If then-Senator John F. Kennedy could have looked into the future and seen his youngest brother's career in the world's greatest deliberative body, he'd have named Sen. Ted Kennedy as among the best to have ever graced its hallowed halls, insisted Hardball host Chris Matthews in his effusive Let Me Finish commentary on the March 30 program, pegged to the opening of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute…

Matthews Misleads Audience on Indiana Religious Freedoms Law
March 26th, 2015 11:07 PM
In his March 26 softball interview with former Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) -- "Barney's a good friend of mine, I hope we sell some books" -- Hardball host Chris Matthews misled his audience about the nature of a new law signed into effect in Indiana designed to protect the religious liberties of shop owners.
Chris Matthews to Ted Cruz: Don't Question Patriotism...Like I Did
March 26th, 2015 11:07 AM
Liberal MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews on Wednesday fumed over what he saw as Ted Cruz questioning the patriotism of Democrats. This is despite the fact that the cable anchor has questioned the patriotism of people he doesn't like. On Hardball, Matthews read a quote of the Republican Senator: "Understanding Harvard law school is very important to understanding our president," Matthews quoted Cruz,…

Chris Matthews Obsesses Over 'McCarthy'-like Cruz's POTUS Announcement
March 23rd, 2015 9:50 PM
Chris Matthews was back at the helm of Hardball today after a week's vacation, and, fortuitously for him, the very same day his bête noire, Ted Cruz, announced for president before a supportive crowd at Liberty University. From start to finish Matthews did not disappoint his audience, spewing out hateful invective about the junior senator from Texas.

MSNBC's Capehart, Steele Slam Durbin Over 'Back of the Bus' Comment
March 19th, 2015 9:10 PM
On the March 19 edition of Hardball, Republican pundit Michael Steele and guest host Jonathan Capehart were strongly critical of claims by Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Durbin that Republicans were holding up a confirmation vote on Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch because she's black.