MSNBC Finally Prepares to Change Its Current 'Death Wish' Schedule

March 19th, 2015 7:05 PM
As NewsBusters has often reported, MSNBC's line-up has led the cable news channel to a freefall in the ratings, with Baltimore Sun media critic David Zurawik blasting the schedule as “unwatchable” and “24 hours a day of mess.” In an article posted on Thursday, Politico columnist Dylan Byers reported that the channel's daytime year-to-date viewership “is down 21 percent overall and 41 percent in…

'Enormously Gifted' Hillary Excuses a Clinton Dynasty, Alter Suggests

March 18th, 2015 8:52 PM
While conceding that Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are political-dynasty candidates, liberal journalist Jonathan Alter explained on Wednesday's Hardball why he didn't see a one-for-one equivalency between the two. It boils down to this: Hillary Clinton is a woman and Jeb Bush is, God bless him, a decent man but one of mediocre intellect.

Matthews Sees 'New Age of Jim Crow' in GOP's Opposition to Obama

March 13th, 2015 12:05 AM
Closing his March 12 Hardball program, MSNBC's Chris Matthews spewed that future generations of Americans will look back to today's politics and see that "the age of Jim Crow managed to find a new habitat in the early 21st century Republican Party." Looking back, people "will learn that a new senator from Arkansas got the signatures of 46 other senators on a letter to the hardliners in Iran…

Chris Matthews Ignores How Then-Sen. Kerry Arguably Violated Logan Act

March 11th, 2015 9:12 PM
Yet again Hardball host Chris Matthews insisted that 47 Republican senators the other day violated federal law by penning an open letter to the government of Iran regarding ongoing nuclear talks between that regime and the Obama administration. In a March 11 segment on the matter, Matthews played video of Secretary of State John Kerry criticizing Republicans for sending the open letter.

Matthews Hints 47 GOP Senators Motivated by, Wait for It... Race

March 10th, 2015 11:26 PM
Closing a panel segment with three fellow liberals about the open letter to the Islamic Republic of Iran by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and 46 Republican colleagues, MSNBC's Chris Matthews subtly hinted that the president's race was a motivating factor for the missive. 

Chris Matthews Charges GOP Senators with 'Sedition' Over Iran Letter

March 9th, 2015 8:53 PM

In a sign that the liberal media is deathly afraid of the American public coming around to Republican criticisms of President Obama vis-a-vis Iran, Hardball host Chris Matthews tonight suggested Republican senators may be guilty of sedition by violating the 1799 Logan Act. 


Matthews Uses Selma Anniversary to Bash Voter ID Laws

March 5th, 2015 9:12 PM
He's at it again. On his March 5 Hardball program in a segment with Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) about the 50th anniversary of the Selma march for voting rights, Hardball host Chris Matthews slammed as racially-motived GOP efforts for establishing voter ID laws. 

Matthews Sneers at Speech: 'Hawk' Netanyahu 'Pushed' Us Into Iraq

March 3rd, 2015 12:43 PM
Seconds after Benjamin Netanyahu ended his speech on Tuesday to Congress, the journalists at MSNBC began attacking it. Chris Matthews appeared and sneered that the Israeli prime minister "never mentioned the real world" in his address. The Hardball host insisted that Iraq was "the war [Netanyahu] talked us into."  The journalist berated, "The reason Baghdad is under control of the Shia and under…

Matthews: Reckless, Racist Republicans Ready to Go All Goldwater

March 2nd, 2015 9:28 PM
Say "1964," and those of us old enough might think of the appearance on Ed Sullivan's show of some little British group called the Beatles. But Chris Matthews recalls something else: the Republican party's decision to nominate Mr. Conservative, Barry Goldwater, and his ensuing wipeout by LBJ. On his MSNBC show tonight, Matthews suggested that Republicans are in a similarly reckless mood, and…

Kathleen Parker Blows Up Simplistic Narrative on Netanyahu Invite

March 2nd, 2015 8:27 PM
Informing Hardball viewers of something host Chris Matthews would never tell them, moderately-conservative columnist Kathleen Parker on Monday gave some much-needed context to why Speaker John Boehner did not extensively consult with the White House prior to inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address the Congress.

Chris Matthews: Jeb Would Be Hillary's 'Worst Nightmare'

February 26th, 2015 8:43 PM
In this week of the CPAC straw poll, the kiss of death for a Republican hopeful might be to say "endorsed by Chris Matthews." But that dubious honor has been bestowed on Jeb Bush. On this evening's Hardball, Matthews declared that Jeb would be "the Hillary people's worst nightmare, if he runs, because if he wins the nomination the middle is in play." So Bush would be formidable because he's a …

Bill O'Reilly Slams 'Haters,' Says Smearing Should Be 'Unacceptable'

February 26th, 2015 7:07 PM
Fox News Channel host Bill O'Reilly used Wednesday evening's edition of The O'Reilly Factor to hammer “haters on both sides” of the political divide during a segment entitled “Hating President Obama.” He began by stating: “At the height of the Iraq War, the vilification of President Bush the younger was off the chart,” with “the left in America accusing him and Vice President Dick Cheney of…

Matthews: GOP Would 'Scorn' Pro-Civil Rights Republicans of the Past

February 26th, 2015 4:41 PM
According to Chris Matthews, the modern GOP would throw out the party's pro-civil rights members from the 1960s. Talking to former Lyndon Johnson aide Joseph Califano on Tuesday, Matthews appeared amazed by the fact that the 1964 Civil Rights Act "passed with four out of five Republicans." He sneered, "People don't believe the Republican Party" of today is the same. 

Chris Matthews on GOP: They 'Hate,' 'Hate,' 'Hate,' 'Hate' Obama!

February 24th, 2015 11:30 AM
In case he's been too subtle in the past, an unhinged Chris Matthews made himself clear on Monday: He thinks the Republicans "hate" Barack Obama. The Hardball anchor fumed over insufficient outrage at Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Obama doesn't "love America." In the span of one show, he hit Republicans as "haters" seven times.