Don't MSNBC Graphics Guys Know How to Tell Time?

January 26th, 2015 8:16 PM
See if you can spot the typos on this map, which depict mandatory travel bans in Northeastern states for the overnight of January 26-27. 

FLASHBACK to January | Chris Matthews: I Am NOT Charlie Hebdo!

January 20th, 2015 8:25 PM
Railing against how Republicans want to "make it ethnic" when it comes to criticism of Islamist terrorism, Hardball host Chris Matthews this evening insisted that President Obama was correct to eschew referring to the Charlie Hebdo office massacre by al Qaeda operatives as "Islamic terrorism." What's more, Matthews made a point of insisting that he refuses to identify in solidarity with the…

'Hardball' Guest Charles Ellison Wants Scalise's 'Head on a Platter'

January 19th, 2015 8:47 PM
Nothing says celebrating nonviolent civil-rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. Day than calling for someone's "head on a platter," either literally or figuratively. Enter Charles Ellison of the Philadelphia Tribune. In a panel discussion on the January 19 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, the liberal journalist lamented how the Congressional Black Caucus was not demanding the resignation of  Steve…

Hypocrite Matthews Hates Hitler Comparisons, But Made Them Himself

January 14th, 2015 11:49 AM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews doesn't like it when people compare American politicians to Hitler and the Nazis. Unless, of course, he's doing it himself. On Tuesday, the liberal anchor assailed Republican Congressman Randy Weber for referencing Hitler in a tweet about Barack Obama.

Howard Fineman: Forget Obama, George Clooney Spoke for U.S.

January 12th, 2015 8:30 PM
While admitting that it was a shame that President Obama was a no-show for Sunday's unity rally in Paris, MSNBC contributor Howard Fineman offered that actor George Clooney's "Je Suis Charlie" speech at Sunday evening's Golden Globes award show was in some sense just as well as representation of America's solidarity with France.

Matthews, Steele Rush to Defend Obama from Paris Terror Criticism

January 8th, 2015 8:24 PM
Equipped with two liberal journalists and moderate Republican Michael Steele, MSNBC's Chris Matthews set about on his January 8 Hardball program to bash Sen. Lindsey Graham (R), former Amb. John Bolton, and talk-show host Rush Limbaugh for their criticism of President Obama's handling of the war on terrorism in light of the deadly terroristic shooting spree at the Paris headquarters of Charlie…

Matthews Bucks MSNBC's Political Correctness on Paris Terror Attack

January 7th, 2015 8:49 PM
Hardball host Chris Matthews is no rightie, but when it comes to Islamist terrorism, he takes a decidedly more conservative posture than others on his network. Witness Matthews's opening tease to Hardball tonight.

Matthews: Hillary Can't Lose Against Socially Conservative GOP Nominee

January 6th, 2015 9:11 PM
Doubling down on his comments on yesterday's Hardball, MSNBC host Chris Matthews held out that even if Hillary Clinton were to wage a dreadfully-run campaign, there's no way she would lose to a GOP nominee who disagrees with same-sex marriage and is pro-life.

A Republican Hosts 'Hardball,' Still Bashes GOP on Race

December 30th, 2014 12:17 PM
Is there a requirement for Republicans to host a show on MSNBC? Trash the GOP and you can anchor a program? Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele on Monday lectured his party about bigotry, wondering, "Is the Republican Party finally ready to confront the issue of race in America?" 

Year-End Awards: The Mean-Spirited, Nasty, Belligerent Chris Award

December 28th, 2014 10:04 AM
Today’s installment of the Media Research Center’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2014,” as selected by our 40 expert judges, the “MSNBC = Mean-Spirited, Nasty, Belligerent Chris Award.”

Year-End Awards: The Ku Klux Con Job Award

December 25th, 2014 11:55 AM
As we have all week, NewsBusters is reviewing the Media Research Center’s Best Notable Quotables of 2014, as a way to review the worst media bias of the year. Today, the Ku Klux Con Job Award for Smearing Conservatives with Phony Racism Charges.

Matthews: Colbert's Comedy Never 'Mean'; Does He Forget 2006 WHCA?

December 18th, 2014 8:55 PM
"Not once can I remember him being truly mean" when doing his shtick, Hardball host Chris Matthews gushed of Stephen Colbert during the "Let Me Finish" closing commentary for his December 18 program. Matthews was effusive in praise as he noted Thursday night would see the final edition of The Colbert Report before the comedian takes over the reins at CBS's Late Show from David Letterman. Does…

Chris Matthews Offers Lame Limbaugh Conspiracy Theory Re: 2016 Race

December 16th, 2014 9:03 PM
Just a few seconds after complaining that Rush Limbaugh has a loopy "conspiracy theory" for why former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (R) is seriously exploring a presidential bid in 2016, MSNBC's Chris Matthews offered his own, which amounted to this: Limbaugh opposes Jeb's bid because he "knows" a "Tea Party" GOP nominee would go down in flames to Hillary Clinton, thus ensuring him at least four…

Chris Matthews Trashes 'Balloon Head' 'Demagogue' Ted Cruz

December 16th, 2014 12:55 PM
Chris Matthews resorted to school yard name calling on Monday night, lashing out at Ted Cruz as a "balloon head" "demagogue" for his actions opposing Barack Obama's executive order on amnesty.