
Ed Henry: Why Can't Giuliani Slam Obama, Who Called Bush Unpatriotic?
February 22nd, 2015 4:57 PM
During a press conference on Friday, Ed Henry -- the Fox News Channel's chief White House correspondent -- stated that former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has been harshly criticized for claiming that Barack Obama does not love America.
Henry then compared that remark with one made by then-candidate Obama when he charged that then-president George W. Bush was “irresponsible” and “…
MSNBC: It's Fine to Question GOPers' Patriotism, But Not Obama's!
February 20th, 2015 12:05 PM
An outraged Chris Matthews on Thursday railed against Rudy Giuliani's assertion that Barack Obama doesn't "love America." The cable anchor assailed the idea that anyone's patriotism would be questioned. An odd assertion from an MSNBC host as they do it quite often. A wounded Matthews howled, "They're saying [Obama] doesn't love America!"

Matthews: Boehner Tried to 'Sneak' Netanyahu Into Country
February 18th, 2015 8:21 PM
Railing against Speaker Boehner's decision to invite Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress on his concerns about Iran, Hardball host Chris Matthews sneered that the Ohio Republican essentially attempted to "sneak" the Israeli Prime Minister into the country with the president completely unawares, and that all to curry favor with "crazy right-wing" evangelical Christians.
But of course the facts…

Matthews: America 'Getting Humiliated, Sounds Like We Can't Stop' ISIS
February 16th, 2015 9:13 PM
If once is an MSNBC aberration, is twice is a trend? Earlier today we reported on Ed Schultz getting surprisingly angry over the Obama administration's weakness in confronting ISIS, calling the situation a "religious war."
Just two hours later, Chris Matthews sounded a similar alarm, saying "if I were ISIS I wouldn't be afraid . . . the American people are getting humiliated . . . it sounds like…
Matthews Roasted Christie Over Bridgegate, Gloats Over 'Great Fall'
February 16th, 2015 11:54 AM
For seven straight shows in January of 2014, MSNBC's Chris Matthews hyperbolically compared Chris Christie's Bridgegate scandal to Watergate (with the Republican governor as the new Richard Nixon). The Hardball anchor on Friday took a victory lap while talking about Christie fading as a 2016 contender. Matthews trumpeted, " Well, does Chris Christie still have a path or a prayer to the presidency…
Matthews Smears GOP as Racist: No Longer the 'Party of Lincoln'
February 13th, 2015 5:07 PM
Chris Matthews on Thursday snarled that the Republican Party has rejected Abraham Lincoln and become the home to racists. The Hardball anchor equated voter ID laws with bigotry, sneering that "you would think" that "no political party would want to be seen putting up obstacles to voting, that no party would want to be seen as the declared enemy of a large voting group."

Matthews: London Mayor Can Run for POTUS; Constitution Disagrees
February 12th, 2015 8:52 PM
Buttering up his February 12 guest Boris Johnson, Hardball host Chris Matthews told the London mayor that he's eligible to run for president, given that he was born on U.S. soil. But Matthews apparently forgot the residency stipulation in the Constitution, one criterion that Johnson doesn't meet.

Race-Obsessed Chris Matthews Compares Notes with David Axelrod
February 11th, 2015 8:53 PM
Race-obsessed Hardball host Chris Matthews seems to have used the occasion of his February 11 interview with David Axelrod to puff up the former Obama campaign strategist as a gallant white liberal riding to the rescue of black Democratic politicians.

Chris Matthews Calls Christie 'The Fat Guy From New Jersey'
February 11th, 2015 8:21 PM
Imagine a Fox News host making an unflattering remark about some aspect of Hillary Clinton's appearance. Now imagine the MSM going into 24/7 outrage mode.
But on tonight's Hardball, Chris Matthews casually referred to Chris Christie as "the fat guy from New Jersey." And in walking back the crack, Matthews actually compounded his mistake. Rather than acknowledging that it's simply wrong to…

Chris Hayes: Obama 'Lied America Into Same-Sex Marriage'
February 10th, 2015 9:02 PM
Neither MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews nor any of his panelists for the February 10 program could bring themselves to using the L-word to describe President Obama's deceiving the public regarding his true feelings on same-sex marriage. By contrast, MSNBC host Chris Hayes repeatedly referred to Obama's lying in the opening segment of his February 10 All In program.

Matthews Hails Hillary Vaccine Tweet, Omits She Has Anti-Vaxxer Donors
February 4th, 2015 7:53 PM
On Wednesday, frequent MSNBC guest Jackie Kucinich published a story at the Daily Beast website detailing how some of Hillary Clinton's biggest backers are anti-vaxxer activists. So surely MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews brought Kucinich on his program to note Clinton's ties to nutty vaccine-deniers, right? Nope. To the contrary, Matthews opened his program gushing over Clinton's tweet from…

Chris Matthews Cheers Jeb's 'Guts' for Standing Up to Conservatives
February 4th, 2015 3:28 PM
Should GOP candidates take advice from Chris Matthews? The liberal host on Tuesday night cheered Jeb Bush for standing up to conservatives, touting the likely 2016 candidate for having "guts." The MSNBC anchor pleaded with Bush to keep it up. In a closing commentary, Matthews lauded: "I'm watching Jeb Bush show a lot of guts out there, defending national education standards, and the opportunity…

Chris Matthews: Blacks Should Not Vote GOP Until Reince Priebus Is Out
January 29th, 2015 5:57 PM
Hardball host Chris Matthews used a panel discussion about President Obama's attorney-general nominee Loretta Lynch on his Wednesday program as a convenient opportunity to slander conservative Republicans as seeking to repress the vote of Democratic constituencies in major cities.

Matthews to Dem Gov. Malloy: 'We Rooted for Your Reelection'
January 27th, 2015 8:02 PM
Thanking his guest Gov. Dannel Malloy for appearing on the January 27 Hardball to discuss his handling of the much-overhyped blizzard "Winter Storm Juno," MSNBC host Chris Matthews reminded the Connecticut Democrat that he and others at the Lean Forward network had "rooted" for his reelection.